It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The next couple of weeks we will be experimenting with Crossfit Inferno's programming...

"Feel the Burn!" is how these guys end their comments...

This WOD was their's for Tuesday, May 31st...after Memorial Day MURPH

Some of 'Dis
DB Ground-to-Overhead (50# DB's recomended)
Double Unders

Britt ~ 40# / 21:50
tb ~ 55# / 31:12
Hansen ~ 55# / 29:14
Fiegel ~ 50# / 21:22
Reeder ~ 50# / 24:13
Sneen ~ 35# / 27:50
Bender ~ 45# / 23:13

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Murph

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
* You can partition the exercises anyway you like...If you have a 20# vest, throw it on and give it a try!

Britt ~ 73:25 w/ 20# vest
tb ~ 74:05 w/ 20# vest ... Worst time EVER ... Better start watching nutrition again...
Hepp ~ 55:48 (w/ 20# vest)...Great Time...
Feidt ~ 67:??
Hansen ~ 61:17 w/ 20# vest
Goska ~ 66:??

Always Remember!!!  Be grateful for the freedoms we are afforded...take nothing for granted, for it is due to many valiant and courageous men and women that this GREAT COUNTRY was formed and exists...Even now, in our (sometimes) tough times...Know that someone else has paid a greater price than we to be able to be afforded the comforts that we have.

Be thankful this Memorial Day for ALL the men & women whom have paid the ultimate price.  If you are fortunate to be related to a fallen warrior...Pray for them this day...Know that many more are praying for them as well!

Heaven Got Another Angel

GREAT SPEECH on our Men & Women in the Armed Forces...
These BRAVE SOULS protect our FREEDOM and afford us the luxuries and easy living we do on a daily basis...Take time today to pray for them, keep them in your thoughts and be PROUD to be an AMERICAN!
Watch this video till the end & you will understand the "AMERICAN" comment!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Murph

We will be meeting at LHS Wt. Room...
Monday, May 30th for the 
1st Annual Memorial Day Murph

Come join...Remember this WOD (like all WOD's) is scalable for every level of strength & fitness.

As Britt so eloquently put it in the earlier post this is about MUCH MORE than staying in shape!  It is about teamwork, friendship, community, helping each other, etc.  I will leave the words of wisdom to Val & Britt!  They write so much better than I do...  But what I feel in my heart is EXACTLY what they write on!


That sick feeling...

You know that sick feeling you get just before you start a tough WOD... We did not feel that today!  STEPHEN looked like a good WOD that would tax the pillar area (abs and lower back).  No where in the evaluating process did it look like a "beat-down, feel like puking" WOD... O yee of little faith!

STEPHEN is a mean, tough SOB!!!

After the 2nd round we were feeling it and 3rd and 4th rounds were BRUTAL...fatigue was terrible, holding back puke was all we could muster up energy for, not to mention finishing!

GHD Sit Ups
GHD Back Extension
Stiff-Leg DL (95#)

Syd ~ 36:17
tb ~ 34:29

Third Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry member Corporal Stephen Bouzane, 26, was killed by an IED strike June 20th, 2007 in the Panjwaii district in Afghanistan. He is survived by his parents Fred and Moureen Bouzane and his sister Kelly.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Professional Development

In our recent time as AnythingOnce Bloggers and Followers, our focus has usually been directed toward several things. Teamwork, guidance, self-improvement, reflection, and knowledge - seems to work in some sort of cycle. We do physical activities (marathons, triathalons, fun-runs, WODs) as an excuse to subliminally execute all of the terms referenced above.

We may not know consciously we are doing these things, but, in essence we are. We critique our form, and each others' form. We look at, and are conscious of the things we put in our mouths to fuel our bodies. We read documents and watch videos outlining form, diet, programs, coaching, etc. Teamwork, guidance, self-improvement, reflection, knowledge. These are staples of AnythingOnce.

As I sit here at my desk on Friday afternoon, I look around and feel really good about the moment. It is special. The sun is shining and it is wonderful outside...After this post I'm going to soak up the sun for a nice long weekend to prepare for Murphy Monday. Where I'm going with this post is somewhere far from the physical activity connection we come to the AnythingOnce blog for. I'm going to a place of motivation. Our dear Valerie is one who constantly motivates one another though this blog. For that, we thank her and it is my turn to supplement her efforts.

Where are we going? What are we doing to prepare? Physically, we practice good habits to live longer and hopefully healthier lives and it translates to a better mental health as well. Mind-body connection, anyone?

Professionally, we all must be focused on where we are going. Time does not stand still. It never will. Change is inevitable. We have heard these sayings and many like them time and time again. Where are you going? What changes are you going to make? What are your intentions? If you just answered these questions in your mind, then ask yourself another... What steps are you taking to get there?

Pick up a book and immerse yourself in the topic. There is more information in this world than any single person can master. I have found that if you are genuinely interested in a topic, more of the same topic seems to flow your way. You read one book, and there are at least three references to other books on the same topic. The world has a weird sense or aligning things in your favor if your intentions are focused in that general direction.

Once you are focused, the gears turn...Fast. Ideas start flowing. You start asking yourself questions and searching deeply to find answers. You are tested. You are tested by others but ultimately, yourself. YOU are the battle inside your own self.

Am I happy where I'm at? Yes, currently. Do I expect more from myself? Yes, certainly. The more you give, the more you take, then the more you give. The opportunity opens and the crack in the door is small, but just big enough for you to fit before the wind blows it shut.

Turn off the TV, shut off your iPod. Focus on TEAMWORK because you can't do it alone. Focus on GUIDANCE - to guide and be guided because two heads are better than one. Focus on SELF-IMPROVEMENT because no one else will do it for you. Focus on REFLECTION to dig deep into your soul. Focus on KNOWLEDGE to progress further into EXCELLENCE.

See ya'll MONDAY. I'm hurtin' for a Murphin'.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

ToughMudder comin in fast..

The title has been linked to the site that has the teams on it that have signed up for TOUGHMUDDER.  We are on page 1 and are currently at 15 strong...  saw a few other group on the first couple pages with sizes like ours and another for 23, thought that was impressive.  So, something to think about is, Are You Ready?  or for some, I NEED TO STILL SIGN UP.  (JB) or CRAP, WHAT WAS I THINKING?... with any of these questions comes the final thought~ Get Up, Get Going, and if you haven't already, SIGN UP!  This is a pretty great Sunday we have in line for us... Desi is already thinking about the celebration after that we should have for having so many of us come together and be involved in an event that not only works toward a great cause, The Wounded Warrior Project, but is exactly what you want to be doing in the middle of July in Wisco~ rollin in the mud... it is going to be awesome.

There are also some things coming up in June...
6.4 Irishfest in Oshkosh
6.4 Susan G Komen 5k in Madison
6.6 Flow Yoga classes starting @ the Dolgner loft in Waupun, every Monday @ 6am
6.25 South Wood County YMCA Triathlon in Wisconsin Rapids~ sign up @

~The last 3 weeks have just been crazy.. it seems as soon as May got here so did everything else... look at each month, take some time, and decide...  the more the merrier.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather and having a blast!


Bear Crawl 50 yds
Crabwalk 25 Yds
Duckwalk 25 yds
5 Pistols (each leg)
10 Pass Thrus
2 Min Flex/Mobility with Shoulders

TABATA (115# is Rx)
Deadlift (8)
Hang Power Clean (6)
Front Squat (5)
Push Press (4)
1 MIN Rest b/t exercises...

Penalty to be Paid Post-WOD:
5 Burpee Penalty for not achieving the minimum reps in a round...
10 Burpee Penalty for skipping a round...

Britt ~ 95# / 88-50-45-44 = 227
Feidt ~ 115# /
El Tigre ~ 115# /
tb ~ 115# / 82-54-30-39 = 205
Hansen ~ 95# / 89-48-40-40 = 217
Fiegel ~ 115# /
Reeder ~ 115# / 95-54-40-42 = 231
Bender ~ 115# /
Sneen ~ 75# / 88-54-48-32 = 222
Ty ~ 95# / 69-51-40-33 = 193
Buzz ~ 75# /

Very Nice WOD ~ Lower Back and Grip were sore...Minimums helped keep people going & but cost us due to letting the bar down before the 20s was up...Don't know if I could have held on to the bar for the full time as it was...

Great Effort by All.... Keep working on Form & Execution...

No Rep!


Down & Back on Monkey Bars (getting ready for Tough Mudder)
Tabata Push Ups (6 Rnds)
Leg Blaster (20 Air Squats, 20 Lunges, 20 Jumping Lunges, 10 Jumping Air Squats)

10 Min to Find Heaviest Power Clean Load
3 x 3-Way Hamstring Touches b/t attemptes (each leg)


For Time:
Push Press (115#)

Britt ~ 205 / 11:44
Syd ~ 225 / 9:55
Feidt ~ 205 / 12:13
El Tigre ~
tb ~ 225 / 11:44
Hansen ~ 225 / 7:50
Fiegel ~ 225 / 7:45
Reeder ~ 245 / 13:40
Biba ~ 175 / 13:58
Bender ~ 225 / 11:50
Sneen ~ 165 / 11:42 (85#)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Pass Thrus, Pull Ups, Air Squats, Lunges, Clappers, Jumping Lunges
800m Run

Box Jump (24")
Jumping Pull Ups
Swings (35#)
Push Press (45#)
Back Extension
Wall Ball
Double Unders

Britt ~ 32:17
Feidt ~ 32:00 (called @ 25 Burpees...due to class!)
El Tigre ~
tb ~ 35:55 (terrible! simply terrible!!! 6.17.10=35:17 & 11.12.10=28:42)
Hansen ~ 26:43
Brew ~ 38:10
Bender ~ 40:20
Ty ~
Sneen ~ 43:00
Biba ~ 41:00

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wed & Friday

Great WOD's on both Wed (War of Attrition) and Friday (Lunge Again?!)

War of Attrition
1 Squat Clean Thruster (135#) every 20s for 3 Min (9 reps)...
REST 3 Minutes... ADD 10# and Repeat until failure
3 Min ON : 3 Min Rest...

Britt ~ 145#
Syd ~ 175#
Feidt ~ 145#
tb ~ 175#
Garski ~ 95#
Ty ~ 125#
Fiegel ~ 185#
Brew ~ 145#
Sneen ~ 135#
Reeder ~ 175#
Hansen ~ 185#
Biba ~ 145#
Elgersma ~ 185#

Friday ~
100' Lungewalk
21 Pull Ups, 21 Abmat Sit Ups
100' Lungewalk
18 Pull Ups, 18 Abmat Sit Ups
100' Lungewalk
12, 9, 6, 3 w/ the 100' Lunge between...

Syd ~ 15:59
Britt ~ 16:23
tb ~ 26:02 (Strict PU on ODDS, C2B on EVENS w/ GHD Sit Ups)
El Tigre ~ 25:52 (GHD Sit Ups)
Hansen ~ 15:50
Reeder ~ 23:34
Ty ~ 16:46
Biba ~ 16:44
Sneen ~ 18:49
Brew ~ 18:30

Good Luck to all running this weekend!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cellcom Half Marathon, a BIG PR, and a bit of reflection...

It was a great day for running this past Sunday morning in Green Bay, WI....

Katie VandeSlunt:  Half-Marathon~  1:50
That is roughly 8:30 mile pace.
She basically rocked it like no other!!  That is what one dedicated lady can achieve and the crazy part is that she could've probably clocked in a bit sooner but Cellcom is pretty populated and a bit congested in the beginning.... I also believe she could've just continued running another 13.1 to get that first marathon in under her belt since she said she felt awesome at the end!!!  Maybe 26.2mi will be the next goal!

SO I have this theory:  You surround yourself with the best, to help you be your best.  It is a pretty good theory and I have really found some of the best people out there which in turn has just kept bringing on even more 'best' people.. and so the story goes. 
Well, I have to get this off my chest, I would define my commitment to a race, or an event, as a form of promise and this past Saturday I broke my commitment/promise and felt unbelievably awful about it.  It is like that one time I skipped a round in a WOD.... and then told JB and pretty much had to confess it to everyone and have since never skipped anything in any WOD.  This action of mine has led me to reflect and determine that I will never break a commitment to an event unless a birth/death occurs in my immediate family.  I did, however, have an awesome time in the BWCA.... but it isn't worth it to feel the way I felt Sunday when I wasn't running with one of my favorite people.  With that being said....  if anyone contemplates whether or not they are ready for an event or the other things they could be doing besides that event they signed up for... just think about how crappy you WILL feel when you don't show up and just get in your car and go.. literally....  drive home, jump in bed, and get your butt up in the morning and be there to support the people who support you.  PERIOD!

Lots of events being thrown around on the ANYthing Once group on facebook... if you are interested get on it.. check it out and decide if you can make the time.

Happy Friday to all!  Thought I would give you a little taste of what my week was like up near Ely, MN.  Pretty much livin the dream in a place that is just simply....  beautiful.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


WVC OUTDOOR Conference Track Meet...

Warm-Up ~ 10 Pass Thrus, Plank Walk across BB Court, 5 x 3-Way Hamstring Touch (each leg),
2 Min Pancake Stretch, 2 Min Pike Stretch, 1 Min Split

For Time:
50 SDLHP (35#)
50 Burpees
50 Wall Balls
50 Sit Ups (abmat)
50 Push Ups
50 Pull Ups
50 SDLHP (35#)

Britt ~ 21:59
El Tigre' ~ 24:??
Syd ~ 21:58
Feidt ~ 25:57
tb ~ 26:30
Hansen ~ 20:43
Biba ~ 28:34
Sneen ~ 29:15
Ty ~ 28:50

Monday, May 16, 2011


15 Pass Thrus
15 Air Squats
15 Zercher Squats (45#)
400m Run
5 Strict Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
15 Dips
15 GHD Sit Ups
15 GHD Back Extensions

Morning Coffee
3 Rounds For Time:
21 Squat Clean (95#)
200m Farmers Carry (35# Plates)
400m Run (Tennis Court Run)

Britt ~ 23:37
El Tigre ~ 23:42
Hepp ~ 23:35
Syd ~ 23:40
Feidt ~ 29:58
tb ~ 26:25
Fiegel ~ 23:00
Hansen ~ 24:14
Reeder ~ 29:11
Brew ~ 29:21
Sneen ~ 30:16
Ty ~ 30:02

Saturday, May 14, 2011

FRIDAY... Top 10 WOD!!!

One of the BEST WOD's we have had in a while!!!

Intense, Simple, Laborious work...but not complicated...

The sweat did not stop for about an hour or two after...Who thought 25 minutes of anything could get the furnace burning like that!

(now dubbed "Friday the 13th")

50 Rounds of:
3 Power Snatch (95#)
3 Burpee Pull Ups
3 Box Jumps (24")
* Can Put a 25  Minute Cap on the WOD or finish if your close...

Find a partner and get after it! ONE person working at a time! Rounds/Reps can be shared, but must complete the 3 reps before moving to next exercise.

Be careful...this looks easy at first...but upon further evaluation, you will find it to be one of the more intense WOD's you have performed (if you get the right partner!)

Partners were:
Britt & Hansen, Bertag & Brewbaker, Fiedt & Ty, Syd & Hepp, tb & Elgersma

Steven Hepp was quoted as saying..."Syd is a machine!  I was doing all I could to keep up with him!"
Nicholas stated..."Look, elbow sweat!" as he was leaving for school in full dress
Bertag was heard often during the WOD..."Brewbaker, stop taking a break and get back to work!"
Brewbaker after the WOD commented... "Did you see how I carried Mr. Bertagnoli?"  Everyone laughed at him upon hearing this...
No words came from Hansen or Britt...They just BLAZED thru the WOD in 25:45!!!

Rounds and/or Times will be posted if I find them...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day Late and a Dollar Short

Wednesday's WOD & Results:
EMOM for as many as you can make it...(20 min is Cap)
1 Power Clean
2 Shoulder to Overhead (Press anyway you can)
3 Back Squats
(Bodyweight on Bar is Rx)

Britt ~ 155# / 15 (Front Squat)
Feidt ~ 155# / 20
El Tigre' ~ 185# / 20 (Front Squat)
tb ~ 185# / 15
Reeder ~ 205# / 1 ... 185# / 9 (Front Squat)
Fiegel ~ 205# / 17
Biba ~ 145# / 20 (Front Squat)
Garski ~ 135# / 20 (Front Squat)
Brew ~ 115# / 20 (Front & Back Squat)
Ty ~ 115# / 20
Hansen ~ 175# / 17


10 Min Power Clean (work to Heavy Load)


5 Rnds for Time
10 Deadlift
5 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
5 Press
* 25 Min Cap...50 Burpee penalty for not finishing!

Hansen ~ 15:05 (155#)
Fiegel ~ 14:16 (155#)
Sneen ~ 20:42 (115#)
Brew ~ 21:13 (135#)
Ty ~ 18:35 (115#)

Britt & Bertag = Yoga (Fire)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Run

WARM UP 1, 2...4, 5 Pull Ups
2, 4,...8, 10 Dips
10 Lungesteps
30s Paleo Chair
Hip Mobility

1/4 Mile Fun Times
E3MO3M for 4-6 Rounds ~ 400m Run

Time in Seconds...
Britt ~ 4 x 400m as fast as possible with 3-5 min Rest b/t
68, 73, 75, 77
Great effort by Mile time = UNDER 5 MIN!

El Tigre ~ 75, 80, 85, 80, x, 90 (approx. times)
Feidt ~ 100, 105, 110, 115 (approx. times)
tb ~ 98, 95, 90, 85, 85, 90
Hansen ~ 76, 66, 82, 83, x, 90
Reeder ~ 88, 87, 82, 80, 92, 97
Brew ~ 80, 90, 95, 100, 110
Ty ~ 87, 92, 86, 84, x, 87

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jigsaw Pictures...

Posted a group one on the TRY ANYthing page but here are a few other randoms... always a fun time!


We didn't have any first-time runners this round except for Baby Syd, she got to experience her first 5k as a tag-along.  We are missing a few friends since they had to leave fast after they were done..
This is a great run around Lake Wazeecha and it is for a great cause~ Autism. 
One thing we always need to remember when we are doing these events- it is meant for simply being able to get out there and be active!
On to JUNE..... (after the half that some of us are in this coming weekend.... YiKes!)


Warm-Up ~ 1/2 Mile Run, 25 Air Squats, 15 Pass Thrus, Hip Mobility

25 Min Time Limit

Max Clappers in 5 Min

Flexibility (2 Min @ each)
Stradle Splits
Rt Leg Fwd Splits
Lft Leg Fwd Splits
Pancake or Pike

Britt ~ 175 / 65
Feidt ~ 155 / 55
tb ~ 205 / 72
Hansen ~ 195 / 75
Fiegel ~ 205 / 65
Elgersma ~ 175 / 90
Biba ~ 125 / 52
Reeder ~ 185 /
Ty ~ 100 / 52

Syd ~ close on OHS...then did 3 RFT ~ 30 D/U, 20 Box Jumps (24"), 30 Push Ups, 20 Push Press (95#)
13 Minutes or so...

Jigsaw was awsome...Pic to come on TRY ANYthing Page...
What is next?

Friday, May 6, 2011

FRYED - day

Sorry for no posts for Wed & Thur...

Wed was choose UR WOD after a good warm-up & 7 Min of Jump Rope...
3 Rnds ~
15 Supine Row
15 Bench Press (155#)
15 Back Squat (225#)


AMRAP in 12 Min
10 Wall Ball
10 SDLHP (75#)

THURSDAY was Fight Gone Bad (ABS)
3 Rnds ~ K2E, Russian Twist, KB Swings, Wt. Sit Ups, Hang Pwr Snatch


Warm-Up ~ 50 Jumping Jax / 3 Rnds ~ 10 Each of Lungesteps, Ball Slams, Bench Jumps

THE HORRIBLE HUNDRED (taken from Crossfit Oneworld ; Freddy has some good WOD's)
For Time:
25 Deadlift (215#)
25 Squat Clean & Jerk (125#)
25 Thrusters (75#)
25 OHS (45#)
* One Bar, change UR own wts!!! Idea is to reverse load the thing...5, 10, 25, 45 on bar so you just peel it off after the 25 reps...but do what you wish!

Britt ~ 17:31
Feidt ~ 16:49
Syd ~ 11:58
tb ~ 19:13
Regis ~ 23:10
Sneen ~ 26:02
Biba ~ 24:41
Brew ~ 19:48
Ty ~ 26:45

JIGSAW in 1 DAY!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011



Jigsaw Run = 10am start... Meet @ LHS Parking Lot (8:30am) or out at Wazeecha (9 am)
Val is painting Faces!!!
Registration is from 8-9:30...

After Run WOD right @ the park!

Afternoon Grilling @ tb's

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tennis Court Tuesday

Bertagnolski gets his wish...and STORMS thru the WOD!  Hansen is the only able-body human that can keep up with the MACHINE called Bertagnolski!

10 Pass Thrus
5 x Burgener Warm-Up
10 Box Jumps (30")
10 Ball Slams

3 Rounds For Time
450 Yd Run (tennis court run)
30 OHS (75#)
21 Pull Ups

El Tigre ~ 20:00
Britt ~ 27:00
Syd ~ 23:05 (subbed Thrusters for OHS)
Feidt ~ 26:05
tb ~ 23:03
Hansen ~ 18:28
Reeder ~ 21:48
Regis ~ 26:32
Ty ~ 26:37


Monday, May 2, 2011


Seek & Destroy (bin LA din)
1/4 Mile Run, 10 Pass Thrus
5 Shrugs, Upright Row, Muscle Cleans, Front Squats, Hang Pwr Cleans (45#)
EMOM for 4 Min ~ 4 Power Cleans (choose 95/115/135)

AMRAP in 10 Min:
Power Clean & Front Squats (185# or less)
1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3...etc (ascending reps with the rounds)

~ 3M REST ~
Half-Angie For Time:
50 of Each: Pull Ups, Push Ups, Sit Ups, Squats
must finish the previous exercise before moving to the next!

Britt ~ 6 (165#) / 10:51
Feidt ~ 5 (175#)
Syd ~ 7 (185#)
tb ~ 6+3PC (185#) / 10:54
Hansen ~ 6+7PC (185#) / 11:04
Fiegel ~ 7+8PC (185#) / 12:20
Reeder ~ 6+7PC (185#) / 13:34
Regis ~ 6+4PC (185#) / 13:46
Sneen ~ 6+6PC (135#) / 13:42
Reinke ~ 6+2PC (165#) / 15:55
Biba ~ IR / 15:35
Ty ~ 4+4FS (135#) / ???



Sunday, May 1, 2011

The WeekEND

Crazylegs 2011!
We had a great time... there were two others that joined us also, Nate and Chad, who rocked it also.. just didn't have my camera!  This was Kristy's very first run ever- and she officially has the 'bug' now!  The weather was great, a bit windy, and Observatory Hill was a killer as always....  but we all ran like crazy, made some new friends and had fun.. what it is all about!

E stretching... can almost touch his toes.

Val E Desi Wendy Ashley Kristy Laura

Jigsaw next weekend in Wisconsin Rapids!