Feels like home...
Actully the Programing & WOD's from Takeover and Jax compare very similarly...
We are back to CFJAX this week...
Starts with SOPHIA (that is the daughter of the owners/operators fo Jax)...Two this year...
Squat Clean Thruster (115# / 75#)
Double Unders
Bertag ~ 15:48
Britt ~ 18:26 (mod-95#)
Feidt ~ 22:40 (single unders x ? & thinks he missed a set)
Hepp ~ 23:24
Val ~ 26:23
E ~ 25:10 (mod-90# & singles x ??)
tb ~ 17:49
It was great having everyone in! Bertag was in BEASTMODE due to the large numbers...He had to prove that he is the best at D/U! Having Ethan join us was excellent...true warrior to come in and just get after it!
E and I did singles. My first 50 DU were awful!!.. something to work on!