It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Last week was a bit of Vacation... Up in Rhinelander for me... Val took a couple days in Door County...

Time to get back into the swing of things...

Two-a-days (not really, but that is what they are still called)...
for football begin on Tuesday, August 4th...
We will be practicing from 4:30-6pm then 6:30-8pm...
TWO practices in a day = Two-a-days...

Maybe that is how we will need to train as well...

Val, Syd & tb will be in the Kenosha Crossfit/Boxstar  Open TEAM Competition
Sunday, August 16th (2 Guys & 1 Girl)...

Events were announced (subject to change, of course)...

But now there is some time to train/practice...

Event #1
As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes (per person)
15 Wall Ball (20/14)
15 Burpees over Rower
15 Pull Ups
15 Cal Row
15 HR Push Ups
15 Cal Row
15 Pull Ups
15 Burpees over Rower

Event #2
AMRAP in 14 Min:
14 TTB
DT* ~ 12-9-6 of Deadlift + Hang Clean + Push Jerk (155#)
*Each partner will be designated one of the lifts

Event #3
100 Squat-Clean Thrusters*
Everytime your hands come off the bar there will be a 3 Rope Climb Penalty

Event #4 ~ TBD

Oh, yea...and they reserve the right to change ANY part or ALL of the above workouts...
You know...Crossfit ~ Be ready for the unknown and unknowable!!!

So...easy job of getting back to work this Saturday AM...

600m Run
15 Burpees
Leg Blaster
Push Up Progresson (10 Rev. Grip Push Ups + 5 Lft Hand Fwd + 5 Rt Hand Fwd + 10 HR)
15 Burpees
Pass Thrus
Step Thrus

Event #1 in 5 Min
Event #1 in 5 Min @ 8 Reps Each, if complete...start again with 7's

Cool Down...
A) 3 Attempts at Max Calorie/Hr (how high can you get)
B) 3 x 20sec @ 90%+ of above #

tb ~ 6 Pull Ups(#2) (96 Total Reps) / 7 Pull Ups (#1) (85 Total Reps)
A) 2001 @ #2 Damp / 2268 @ #6.5 Damp / 2375 @ #10 Damp
B) Done ~ 13 Pulls in 20sec @ 10-10-9

Leg Blaster & Push Ups EVERYDAY (reps-reps-reps...volume)!!!
Squat Cleans / Thrusters ~ Get Heavy and make the wts light!
Don't forget to Snatch/Squat Snatch a bit...could "pop-up"...

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