It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Speedy Recovery...

Feelin' it today... But have to get back to the grind!!! Work it out!!!

Mobilize ~ 10min
1 Rnd ~ SmashweRx Warm Up
21-18-15 Cal Bike
b/t each Round:
5 Inchworms
10 Superman Rocks
5 Wall Squats
10 Air Squats
4 x 6 (across)
~ increase from last week or 75-80% 1RM

3 RFT:
30/21 Cal Row
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (left arm)
10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (right arm)
DB = 50#/35# - adjust as needed...but you should be able to get 10 in a row when fresh!
Must complete ALL 10 C&J's on one side before alternating the arms...

C.Drake ~ 16:30
A.Johns ~ 18:18 (30# DB)
T.Wendt ~ 11:34
Z.Wendt ~ 13:52 (40# DB)
tb ~ 16:56 (rows were 1:22/1:38/1:58...sheesh...the slow down / WB's were 10-10-5/7-7-7-4/10-10-5 / DB C&J's were UB each side w/ a break b/t sides)
Whatever you do, whether in speech or in action, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Soreness & the Day after Murph matter how hard we prepare, there is a soreness that Murph brings on that cannot compare to other WOD's...
Unless you are specifically working on 200+ Push Ups & 300+ Air Squats almost daily for a month or more, I do not thing you are really "prepared" for this WOD.
Are we prepared for MURPH?
Generally speaking...Yes...We are ready for anything!
Specifically speaking...No...Most WOD's do not entail more than a mile of running and 500+ Reps of anything...
This is one of those WOD's that you do every once in a while...Not daily...
UNLESS you are doing 10K, 1/2 Marathon, or Marathon-type training regime

Today is a day to "work-out" the kinks/soreness/etc...

3 Rnds ~
60s Slow Bike
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman Rocks
30s Faster Bike
8 BB Good Mornings
4 Inchworms
15s Fastest Bike
5 Stiff-Leg DL (empty BB)
5 Deadlift (empty BB or Light Load...Form Work)
4 x 8 (climbing...specifically working form ~ Butt Back!!!)
For Time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Abmat Sit Ups
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4 Cal Bike
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Deadlift* (275#/185#)
*Deadlift should be a HEAVY weight, but one you are confident you could get 10 unbroken reps when fresh!
The only part that should be broken up in this WOD is the DL (IF you have to!)...Steady and consistent on the abmats and keep pedaling on the bike...then get the work done on DL!!!

Roll / Mobilize / SmashweRx for 10min to finish today...Assists in the recovery process

Daliege ~ 14:42 (@225#)
T.Wendt ~ 135# / 10:12
Z.Wendt ~ 95# / 14:31
tb ~ 95# / 12:35
Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my arms for battle, who prepares my hands for war.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day...


Memorial Day is an American Holiday, HONORING the men & women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms here in the USA! Particularly those who lost their lives in battle.
How do you HONOR the fallen? There are countless ways...

One of our ways of honoring them for us at CrossFit WR is to give a small part of ourselves in this workout!
Give what you what you can...but remember, there were those out there that gave ALL they could defending our country...YOUR freedom!

It may seem cliche and many of us do not know (or cannot even fathom) a world or living without the freedoms this great country affords us...But any military person will tell you...Other countries DO NOT have the same freedoms/equalities as what we have here in the USA!

We have been "honoring them" by performing Memorial Day Murph for some time now...We started this WAAAAYY back in 2011...HERE
In honor of those men & women we will be performing MURPH...
Nationally, it is the Murph Challenge

Want to know about MURPH (Lt. Michael Murphy) and his leadership...
Take the 5 minutes to watch THIS scene from Lone Survivor.
If you have not read the book, you should...HERE it is on audiobook...

So...when doing this workout...when you feel like quitting, remind yourself, that others gave more, and all you have to do is just keep going...after all, it is only a workout!

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
w/ 20# vest if you wish

1/2 Murph ~ 800m Run ~ 50 Pull Ups-100 Push Ups-150 A.Squats ~ 800m Run
1/4 Murph ~ 400
OR Any way you need to adjust to make you feel comfortable...
Modified Pull Ups, adjust the run, etc


Here we go gang...RESULTS:
Compare to your previous scores...
If this is your first time...congrats...You have a PR...
D.Rickaby ~ 36:56
A.Schutz ~ 44:20
L.Schuerman ~ 48:50
M.Herman ~ 49:53
J.Tritz ~ 35:45
K.Tritz ~ 39:27
G.Junemann ~ 48:56
C.Junemann ~ 51:48
S.Varsho ~ 38:40
J.Bishop ~ 38:07
N.Daliege ~ 39:50
B.Daliege ~ 47:47
E.Britt ~ ???
E.Tonn ~ 51:23
V.Tonn ~ 64:01 (mod)
Z.Wendt ~ 43:08
A.Johns ~ 64:00
S.Brehm ~ 37:16 (7:53 / OTM Cindy w/ 60s break at Rnd #10 / 8:00)
D.Biolo ~ 45:27
tb ~ 47:50 (8:40 / 29:12 to complete the work / 9:58)
I had a GREAT push at the end by Brehm!!! Came out and made me sprint the last 200m
My plan of Run-Walk turned out ok, but had a push in the middle that left me gassed...
Run 6 breaths...walk 6 breaths... could be good in future runs!!!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Double Tough

Well...two days on the water (LHS Canoe Trip) and a Sectional Track Meet...
Man...yesterday (Thursday) I was just sore ALL Day in the canoe... Back sore and could not get loosened up...Mobilized in the AM and thought everything would go away...NOPE!

Then today...low back was sore and I REALLY thought about NOT doing workout...Knowing Murph was coming...Then thought about lowering the weight...but the ego said NO WAY... Just take it S-L-O-W and work thru it! Well...slow it was...WOW...NOT a good time at all and the back never really felt good...
Getting into the canoe today...Nothing...FELT GREAT...don't know what happened b/t 6am and 8am, but I felt super all day!!! Strange...

OTM x 12:
40s Bike
40s Alt Sampson
40s Row
40s Spidey & Reach
40s Run
40s Wall Squats
BB Warm Up
DT (Past HERE)
5 RFT ~
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Some KEY points...If you are going to break...Break after 11 DL, 8 HPC...TRY not to break the 6 PJ' would have to DL & HPC just to regain the Push Jerks!!!
I did break much more than this, but was VERY consious of breaking at 11 DL then getting 12th and going into the Hang Power Cleans...Again, breaking on 5 then on 3 saving the last HPC to get into the Push Jerks...

Daliege ~ 8:?? (135#)
A.Johns ~ 8:02 (75#)
Libby S ~ 7:57 (75#)
Z.Wendt ~ 12:02 (1st time at 155#!!! Nice work)
tb ~ 13:38 (Sucked and slow, but not injured!!!)
Trust in the Lord, for He is good!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Annual Event

Memorial Day Murph is coming...
We have been doing Memorial Day Murph for some time...
Nationally it has become "The Murph Challenge"...Info HERE
You do not need to Register & CrossFit WR is not an official sponsor...we just DO the workout and MANY modifications of the workout...
It has become an annual event, even if just 2-3 of us do it...
This WOD & AnythingOnce is far more about sweating, fitness, remembering our fallen (it is Memorial Day, BTW), working out with friends & family... HERE is some of the past

That being said...
Monday ~ May 28th ~ CrossFit WR (aka-LHS Wt. Room)
7:30-7:50 ~ Warm-up (Set-up & Instructions)
7:55 ~ Group Picture
8:00am ~ Start
Remember ~ Murph can be scaled (adjusted) for any level of fitness or ability...Come join the fun and the friendship & get a sweat going at the same time!

Today's WOD (Double Decker) has been done before...HERE
Mobilize & Flex
Calorie Bike
5 Push Ups
7 Sit Ups
9 Air Squats
Snatch-Grip BBWU + Jump Rope
5 Good Mornings + 5 Back Squats
30 Singles
5 Elbow Rot. + 5 Sotts Press (or Strict Press)
20 Fast Singles
5 Stiff-Leg DL + 5 OHS
10 D/U
4x6 @ 75%
AMRAP in 15min:
15 Power Snatches (75/55)
30 D/U
15 Wall Ball
30 D/U

Casey ~ 4 rnds + ???
Oz ~ ???
Z.Wendt ~ 125# / 4 Rnds + 42 reps (27 D/U)
tb ~ 155# / 5 Rnds + 1 rep
Form my heart according to Your will, O Lord!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sugar is Sweet

Mobilize / Roll

3 Rnds ~
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman Rocks
300m Row
5-4 = Spidey & Reach
3-2-1 = Inchworms
100m Run b/t each rnd
50-70% working wt
200m Run + 7 DL
100m Run + 5 DL
100% Workout Wt
100m Run + 3 DL
100m Run + 3 DL
Rest 5m & Go...
For Time:
21 DL + 400m Run
15 DL + 400m Run
9 DL + 400m Run
Wt = 225/155
Row Conditioning
3 Rnds for TOTAL time:
27/20 Cal Row
60s Rest
21/15 Cal Row
30s Rest
15/10 Cal Row
2m Rest after 1st & 2nd rnd...
Use a continuous clock and the rest counts for total time...

A.Johns ~ 11:51 (145#DL) / 18:17 (1:15-1:03-:41 / 1:23-1:08-:51 / 1:33-1:05-:48)
Z. Wendt ~ 8:12 /
tb ~ 10:07 (finished 9DL @7:45...sheesh) / 16:30 (1:15-:55-:36 / 1:07-:54-37 / 1:05-:52-:39)
God is Good!

Monday, May 21, 2018


Mobilize & Flex
3min Light Row / Run
60s Alt Sampson Stretch
1 Rnd STRICT Cindy
10 Mini-Hurdle Hops
60s Spidey & Reach
1 Rnd STRICT Cindy
10 Mini-Hurdle Hops
60s Warrior Squat
BB Warm-Up
OTM x 10m:
2 x Box Squats (@60% Max Back Squat)

4 x 7  (climbing)

NOT for time, but if you know it, that is fine...
Bent-Over Row
DB Bench Press
*10 Abmat Sit Ups b/t Rnds (or 200m Run, if you want)

A.Johns ~ 120# / 95-105-115-125 / 14:51 (w/ 200m)
Z. Wendt ~ 235# / 200-210-225-235 /
tb ~ 215# / 185-190-200-210 / 95# & 40#DB ... 10 Abmats b/t

The Lord is great and worthy to be praised

Friday, May 18, 2018

Race Boat...

A familiar little ditty today...
Boat Race... Done HERE (8.1.17) & HERE (4.11.17)

Nice day for a run... two laps on the outside of the Wt. Room was the 400m Run...much nicer than 3 laps indoors...

ALT OTM x 12m:
40s Light Bike
40s Alt. Sampson
40s Light Row
40s Spidey & Reach
40s Shuttle Run
40s Wall Squats
Gradually increase intensity...
200m Row + 200m Run
1-2m Rest
150m Row + 150m Run
1-2m Rest
100m Row + 100m Run
3 Rnds for Time:
500m Row
400m Run
EXACTLY 3min REST b/t Rnds

OTM x 12:
odd = 60s Recovery Bike
even = Max Strict HSPU in 45s

C.Drake ~ 16:30-ish I believe he said...
A.Johns ~ 22:05 (5:14-5:23-5:28)
Z.Wendt ~ 16:31 (3:26-3:33-3:32)
T.Wendt ~ 15:55 (3:12-3:21-3:22)
tb ~ 17:45 (3:56[1:49Row]-3:55[1:47]-3:54[1:49]) / 5-6-5-2-2-2 HSPU
Come Holy Spirit, come into my heart...and fill the hearts of the faithful!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Twice Shy

Did this little baby before...HERE

Warm Up
2 Rnds ~
500m Light Row
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 OHS
15 Abmat Sit Ups
60s Wall Squats w/ some resting at top
Snatch-Grip BB Warm Up
OTM x 7 Min:
Pause Snatch-Grip DL (2s Pause just below knees)
+ Low Hang Snatch
2 Rnds ~
3 C2B Pull Ups
3 Squat Snatches
REST 2-3 min...
Squat Snatch (95/65)
C2B Pull Ups

Z.Wendt ~ 95-95-115-115-135-135-135 / 9:55
tb ~ 95-95-115-115-135-135-135 / 7:58

Break-up was good for me...SS = 7-7-4-3* / 7-4-2-2* / 6-3* / C2B = 7-7-4-3 / 8-4-3 / 9
21's = 3:21 / Off 15 SS @ 5:22 (not happy about that!!!) / 15's = 6:39
I will praise You, Lord my God, with all my heart and glorify your name forever.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Interval Work

Mobilize...Roll Out
3 Rnds ~
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman Rocks
10 Cal Row
Spiderman & Reach
2 Rnds ~ (Build in intensity)
15 Air Squats
10 Cal Row
5 Burpees over the Rower
60s Rest b/t Rnds
5 Rnds (Begin Every 4 Minutes) ~
30 Air Squats
20/14 Cal Row
10 Lateral Burpees over the Rower (Jmp down & up/games standard)
*Official Score is SLOWEST RND!

Daliege ~ 20cal Bike ~ 2:36 / 2:38 / 2:54 / 2:53 / 2:55
A.Johns ~ 2:55 (10burpees) / 2:49 / 2:50 / 2:46 / 3:04 (7 Burpees for Rnds 2-5)
Z.Wendt ~ 2:12 / 2:12 / 2:14 / 2:12 / 2:11
tb ~ 2:14 / 2:12 / 2:14 / 2:15 / 2:04
SOB!?!? I even said (and thought) to PUSH it thru the 4th round...STILL my slowest round...
A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace;
in peace, for its trust in You.
Trust in the Lord forever! 
For the Lord is an eternal Rock.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Strength DeLoad + Met-Con Intensity

3m Slow Bike/Row
60s ~ Alt Sampson Stretch
1 Rnd STRICT Cindy
30 D/U
6 Reps Each of SmashweRx Warm-Up
1 Rnd STRICT Cindy
30 D/U
60s ~ Couch Stretch
BB Warm-UP
Power Clean & Jerk (135#/95#)
50 D/U after EACH round (including the 2!)
Basically Grace + 250 D/U...

30 Wall Walks (wall crawl)
~ For good form, not speed...2s pause at top hold...Controled coming down!

Syd ~ ??? (95# C&J)
A.Johns ~ 7:37 (75# & 60singles)
Z. Wendt ~ 7:44 (7:00 done w/ 2 C&J's)
tb ~ 6:31 (5:50 done w/ 2 C&J's...ALL 50's were UB!!!)

I will praise the Lord with all my heart, soul & spirit!

Friday, May 11, 2018


OTM x 12min:
40s ~ Light Row
40s ~ Alt. Sampson
40s ~ Light Shuttle Run
40s ~ Spidey & Reach
40s ~ Light Bike
40s ~ Wall Squats
BB Warm-UP
Front Squat
Every 2:30 x 4 Rnds
8 Reps @
8 Reps @
6 Reps @
5 Reps @
OTM x 3
1 Rep @ 92%

3 x 16 DB Step Ups (20)

AMRAP in 13min:
50 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)
40 Burpees
30 TTB
20 Kipping HSPU

A.Johns ~ 95-105-120-135-no singles / 1 Rnd + 10 (HR Push Ups)
Z.Wendt ~ ??-??-??-?? / 295 singles / 1 Rnd + 11
tb ~ 185-200-215-225-no singles / 1 Rnd + 10

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wed Work...

Warm Up
500m Light Row
2 Rnds ~
10 Hip Extensions
10 Hollow Rocks
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Superman Holds
3 Walkouts
30s Sampsion (ea way)
3-Position Clean & Jerk
OT 2Min x 6 (climing)
High Hang
Split Jerk
3 RFT ~
10 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
400m Run
3 laps w/ bar set on grey

A.Johns ~ 95# / 12:10 (@65#)
Z.Wendt ~ 185# / 8:44
tb ~ 185# / 9:46 (last 400m 2:18... / 1&2 were 10 UB C&J...4-3-1-1-1 for last rnd)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

IT's ON...alaska...

For tonights track meet...

3 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups + 10 HR Push Ups + 15 Sit Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman Rocks
15 Cal Row
Spidey & Reach
Work to Heavy Set of 3 in Deadlift
AMRAP in 15min:
60 D/U
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
15 Deadlift (245#/165#)
Gymnastics Pressing (improve reps from HERE)
OTM x 12min:
1 = X number of reps
2 = Y number of reps
3 = Z number of reps
4 = REST
2 more rounds of this...
*pick a number of reps you feel you can sustain for 3 rnds of this...
(I did 2-1-1 my first week...then 3-2-1 the for 3-2-2)

A.Johns ~ 165# / 2 + 30 wall balls (120 singles + 135#)
Daliege ~ 315# / 3 + 15 D/U (30 D/U per round)
Z.Wendt ~ 315# / 3 + 49 D/U
tb ~ 315#  / 3 + 2 WB / 3-2-2 for STRICT HSPU
DL were fastest at 3 + 3 breaths... WB = 8-8-8-6

Monday Strong!

Time to get STRONG...well...sort of for me!
VERY Strong for Autumn and Zach!!! But the comeback is on for me...
Left groin/leg is crap still back from Thanksgiving...
The groin just burns...cannot even get a pistol with the left, but never see the compensation when doing double-leg work...

I think just volume of squats (and focus) to get it back...biggest part will be TIME and Patience...

1-2 min of Paleo Chair
2 Rnds of SmashweRX Warm Up
2 Rnds of Strict Cindy
60s Russian BB
2 Rnds Strict Cindy
60s LaX Ball foot smash (each foot)
BB Warm-UP
2 Sets (rest 2min b/t)
10 Front Rack Step Ups
7 BB Rollouts
WAVE SQUAT (Back Squat)
On the 3 minutes:
5-3-1 rep scheme
75-80-85-80-85-90-85-90-95 (%)
Rest 2min after last one then...
15 Front Squat @ 53% of Back Sqt Max
Body Armour
2-3 Rnds ~
Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
20 DBL KBS (Russian or eye level)
20 DBL KB Step-Back Lunges
20 Glute Bridges

A.Johns ~ 155-165-175-165-175-185-175-185-195 / 15 @ 105
Z.Wendt ~ 285-305-325-305-325-345-325-345-365
tb ~ 240-255-275-255-275-285 / 2x15 @175

Friday, May 4, 2018

Good Day Mate!

2 Rnds:
10 Spidey & Reach
10 Side-Plank Reach Thrus
10 Down Dog Toe Slaps
10 Kneeling Thoracic Rot.
10 Tempo Air Squats
2 Rnds ~
3 Scap Ret + 3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Russian BB
9 Wall Squats
12 Sit Ups
2 Rnds ~
30s Wall Facing Handstand
30s Superman Hold
30s Side Plank (15 ea)
30s Front Rack Hold
AMRAP in 20min:
200m Run
20/14 Cal Row
2 Rnds STRICT Cindy (5 Strict PU + 10 HR Push Ups + 15 Air Squats)
* if you cannot get 5 strict PU, ajust to 3 or do banded... DO NOT make the workout about the Pull Ups...IT IS ABOUT THE TEMPO...keeping yourself moving!!!
200m Run counts as 1 Rep! / 1 Cal = 1 Rep

Z.Wendt ~ 3 Rnds + 36 Reps (10 Push Ups on 1st rnd)
tb ~ 4 Rnds (4:20-9:26-14:49-19:40...not enough time for 200m run)

My son, to my words be attentive, to my sayings incline your ear. ~ Proverbs 4:20

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Over and (Power) Out...

Banded Paleo Chair
Kneeling Thoracic

500m Light Row
2 Rnds ~
10 Hip Extensions
10 Hollow Rocks
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Supermans
2 Rnds~
3 Walkouts
30s Sampson Stretch
BB Warm-Up
Work to Heavy 1 Rep...
then... 4 x 6 @ 65% (of what you just did for Heavy)

In a 5min window:
100 D/U* (buy-in)
AMRAP in remaining time:
12 Power Cleans (115/80)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
~ 5 MIN REST ~
In a 5min window:
100 D/U* (buy-in)
AMRAP in remaining time:
8 Power Cleans (135/95)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
~ 5 MIN REST ~
In a 5min window:
100 D/U* (buy-in)
AMRAP in remaining time:
4 Power Cleans (155/105)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
*This is not a D/U workout! If you are proficient at them, get to 100 as fast as possible. IF you are not, get as many as you can in 2min, if you clear 100 before then, then you get some extra time...but DO NOT spend your time trying to get to 100...
200 Singles is a good sub, if you can string together a few D/U, then get some w/in the 2min

A.Johns ~ 85# / 2rnds / 2rnds / 2rnds + 4reps
Z. Wendt ~ 185# / 2rnds + 12reps / 2rnds / 3rnds + 2reps
tb ~ 195# (missed 205 on 2 attempts) / 2rnds + 14reps / 3rnds + 4 reps / 4rnds

But whoever obeys me dwells in security, in peace, without fear of harm. ~ Proverbs 1:33

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Oh Jerry!!!

Daliege was in...but Casey was not... That is good... Casey would have KILLED this WOD...
Sets us ALL up for feeling crumby!!!

1-2 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Supermans
Spidey & Reach
For Time:
1 Mile Run
2K Row
1 Mile Run
*Goal is to PUSH the 2nd Mile...go about 10-15s slower than your 2k pace on row...
PUSH that 2nd Run...
For Time:
100 Abmat Sit Ups (cannot anchor feet)

A.Johns ~ 800m/2K/800m ~ 23:40
Daliege ~ 25:34 (2 school laps ~ 7:45/8:15/??)
Z.Wendt ~ 28:24 (2 school laps each time)
tb ~ 26:58 (12 Laps ~ 9:15/8:13/8:58...may have done an extra lap in first mile...)

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your spirit!