Saturday WOD's always go long...
Just the nature of the Day and WOD...
Seems tougher to get warmed-up/loosened up as well...maybe it is all in my head.
Also...I need to start adding in some Thrusters, Burpees, & Wall Balls to the warm-up or daily routine of classes...get a little stamina/engine going before the open comes up... those moves will be in there, and there is now easy way for me to get LOTS of reps (even at light weight)... I am a quad driver...that baby burns-out quickly w/o stamina work!
1/2 Leg Blaster
Roll Out / Mobility
3 Rnds~
4 Warrior Squats
4 Spidey & Reach
12 Sit Ups
12 Cal Row
10 SLOW Wall Squats
3 x 5 STRICT Press (from Jerk-catch position)
6 x 3 TALL Jerks
1-3 @ 45/35
4-6 @ no more than 25% MAX C&J
6 x 3 JERK DRIVE (from Rack)
50% x 3
60% x 3
70% x 3
80% x 3 x 3
approx 60s rest b/t all these sets
Clean & Jerk Complex
7 Sets (every 90sec)
1st set should be about 70% C&J Max
Climb, but keep it sharp!!!
Rowed Rage
For Time:
1000m Row + 15 C&J (135/95)
750m Row + 12 C&J (155/105)
500m Row + 9 C&J (185/125)
250m Row + 6 C&J (205/135)
~ One Bar...change your own wts.
Ca$h Out
2 Supersets:
12 RDL's (Light Wt)
16 Overhead Circles (8each dir)
16 Rotator Retractors
tb ~ 205# for Jerk Drive / 185-185-185-195-195-205-205 / 21:41
splits = 6:36 / 12:37 / 18:23 / 21:41
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