Anytime YOU are ready!!!
Start the WOD when you are ready to go...
Give your best effort...
If you need more warm-up / Tech / Mobility ... TAKE IT.
So you start 1 minute or 10 minutes after the group/people...
Just start when you are ready to give your best!
Remember...SOME, not all of this workout secret is to push yourself as hard as you can.
While working with others CAN help you push HARDER...It can also get in the way if you are not mentally or physically ready to GO!!!
Need help with subs/alterations on exercises...ASK... need to lower a weight and not sure what to use...ASK!
The WOD's are to help YOU get better...Push YOU to your limits!
Hot Tamalé PLUS
4 RFT ~
5 Power Cleans (185#/135#) or (205#)
200m Run (205# & Row)
Then...when you are ready...
15-10-5 Muscle Ups (Pull Ups / Dips)
30-20-10 GHD Sit Ups
Oz ~ 45.3-46.7-46.7-46.0 (5-Line Drill WU) / 9:00 (185x2rnds / 175x2rnds)
Jb ~ ???
Val ~ 7:49 (95-105-115-125) / Pull Ups & GHDSU - ??
Daliege ~ 5:15 (155#) / Pull Ups/Dips & Abmat
Witt ~ ?? (@65#) / Feet on Bar PU / L-Dips & Abmat
tb ~ 7:11 (@205/Row) / 16:52 (thought MU were going to break my thumb off!!! Almost quit)
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