It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, November 10, 2017

WORK (Tabata style)

Max O. is better... That is good...
Prayers work and so does the Doctor!
But prayer doesn't hurt!!! Just remember that...

4 Rnds:
50s Light Bike/Row
10s Fast Bike/Row
3 Walkouts
5 Scap Retracitions

2 Rnds (low intensity)
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Kip Swings
9 HR Push Ups
12 Slow Air Squats
15 Sit Ups

Not for time, just move thru at a comfortable pace
0-5 min:
5 Horizontal Ring Rows
20s Hollow Rocks

5-10 min:
2 Wall Walks
2 Pausing C2B Pull Ups*
*2sec Pause at top... Sub Pausing Chin-Over Bar Pull Ups if  you have no C2B

10-15 min:
10 HS Weight Shifts
3 Bar MU (3 C2B + 3 Bar Dips)

Jerk Skill
Every 90s x 6 sets (climb)
1 Pause Push Jerk
1 Pause Split Jerk

Alternating Tabata Protocal (20s work/10s Rest)
Back Squat (Empty BB)

20s Max # Back squats...then 10s Rest...20s Max D/U...10s Rest...Max # Back Squats...continue for 8 sets each!!! 8 minutes of Working!!!
Record however you like...

Klonowski ~ Did the Leg Stand with us... BS & Single Unders... 12 was ave for BS!
Stan ~ BS ~ 13-12-12-13-13-13-17-19 / Singles ~ 43-50-50-50-48-47-50-48
Wendt ~ BS ~ 14-13-13-13-13-13-14-14 (107) / D/U ~ 23-24-32-30-31-25-34-21 (220)
tb ~ BS ~ 13-13-13-13-13-14-14-14 (107) / D/U ~ 37-40-36-41-35-40-31-31 (291)

You alone, have I grieved by my sin; have pity on me, O Lord.

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