Just never got around to getting this up yesterday... Now have some updates w/ Stan and Daliege, so it works !
Mobilize / Activate
ROW + HSPU (DB Sh. Press)
EMOM x 14:
odd = 15/12 Cal Row
even = Max HSPU (DB Sh. Press) in 30s
SQUAT Cycling
OTM x 12:
odd = 3 Front Squats
even = 6 Back Squats
(work for b/t 60&70% of F. Squat Max on this)
STAMINA Conditioning
3 Rnds (begin every 2 min / 90s max work time) ~
0-2 = 30 KB Swings (55/35)
2 - 4 = 30 Wall Balls (20/14)
4-6 = Max Ring Muscle Ups(in 90s) [sub = Pull Ups]
* Work for the largest sets possible w/ this...ideally you will get the 30's in a row and not have to break. IF you do have to break work for the fewest sets as possible, with the first set being largest.
REMEMBER you are done w/ 30s to go in the 2 min cycle (30s rest is guaranteed)
Jones ~ (20# DB) 9-9-9-9-11-10-8[65] / 105# / ??
tb ~ 10-11-11-8-10-9-9[68] used abmat/no plates / 200# / 30's ~ KBS / 30-30-27+3 ~ WB / 9-8-8 MU
Stan ~ Blue'd Up(from Tue) ~ 8:30
Thursday WODers
Stan & Daliege did a variation of this today (Thursday)...Did the Sqt Cycling then did the Stamina w/o the 2 min of Pull Ups... so it was a 12 min workout of 30 Swings & 30 Wall balls...Good Stuff!
Stan ~ 115# Sqt Cycling / Completed 3 rnds of 30/30
Daliege ~ 135# Sqt Cycling / Completed 3 rnds of 30/30
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