It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, October 15, 2018


Hero workout...that is a benchmark as well...

EMOM x 15 ~
1 = 20-40 D/U
2 = 2 Spidey & Reach + 5 Push Ups
3 = 15/12 Cal Row
4 = 10 Dowel OHS
5 = 15 Russian KBS
2 Sets ~
3 Walkouts
Snatch-Grip BB WU
EMOM x 12
1-3 = Snatch Complex (Snatch Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch)
4-12 = 1 Squat Snatch (climbing)
3 Rnds of
3 Reps
2 Reps
1 Rep
~ 2 Reps of Rnd #1 is your 3-Rep weight for Rnd #2, and the 1-Rep from Rnd #1 is the 2-Rep for Rnd #2...etc...
So it should look like this...
3@100, 2@115, 1@135...3@115, 2@135, 1@155...3@135, 2@155, 1@175

21-15-9 For time (15min Cap)
Kipping HSPU
Ring Dips (may kip if needed)
Push Ups

Johns ~ 13:14 (mod HSPU, Chair Dips)
Daliege ~ 14:20 (mod HSPU)
Schutz ~ 13:35 (mod HSPU)
tb ~ 12:51 (HSPU = 12-9 / 5x3's / 4-5 / Rings = 8-7-6 / 6-5-4 / 4-3-2 / Push = 3x7's / 3x5's / 9)

We have not done the Snatches or Back Squats for a few weeks now...I have to look at this and do some strength...but do not like getting to 1's...


  1. I'm not a big proponent on singles, let alone reps below 5 myself. So I adjust the weights to a lower poundage. For example. Current max squat is 245. Generally I will use 225 or 205 as my guide, depending on the reps. It makes a difference for me. I still do the lower reps but I have much more control and feel with a lighter weight. Growth and strength comes in all forms. Speed, with a heavier weight. Or time under tension (slower), with a lighter weight.

  2. Yup... I need to get back to that...
    Be smart for what WE need...there is no cookie cutter WOD that is great for everyone... We know our strengths & weaknesses and need to keep them in mind... Not avoid them, but be SMART in workouts!

  3. 9:19 (hspu=12-9/5-5-5/5-4 bar dips=7-7-7/5-5-5/9 ring push ups=12-9/8-7/9
    W. Lubeck 7:10 (rx- he crushed it)
