It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, March 30, 2015


Spring Break is here...which means there is not much more school left...

Or at least the time will be just flying by...

Gone at WFCA Football Clinic and had to perform 15.5 @ Friday Night Lights, sponsored by Crossfit Farmland...

What an atmosphere...of course, yours truly was as scared as a little kid in a dark woods.
Walking into a crowded place of unknown people is NOT something that excites me very much. In fact I started sweating as I left the hotel, just driving over to Farmland...
"What the heck am I doing?"
"I should just wait until Sunday (at home) to test"
"Why did you sign up for are an idiot!"

All statements that I said to myself on the ride to Farmland... Almost turned around 3 different times on the way there! TRUE!!!

Once I got there it was no registered and got out of there for an hour. I drove to a gas station to get H2O and beverages, but more importantly, to be away from everyone I did not know!

Came back and started thinking that I would not make the time cap (they had one for the event)...and in the first 4 heats, there were people that did not make it... "Oh great... I am going to be that guy in the 7th heat...holding everyone back..." "Why would they put me in the 7th (out of 8) heat?!?!?" What were they thinking?!?!"

Needless to say, I "hid-out" in a corner of the gym for another hour before I had to really warm-up...

In the end, it was great...Next year, WE (AOWR crew) will have to go down for 1-2 of the FNL's.

Oh...I did not finish last and I made it under the time cap!

tb ~ 15.5 = 10:43


1 RFT ~
30 Pull Ups
50 Abmat Sit Ups
70 D/U (100 Singles)
immediately followed by...
2 RFT ~
20 Pull Ups
40 Abmat Sit Ups
60 D/U (75 Singles)
immediately followed by...
3 RFT ~
10 Pull Ups
20 Abmat Sit Ups
40 D/U (50 Singles)

Val ~ 4:26 / 12:45 (8:19) / 18:36 (5:51)
Drake ~ 4:55 / 13:08 (8:13) / 19:45 (6:37)
Farris ~ ???? / ???? / 20:15

tb ~ ReTest w/ some strategy on 15.5...Going for under 10min... DNF!
...hmmm...then I second guessed myself & thought I should have finished... May have been under 10:43...S-O-B!!! The things we say to ourselves during workouts...just amazing... I was very happy with my 27 & 21 rounds...then the 15's just crushed me... I was tired, but I mean my will power...I was just crushed and it felt like the clock was just going faster and faster... I tried to quit at 13 thrusters and Val said to keep going...I was still ahead... finished and then got to the rower and for some reason just felt I could not beat the time...AND QUIT with less than 60-75 seconds to go...
I really have a hard time "letting-go" in a workout and just working...I am constantly thinking, time, reps, strategy, etc

Oh, well... lets see where 10:43 get me...

BTW ~ others tested in 15.5 yesterday... Tyler Wendt completed his 2nd Year in the open.
Zach Wendt completed his first year in Teen Division
Drake Biolo completed his first year in Teen Division
Ethan Tonn completed his first year in Open (even though he forgot to enter last weeks score)
Val Tonn completed her 3rd year in the Open (same as E for 15.4)

Due to the "forgetting" to submit scores for 15.4... The TONN's did a little Spouse Challenge for 15.5! Epic Battle...

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