It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, July 22, 2019


No Power...No Problem...
Well...LHS has power, but most of WR does not...

So working out and making the best of it.
LHS is open to public for locker rooms (showers, etc) and cafeteria from 7:30am - 3:30pm

Work to Heavy 3-RM
Escape from Wonderland (long time ago HERE)
3 RFT ~
75 D/U
50 Air Squats (no hands pushing on knees)
25/18 Cal Row
If you are decent at D/U's this workout comes down to the Air Squats...How fast can you clear them...
Like all rowing workouts, you cannot win it here, but you can lose it...
D/U take lungs and coordination!!!
If you are not great at D/U's...great workout to force yourself to get better!
Might get frustrating, but you will get better!

Drake ~ 385# /  helped others  squat then went to work...
Z.Wendt ~ 355# / 12:51 (3:45/8:27[4:42]/12:51[4:24])
tb ~ 275# / 12:48 (3:50/8:50 [5:00]/12:48 [3:58])
D/U ~ 34-75 / 3-7-11-15-21-75 / 75
AS ~ 5f+5s / 3f+3s (5) 5f+5s (2) / 5f+5s
Row ~ 1:11 / 1:14 / 1:01

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