It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, October 26, 2018


Well... Last Sat. WOD did a number on my back... Dang Burpeee Box Jump Overs!!!
I felt it a bit, but not nearly like the we pushed on... IT WAS A GREAT DAY & Workout...
The 6+ hours in the car later on Saturday...then again on Sunday probably did not help things out either.

Monday...had a routine Dr. appt, so no WOD for me then...
Sore and TIGHT back the rest of the week...
Not sure what/why... somewhat thinking the twisting and working from Smashwerx is loosening it too much...some flexibility/mobility is good...too much can be trouble for this old body...

Hams have been tight for a while as that should have alerted me as well... Body protecting itself...

Anyways...It has been a good week of workouts for everyone else...
Monday's WOD was one of the tougher, more brutal WOD's in a while (from the statements of all)
Below is this week:
Warm Up
3 Rnds ~
20-40 D/U
3 Spidey & Reach + 5 Push Ups
1 Lap Running
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 12
AMRAP in 12min:
30 D/U + 10 DB Power Cleans
30 D/U + 10 DB Hang Squat Clean
30 D/U + 10 DB Push Press
30 D/U + 10 DB Rev. Lunges
30 D/U + 10 DB Thrusters
(sub 50 singles if needed, DB = 50/35)

No results written down, but some came close to 2 rnds
800m Run
3 Rnds ~
30s Mod. Bike
3 Spidey & Reach
3 Kip Swings + 3 Pull Ups
9 Banded Good AM's
12 GHD Sit UPs
P1 ~ AMRAP in 5min:
400m Run Buy-In...then...
21 C2B Pull Ups
15/12 Cal Bike
~ 5 Min REST ~
P2 ~ AMRAP in 5min:
400m Run Buy-In...then...
15 TTB
12/9 Cal Bike
~ 5 Min Rest ~
P3 ~ AMRAP in 5min:
400m Run Buy-In...then...
9 Pull Ups
9/6 Cal Bike

Johns ~ 21 Pull Ups / 1 Rnd / 1rnd + 2cal Bike
Ladick ~ 1rnd + 4 / 1rnd + 10 / 2rnds + 4
EMOM x 12:
1 = 55s Bike
2 = 30s Plank + 30s PVC Pass Thru
3 = 5 Strict DB Press
4 = 7 Good AM + 7 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
For Time:
50/35 Cal Row
35 Lateral Burpees over Rower/Bar
50 OHS (95/65)

Johns ~ 13:26 (17@65# / 33@45#)
Schutz ~ 10:21 (75# OHS)
Ladick ~ 9:35 (75# OHS)
Daliege ~ 11:23

3 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Slow Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
AMRAP in 7min:
Wall Balls*
*EMOM starting at 1min ~ perform 5 DL (225/155)

Stan ~ 101 (185# / 27-13-13-14-11-12-11)
Ladick ~ 111 (185# / 25-15-12-12-14-13-20)
Daliege ~ 133 (225# / 29-20-18-15-15-15-21)
Couple of notes...Daliege used the Rx Wt!!! Impressive & great DL form...little high on WB / Stan was BEST form ever for his parallel for depth which is great for him! Ladick was a solid worker the entire time...pushed himself

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