It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two fer ONE

#1 ~ Val... Great post!

#2 ~ I was busy yesterday and really all week, so I appologize for how these WOD's/blogs will be posted...
Following JAX...

Monday WOD
3 Rounds Total of:
Max Reps in 2 Min ~ Wall Ball (20#/14#)
Max Reps in 2 Min ~ Knees to Elbows
Max Reps in 2 Min ~ Clapper Push Ups
Max Reps in 2 Min ~ Box Jumps (24"/20")
1 Min b/t Rounds [8min/round] (FGB Style)

Total for each Round = TOTAL REPS (WB / K2E / Clappers / BJ)
Britt ~ 123 / 106 / 105 = 334 (104 / 77 / 69 / 84)
Feidt ~ 112 / 91 / 95 = 298 (98 / 67 / 77 / 56)
Krom ~ 121 / 99 / 95 = 315 (94 / 76 / 74 / 71)
Val ~ 124 / 110 / X = 234 (72 / 41 / 50 / 71) hand bleeding/time to go
tb ~ 128 / 107 / 110 = 345 (90 / 108 / 74 / 73)
Simon ~ 121 / 118 / 104 = 333 (76 / 101 / 68 / 88)
T-Lev ~ 120 / 118 / 115 = 353 (104 / 83 / 69 / 97)
Hansen ~ 118 / 110 / 96 = 324 (91 / 75 / 91 / 67)

Tuesday WOD
5 x Max Reps HSPU
3 Min Rest b/t Rounds

For Time:
400m Run
75 Snatches (75#)
400m Run

Britt ~ 10/11/7/9/8 ~ 11:29 (65#)
tb ~ 6/6/5/4/4 ~ 12:38
Simon ~ ?/?/?/?/? ~ 12:23
Hansen ~ 5/5/4/2/3 ~ 11:44
Ksion ~ 3/3/3/3/2 ~ 12:20
T-Lev ~ 5/3/1/2/2 ~ 12:05

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