It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So lets do a little check in...  It has been a while since I posted and since it is already past my bedtime and I am getting in an AM workout tomorrow with Syd.. why not stay up a bit longer for a few words.

The environment you choose to surround yourself with is a choice YOU make.  It defines the way you live, the role you play, and how you want to see yourself.  With that note: adjusting to life's changes takes time.  Taking on everything at once is not a way to start.  (I know my faults, but this is about you right now and not me.. I am almost done adjusting.)  A lot of us start small; first 5k, sprint-triathlon team, looking up thrusters on youtube and then doing them, getting a group together for AM tabata or WOD, and then as we start to find confidence we take another step. 
Confidence is huge.. YOU are your worst enemy before, during, and after.  It is how you choose to deal with decisions that lead to gains in confidence and in-turn a better environment for yourself.
          When things don't work out the first time: Try again, only this time, try harder
When your worried about being in the way: You're not
When people tell you they want you to be there: They truly do
When your training just didn't pan out because it was a crap outline by a dumba**, and a week before find out you can't run your first half-marathon because of it: You get healthy and you meet your goal.

SO, make a list of it all... everything you do, ALL of it.  JUST TRY THIS.  After you have it all written down make another list of what is truly, honestly, whole-heartedly important to you and your lifestyle (or the lifestyle you want to have).
THEN, compare the two.  What can change to make it work?  What needs to be crossed off the list?  What has ran it's course and really isn't apart of your present life?  What do you want?  What betters you?
NOW, make it happen.
**remember start with one and then continue on... hang it on the fridge, if you need a magnet I will make you one just for this reason only! (I can make good magnets)

A little motivation from PracticeCrossfit's Page.
Click the link. 
NOTE: This can apply to more than simply what is noted.

Just in case some of  you were wondering....

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