It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

some time...

So, If you have been looking for workouts...I messed up recording them.
I thought I was posting to this blog...well, I was not!
I was posting HERE
This is my PE Blog...If I am not careful, it gets mixed up!
They are now added below...

Injuries Suck!!!
Been some time now...
Back NEVER went out, I stopped when I felt the twinge...
Rested a couple days with state football...Then...
I could feel tightness in the leg & quad, hamstring and glute were all spasming a bit...
I could definitly feel something...left leg felt weak and low, dull pain down the leg...
Pulled muscle...quite possible
Hypochondriac...for certain!

It has now been two weeks... and nothing really has improved.
To be honest, I am now working out with what i can do again... I just cannot sit around!!!
Those AM workouts keep me sane!

Well...tomorrow... A visit to PETE!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Steady is smooth and smooth is fast...
Well...this is fast is not as fast as Oz's fast...and Oz's fast is not Casey's fast...
But we are all relatively fast compared to our old selves, if we stay smooth!

Cal Row (2-1-1/2 Lap Run)
Rev. Lunge Sampson Stretch (1s hold)
Hang Power Clean
(Empty Bar)

5 RFT ~
10 Power Cleans (115/80)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees

Syd ~ 7:56
Daliege ~ 7:57
wendt ~ 7:32
tb ~ 8:10 (PC=10/5-5/10/5-5/10)

3 rnds ~
3 spidey & reach
6 Scap Ret
9 Abmat
12 Air squats
15 D/U

BB Warm-Up

1200m Run...into...
3 Rnds:
19 TTB
87 D/U
7 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
...followed by...
1200m Run

Syd ~ did it
Val ~ did it
Wendt ~ 31:05 (95
tb ~ 29:59 (400m Run w/ quad cramp + 1000m row...finished w/ 1500m Row)

Your words, Lord, are spirit and life.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Mon ~ Catch-Up

Well... Nothing is getting better... At least that is how it felt this AM...
So I was going to do the WOD anyway... Scale if needed...
Wt was light enough anyway...
Cannot NOT workout...this is nutz!
Will see how the back & leg feel today...Left leg has had sciatic nerve crap for over a week...
And the leg FEELS weak!!!

90s Easy Bike
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 HR Push Ups
15 Air Squats

BB Warm-Up w/ Thruster Finish

3 Rnds (not for time, but as quick as possible)
3 Ring MU
30 D/U
2 Ring MU
30 D/U
2 Ring MU

2 Min Rest b/t Rnds

1 RFT ~
30 C2B Pull Ups
50 Thrusters (45/35) (Elite ~ 65/45)
70/50 Cal Row

Wendt ~ 10:14 (45#)
Oz ~ 10:21 (65#)
Casey ~ 9:58 (65#)
tb ~ 10:12 (45# / 10-8-6-4-2 C2B / 30/20 Thrusters, slow & breathing b/t each rep / 4:22 row)

The heavens proclaim the glory of God, and the firmament shows forth the work of His hands.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Row the Boat

Last time we rowed a 2K... HERE

This is what I think I look like Rowing

This is a pic of me rowing

1:50 Slow Row + 10s Mod. Row
5 Spidey & Reach
:50s Slow Row + 10s Mod/Fast Row
5 Walkouts
20s Slow Row + 10s FAST Row

Row, Row, Row your Boat
2 K Row for Time

Oz ~ 7:34
Dalegie ~ 7:39
Wendt ~ 7:52
tb ~ 7:23.5 (1:45.7 / 1:54.2 / 1:53.7 / 1:50.0 ~ 4sec off of PR from 2014)

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Come On, Man!

Back was feeling better, but first work at pulling the Power Snatch from the ground, TWANG...there it went again! SOB!!!

Time for a break.... Well, at least it is Thanksgiving week.
Just a litttle warm-up work each day and call it good for me.

3 Laps
1 Rnd Strict Cindy
2 Laps
5 Good AM's
5 Back Squats
5 Elbows
1 Lap
3 Strict Press + 3 Snatch-Grip Press
5 Stiff-Leg DL

Humpty Dumpty
3 Rnds ~
10 Power Snatches (115/80)
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)

Oz ~ 13:25
Casey ~ 13:21
Syd ~ Done (95# & 20")
tb ~ Warm-Up Done / IR

The Lord will give strength to His people,
the Lord will bless His people with peace.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Was a great day until the Hang Power Cleans!!! Just tweaked the back picking up the bar from the floor... Bad positioning combined with fatigue and the quickness of trying... Sucked, but maybe I got smarter... As soon as I felt the low back, I stopped...
Did NOT use a belt on the Squat Cleans (went to 225#) and the Front Squat (185 @ 21 reps)...My own little rule has been anything over 185 (bodyweight), put the belt on...
I felt good today and wanted to "work the core"... Well, it was either a good workout that I had to stop, or I should stick to my rule of thumb!

90s Row
5 Push Ups
10 Slow Air Squats
30s Alt. Warrior stretch


On the 90s x 7 rnds:
75-85% for last 3 sets (record these wts)

5 Minutes to perform:
Push Press
21 @ 135/95
21 @ 155/105
Max @ 185/135
3 Min Rest
5 Minutes to perform:
Front Squat
21 @ 135/95
21 @ 155/105
Max @ 185/135
3 Min Rest
0-5min to perform:
Hang Power Cleans
21 @ 135/95
21 @ 155/105
Max @ 185/135

Val & Syd did this as a combo w/ 40 reps...lighter wt.
Wendt ~ 175-185-205 / PP 95-115-145 (2 Reps) / FS Rx (8 Reps) / HPC 95-115-145 (8 Reps)
tb ~ 195-210-225 / PP (1 Rep) / FS (9 Reps) / HPC quit...back went tweakey

I will praise my God all the days of my life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Werk It...

This was different...intervals, nice...

10 cal Row
4 Spidy & Reach
8 Scap Retractions
12 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
5 Push Ups
5 Kip Swings
3 Pull Ups

3 Rnds of the following:
3 Strict as needed
2 Strict as needed
2 Strict as needed
2 Min REST

On the 4min x 5:
12 TTB
16 Deadlift (135/95)
10 x 10m Shuttle (down & back = 2)
or 12 Cal Row

Syd ~ 2:27-2:19-2:23-2:20-2:38 (Row)
Dalaige ~ 1:54-1:44-1:54-1:58-1:43 (10x10)
Klonowski ~ 2:26 on last round (10x10)
Wendt ~ Strict HSPU Done! / 1:38-1:31-1:35-1:53-2:00 (10x10) TTB
tb ~ Strict HSPU DONE! / 1:28-1:21-1:21-1:18-1:16 (10x10) TTB & DL = UB

Hear us, O Lord, for the glory of Your name.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Blue Jeans

Did this little doozy earlier this year HERE

Did not get better...tough!

3 Stair Laps
1 rnd STRICT Cindy
30s Sampson (ea)
2 Stair Laps
5 Good AM's
5 Back Squats
5 Elbows
1 Stair Lap
5 Press
5 Stiff-Leg DL

3 Rnds:
6 Ring MU*
90s Bike
4 Ring MU*
90s REST
*pick some managable #'s (5/3,4/2, 3/1, etc) can also go with Bar MU

5 Rnds (climbing)
1 Power Snatch + 1 Low-Hang Power Snatch
Every 2 Minutes:
10 @ 55%
8 @ 62%
6 @ 69%
4 @ 76%
2 @ 82%

AMRAP in 15min:
60 D/U
30/24 Cal Row
15 OHS (115#/80#)

Wendt ~ Bar MU / 95-105-115-125-135 / 2 Rnds + 93 Reps
tb ~ 6-6-5+3 / 4-4-3+1 / 115-135-150-165-175 / 3 Rnds + 80 Reps (10 short from last time)...
All OHS were UB! Just a bit slower on rower...

Praise the Lord for the Lord is good.

Friday, November 10, 2017

WORK (Tabata style)

Max O. is better... That is good...
Prayers work and so does the Doctor!
But prayer doesn't hurt!!! Just remember that...

4 Rnds:
50s Light Bike/Row
10s Fast Bike/Row
3 Walkouts
5 Scap Retracitions

2 Rnds (low intensity)
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Kip Swings
9 HR Push Ups
12 Slow Air Squats
15 Sit Ups

Not for time, just move thru at a comfortable pace
0-5 min:
5 Horizontal Ring Rows
20s Hollow Rocks

5-10 min:
2 Wall Walks
2 Pausing C2B Pull Ups*
*2sec Pause at top... Sub Pausing Chin-Over Bar Pull Ups if  you have no C2B

10-15 min:
10 HS Weight Shifts
3 Bar MU (3 C2B + 3 Bar Dips)

Jerk Skill
Every 90s x 6 sets (climb)
1 Pause Push Jerk
1 Pause Split Jerk

Alternating Tabata Protocal (20s work/10s Rest)
Back Squat (Empty BB)

20s Max # Back squats...then 10s Rest...20s Max D/U...10s Rest...Max # Back Squats...continue for 8 sets each!!! 8 minutes of Working!!!
Record however you like...

Klonowski ~ Did the Leg Stand with us... BS & Single Unders... 12 was ave for BS!
Stan ~ BS ~ 13-12-12-13-13-13-17-19 / Singles ~ 43-50-50-50-48-47-50-48
Wendt ~ BS ~ 14-13-13-13-13-13-14-14 (107) / D/U ~ 23-24-32-30-31-25-34-21 (220)
tb ~ BS ~ 13-13-13-13-13-14-14-14 (107) / D/U ~ 37-40-36-41-35-40-31-31 (291)

You alone, have I grieved by my sin; have pity on me, O Lord.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

12 Minutes!

Last time HERE

90s Light Row
5 HR Push Ups
10 Slow Air Squats
30s Sampson (ea way)
90s Light Bike
5 Burpees
4 Box Step Ups, each leg
15 Good AM's w/ 10-25#
20 Sit Ups

BB Warm-Up

1 easy Rnd:
9cal Row
6 Pwr Cleans
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Every 90s x 6 sets (climbing)
2 x Pausing Power Cleans
2s Pause @ Knees, High-Hang & Catch

Pt #1
AMRAP in 4min:
27 Cal Row
21 Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


Pt #2
AMRAP in 4min:
27 Cal Row
21 Power Cleans (115/80)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


Pt #3
AMRAP in 4min:
27 Cal Row
21 Power Cleans (95/65)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Couple of newbies joined in the group today so 2 stair laps was sub for the 27 cal row for them...them.
Wendt had bad rower so 24 cals counts as the 27...

Charlie ~ 115 / 95 / 75 for PC ~ 8 BBJO / 1 Rnd / 8 BBJO
Tyler C. ~ 65# across for PC ~ 6 BBJO / 5BBJO / 3 BBJO
Wendt ~ 115/95/75 for PC ~ 5 BBJO* / 4 BBJO* / 10 BBJO
tb ~ 135-145-155-165-165-170 / 1 Rnd / 57 Reps (9BBJO) / 62 Reps (14BBJO)
SOB...just 1 BBJO shy of 1 Rnd on last one... First set just wiped me out!!! WOW...
*Wendt did 27 PC on first two rounds...not enough O2 getting to the brain...

Incline my heart according to Your will, O God.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


2 Rnds ~
250m Row
5 Spidey & Reach
10 Scap Retractions
30 single Unders


1 Rnd
250m Row
10 D/U
1 Strict HSPU

3 Rnds:
3 Strict HSPU
2 Strict HSPU
2 Strict HSPU
*take as little rest as you need b/t sets...but a full 2m b/t Rnds

OTM x 5:
2 Snatch-Grip Push Jerk

OTM x 10min:
2 Power Snatches (climbing to heavy)

5 RFT:
15 Power Snatches (75/55)
30 D/U
200m Run

Wendt ~ 15:50
tb ~ HSPU completed / 115-125-135-145-160-160-170-170-185 / 12:33

Lord, let the light of Your face shine upon us! Especially upon Max Oswald!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Tuff Stuff

90s Slow Bike
1 Rnd STRICT Cindy
60s Mod. Bike
5 Good AM's
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rot.
30s Fast Bike
5 Strict Press
5 Stiff-Leg DL
5 Front Squats

Gymnastics PULLing
Perform the Following:
60s Light Row + 3 MU
60s Light Row + 4 MU
60s Light Row + 5 MU
60s Light Row + 3 MU
60s Light Row + 4 MU
60s Light Row + 5 MU

OTM x 5min:
3 Tall Cleans (start w/ bar and climb)
5 Min to get to a Heavy Front Squat
OTM x 5min:
5 TnG Squat Clean (mod. wt. across)

AMRAP in 20min:
10 Thrusters (135#/95#)
20 Cal Bike
16 C2B Pull Ups

tb ~ 145# for Sqt Cleans / 4 Rnds + 8 Thrusters (breakdown below)
1st Rnd ~ 5-3-2 / 1:35 / 6-6-4 (4:45)...started 2nd @ 5:00
2nd Rnd ~ 10 UB / 1:55 / 4-4-4-3-1 (9:19)...started 3rd @ 9:30
3rd Rnd ~ 10 UB / 1:53 / 4-4-4-2-2 (14:19)...started 4th 14:35
4th Rnd ~ 10 UB / 1:37 / 4-4-4-2-2 (19:15)...but did not start till 19:35
5th Rnd ~ 8 Thrusters

May we give glory to Your name, Lord!

Friday, November 3, 2017


4Rnds :
50s light bike
10s Fast bike
3 Walkouts
5 Scap Retractions

2 Rnds (low intensity)
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Kip Swings
9 Push Ups
12 Slow Air Squats
15 Abmat SU

0-5 Min:
5 Inchworms
15s L-Sit Haning Hold
(as many rounds as you can comfortable get)
5 Strict Toes-to-Bar
10 Superman Rocks

Every 90s:
4 Front Squat + C2B (or regular Pull Ups)
Climbing on Front Squat & Increase Reps on C2B each rnd

7 RFT ~
10 Odd Object Reverse Lunge (70/55)
10 Odd Object Power Cleans
20 Lateral Hops
200m Row
REST 60s b/t Rnds

Stan ~ 95-105-115-125-135 / 4-5-6-7-8 / 21:20 (2:23-5:35-8:53-11:59-15:07-18:19-F)
tb ~ 210-215-220-230-235 / 8-9-10-11-12 / 22:51 (2:29-5:57-9:29-12:50-16:24-19:43-F)

God, my Lord, is my strength.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

On the DL...

Not Down Low...


Every 90s ~
5 DL + 4 Strict HSPU
4 DL + 3 Strict HSPU
3 DL + 2 Strict HSPU
2 DL + 2 Strict HSPU
1 DL + Max UB Strict HSPU
(DL should increase to a HEAVY 1-Rep)

5 RFT (Total time INCLUDES 60s Rest for rnds 1-2-3-4)
7 Deadlifts (275/185)
100m Shuttle Sprint (4x25m)
9/6 Cal Bike
60s Rest b/t Rnds

DS (for the Rest)
AMRAP in 15min
10 DL (225/135)
15 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls

Oz ~ 6x 3 DL Climbing - (245#) / 4rnds + 10
Casey ~ 6x 3 DL Climbing - (275#) / 4 rnds + 15
Val ~ 4 Rnds
Syd 4 Rnds
tb ~ 185-225-275-315-340 / 5 Max Strict HSPU at finish / 10:23 (1:17/3:37/5:53/8:09/10:23)

Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.