It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Did this waaaay back in Dec...


30s Singles
3 Rnds:
12 Slow Air Squats
9 Sit Ups
6 Slow Push Ups

30s D/U

BB Warm-Up

AMRAP in 3min:
#1) AMRAP in 3:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

3 Min. REST

#2) AMRAP in 3:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

3 Min. REST

3) AMRAP in 3:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

Conditioning (Bar-Facing Burpees)
Every 2:30 for 4 Rnds (10min Max)
6 SLOW Bar-Facing Burpees
6 Med. Bar-Facing Burpees
6 FAST Bar-Facing Burpees
Work to speed this up every cycle of 6...
1-6 is slow methodical pace
6-12 bring it a step faster
13-18 as quickly as you can...
*If you do not complete 18 BFB w/in 30s and start again...
**If you finish before the 2:00 mark that is just extra rest...NICE!!!

STAN ~ #1~(95#)6rnds / #2~(105#)4 + 6reps / #3~(105#)4Rnds / Cond= 2mile run
Daliege ~ #1~ 4 Rnds / #2~(145#)2 + 3 (pulled neck muscle)
tb ~ #1~ 5+5reps (+3) / #2~ 4+5reps (+8) / #3~ 2+6reps (+3) / got all 18's in 65sec

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching.

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