It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, January 7, 2019

BP Open

We had more in doing the workout & many have actually signed up to compete...
CrossFit WR is represented!!!

3 Rnds ~
60s Row (slowly increase intensity each round)
7 Wall Squats
7 KB Swings
7 Scap Retractions
Ascending Reps for Rounds On-The-Minute:
2 x Air Squats or (Pistols)
Unbroken Double KB Hang Clean & Jerk* (Rx ~ 50#/35# / Scaled ~ 35#/24#)
* Bells cannot touch ground until ALL reps for the round are completed...
You can go for Extra Reps of UB DBL KB Clean & Jerks, but they must remain UB...
There is a stratagy here to get some extra reps in...
Early rounds work for a few extra reps, but leave some time for recovery...
tie breaker is the round you were on, but someone can have more reps with less rounds & that is the better score!

AJohns ~136.10 (awsome improvement from Friday)
Ladick ~ 117.09 (scaled Open)
Daliege ~ 140.10 (scaled Master)
S.Brehm ~ 143.10 (scaled Master)
V.Tonn ~ 126.10 (scaled Open)
Z. Wendt ~ 144.10 (Scaled Open)
T.Wendt ~ 114.09 (Rx)
tb ~ 66.07 (Rx)  ~ much worse than Friday...

I was bent over after 7th rnd and just getting ready to move the KB's a bit...
WHAM!!! Rt. Low Back...blew-out...spasmed up...whatever...I did not even continue!
Need to figure this out...
It SUCKS...May go to bdywt exercises for a while, or going in to get it checked...
Glory be to You, Lord Jesus Christ!

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