It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Re-Test & Tue WOD!!!

Yesterday...I did the 19.1 Re-Test...
Was just NOT wanting to do the re-test on this one! It hurt on friday, and I knew I would only get a few more reps...IF ANY!!!
Friday I was + 20 Reps into Rnd #7...
I knew I would never complete Rnd #7, but thought I might get a few more calorie rows...
But it would HURT!
Tried to stall as long as possible...then just finally had to DO IT!
I had a plan (don't we all)...If I was not on target after 4 rnds (about the 8:15-30 mark) then I was going to be done...If there was not a chance of doing better, then I would be done and move on...

Well...getting into it, I lost track of rounds and did not even check the time till I saw the 12:30 mark...

I forget to reset the rower a few times, so had to wait for that. Although the extra breaths were nice!

Then I finished and was just ticked...I was sure that I was a full round behind were I was on Friday...

NOPE... got a +6 on Calorie Row...BUT...forgot and did only 18 WB on last round instead of 19, so I used one calorie as the wall ball and officially had 24 Reps into the 7th Rnd...

tb ~ 252 (6 Rnds + 18 WB + 6 Cals)

2 Rnds ~
6 Spidey & Reach
15 Thrusters (45# / 75#)
3 Walkouts
EMOM x 30min:
1 = 10/7 Cal Bike
2 = 20 Goblet Squat (55/35)
3 = 20 HR Push Ups
4 = 15 Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
5 = 30s Plank Hold
*Adjust reps anytime you need to...SHOULD NOT be working much past 45-50s within the minute!

Stan ~ Completed
Johns ~ completed adjusted some reps
tb ~ completed...

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the RE-TEST.

    MONDAY 2/26/19 WOD
    0-5 min Pause OHS - 95-115-145
    5-10 min Pause SB - 95-115-135
    10-15 min HSS - 95-105-115
    3 rounds of
    60 s/U
    3 - lying to standing rope
    60 s/u
    3 bear complex 75-85-95
    Then Front Squats: 5x130 3x150 1x170
    Cash out: 9/15/21 cal bike 18/30/42 Russian twists
