It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day Late & $ short!

Just never got around to getting this up yesterday... Now have some updates w/ Stan and Daliege, so it works !


Mobilize / Activate

ROW + HSPU (DB Sh. Press)
EMOM x 14:
odd = 15/12 Cal Row
even = Max HSPU (DB Sh. Press) in 30s

SQUAT Cycling
OTM x 12:
odd = 3 Front Squats
even = 6 Back Squats
(work for b/t 60&70% of F. Squat Max on this)

STAMINA Conditioning
3 Rnds (begin every 2 min / 90s max work time) ~
0-2 = 30 KB Swings (55/35)
2 - 4 = 30 Wall Balls (20/14)
4-6 = Max Ring Muscle Ups(in 90s) [sub = Pull Ups]
* Work for the largest sets possible w/ this...ideally you will get the 30's in a row and not have to break. IF you do have to break work for the fewest sets as possible, with the first set being largest.
REMEMBER you are done w/ 30s to go in the 2 min cycle (30s rest is guaranteed)

Jones ~ (20# DB) 9-9-9-9-11-10-8[65] / 105# / ??
tb ~ 10-11-11-8-10-9-9[68] used abmat/no plates / 200# / 30's ~ KBS / 30-30-27+3 ~ WB / 9-8-8 MU

Stan ~ Blue'd Up(from Tue) ~ 8:30

Thursday WODers
Stan & Daliege did a variation of this today (Thursday)...Did the Sqt Cycling then did the Stamina w/o the 2 min of Pull Ups... so it was a 12 min workout of 30 Swings & 30 Wall balls...Good Stuff!

Stan ~ 115# Sqt Cycling / Completed 3 rnds of 30/30
Daliege ~ 135# Sqt Cycling / Completed 3 rnds of 30/30

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