It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Muscle This...

Clean & Jerk Movements (2-3 Min continuous)
Quick work-up to 90% of last Friday's C&J
10 Singles @ 90% of last Fridays C & Push Jerk...
Remember, we want a quick transition from top of clean to the push jerk, no resetting the hands/bar
For Time (12m Cap):
Thrusters (155#/105#)
Ring MU
Thrusters ~  Be heavy, but not so much that you need more than two breaks no more than 5-5-5 / 4-4-4 / 3-3-3, if you can break less great, but don't let it be light.
Scaled Ring MU = Strict PU + Strict Dip

Daliege ~ 115# Thruster & PU+Dip = Finished in 12:00 even!!!
tb ~ Scaled to 145# Thrusters & 12-9-6 on Ring MU... 15-12-12-9-4 thrusters (52 Total Reps)
Thrusters @ 1:38 (10-5)
60s to catch breath
12 MU @ 5:33 (3-3-2-1-1-1-1)
30s to put on belt, take off gloves
Thrusters @ 8:16 (8-4)
60s to catch breath...AGAIN!?!?
9 MU @ 11:33 (3-2-2-1-1)
+ 4 Thrusters
B) 15m of Work on C2B
10 Kipping + 5 Strict + 10 Kipping + 5 Strict
15 Kipping + 20 Kipping + 10 Kipping
C1) 3 Slow-Controled Pass Thrus
C2) 12-15 DB Cuban Presses

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