It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

To Be Continued...

Sorry the posts have been so late...
Football two-a-days are long and tough...
Lots to do once practice has ended...

PLUS, Val is busy hitting volleyballs to the girls during FB practice ;-)

Today ~

800m Run
3 Rnds:
7 Squat Therapy
10 Lungewalks
Other warm-up as needed...

The Reuben (courtesy CFNE)
For Time:
25 Thrusters (95#/65#)
25 T2B
25 Box Jumps (24/20) games standard
25 T2B
25 Thrusters

3 x 2 min Max Rep D/U, 1min Rest b/t sets

800m run (if time)

Well, If time turned into warm-up and The Ruben...
Hopes were to get the 3 x 2min in @ break in two-a-days...Yea, Right!!!

Soooo... Tomorrow's Active rest will consist of at least an 800m Run, 3 x 2min Max D/U and some Rowing for sure...

Hepp ~ 11:16 (k2e)
Val ~ 10:36 / 55-67-84 (nice work on D/U...improvement from issues)
Feidt ~ 10:25
Syd ~ 8:30
tb ~ 7:42

Syd was a beast on box jumps thru the finish...not sure if he ever rested more than 10 sec after that! Short bursts with quick rest is the name of his game...He did the last round of 25 thrusters in 5's with a dropdown on 5 and picking it up within 3 breaths...(Which would be more work for me)...

Val was just solid on last set of thrusters...15 & 10 set...UNREAL!!!

Feidt...Just a hard worker... If JB cannot compete in Farmland Games we may be enlisting this guy!!!

tb "cheated" to games standard and did step ups for the box jumps...slower but no breaks thru the 25
Gamesmanship at its finest!!!

Hepp...snuck in his WOD after we all began...sliding under the radar of direct competition.
Similar to one Jacob Bertagnoli...he will join the group when he can dominate the WOD & the competition

1 comment:

  1. Hold up: Hitting with / Not at. I have to get ready for the season too... not all of us have 13 other coaches to delegate to... Imagine if you had to deliver every FB to your receivers.. Would you'r arm make it?
