It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Getting it done.

Leg Blaster
500m Row

10 Front Squat #185/#135
20 C2B Pull Ups
50 DU

EMOM for 10
snatch @ 70%

Strength- Romanian Deadlift
get to heaviest set of 10

Val- 14:38 (#115) / #95 / #135
Feidt- JB Time...don't know (165#) / 135# Snatch Work / XX
(did not like D/U so just worked a bit and moved on) 165#
tb- 12:49 / 135# / XX

Yoga with the girls today- Official: Those days will be coming back this year in the morning.
You just feel... Good!

Things are coming up... For all of us.. So get it done.

Things in the Fall tend to get, coaching, etc...
DO NOT neglect yourself in the process!!! It is easy to say it will only be a bit...sooner or later you find out you have replaced your "you time" with more stuff... All that "more stuff" will still be there and will always be there!  There is always more to do... What you do for yourself on a daily basis is extremely important to YOUR well being... Makes you a better father, mother, husband, wife, significant other, friend, coach, colleague, person to be around, etc

NOW...if you are focused on yourself for an entire day, while neglecting the daily routine of work (house or school)...then that is just selfish... What we are talking about here is 45-90minutes for yourself... Working out, Yoga, meditating, etc...This puts life in balance and perspective as well... So get it done.

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