Well... It has been a while...
Workouts have still been going on, but there is no record of them...
Briefly...here are some WOD's we have done:
AMRAP in 20min:
Team of 3 (one partner working at a time)
200m Run (Together)
40 Squat Cleans (ascending each Round)
115/80, 135/95, 155/105, 185/135 & 205/145 for max reps if you make it there...
That was fun... I think Val, Syd and I got to 10 or 12 reps @ 185/135 round...can't really remember
Power Cleans (135/95)
Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
Push Jerks (135/95)
Tough WOD...Rack Lunges do not let you breath...
Then we got ready for the TEAM Boxstar Competition @ Kenosha Crossfit
Syd, Val and I took 3rd in the Scaled Division...definitely where we belonged. The 3 teams in Rx were STUDS!!! We did win the championship (Rnd #4) WOD:
Chipper ~ 300 Singles, 150 Box Jumps, 75 KB Swings, 50 OHS (95/75)
And were very competitive in the first two... Just gave away #3 (100 Squat Clean Thrusters w/ 3 Rope Climbs b/t every partner...)
AS FOR TODAY (and the next coming weeks)...
We will be programing LOTS of Bodyweight Exercises... Just get the blood flowing and working out... Not a lot of the extras (heavy weights, strength focus, etc)... Just some time for giving the body a break...
8 RFT ~
8 Pull Ups
8 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Burpees
8 Dips
8 HR Push Ups
8 Lungesteps
8 D/U
8 Wall Balls (20/14)
Wendt ~ 28:05...killed it! (30# WB 6,7 &8)
Val ~ 33:03
tb ~ 36:10 (3:12/3:49/4:23/4:43/4:46/5:20/5:17/5:10)
Jeez...just could not get air in the lungs after round #5...No matter how I did the Burpees (walkdown or quick) I could not just jump on the Dips and go... BUT...did do all box jumps as rebounders vs. step-ups... Maybe I could pick up some time w/ step up/downs (if it were a comp)
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