It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


In Green Bay for the WFCA All-State Banquet (weekend)...
Those kids get a great deal... Lambeau Field Tour plus Hall of Fame entry on Saturday night...
Then a great banquet on Sunday in the Lambeau Field Atrium...

For me...this means getting a WOD in...
Chuck "the BEAST" Brehm...asked if I wanted "in" on a Sunday AM WOD...
How could I pass that up???? Even on a REST DAY...

Where does he train? ~ CROSSFIT GREEN BAY
They have gotten a team to Regionals EVERY YEAR since 2013!!!
AND even got a team to the GAMES in 2014!!!
Chuck is working HARD to get on this team!

Krommy was at the WFCA he tagged along to the WOD as well...

Nice little Dicey workout:

Move /  Mobilize
Deadlift warm-Up

10 RFT ~
5-10-15 Shuttle SPRINT
7 C2B Pull Ups
1 Deadlift (355/250)
REST 60s

7min of:
30s Hollow Holds/Rocks
30s Superman

tb ~ 19:04 was my "official" time, my rounds were 45-50s each so, i think I added a round,
I did an extra round...lost count around #8 or #9...
Here is my breakdown as best I remember it...
#1 @ 50s...then began at
#2 Start @ 1:50...done @ 2:40...
#3 Start @ 3:40...done @ 4:28...
#4 Start @ 5:28...done @ 6:23...
#5 Start @ 7:23...done @ 8:19...
#6 Start @ 9:19...done @ 10:13...
#7 Start @ 11:13...done @ 12:04...
#8 Start @ 13:04...done @ 13:47...
#9 Start @ 14:47...done @ 15:32...
#10 Start @ 16:32...done @ 17:20...
Extra Rnd Start @ 18:20 ...done @ 19:04

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