It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Track Practice

Here we go... A little running WOD in the winter!!!
And a little work for the 12 Days WOD

10m Easy Run
400m @ Tough Pace (fast, but sustainable)
200m easy "recovery run"
400m @ Tough Pace (try to maintain the same pace as before)
200m easy "recovery run"
4 M Rest
10m Cool down Run

Ladick ~ 1:18 / 1:20 ... 1:12 / 1:15
Stan ~ 1:28 / 1:38 ... 1:28 / 1:32
Daliege ~ 1:39 / 1:35 ... 1:18 / 1:26
tb ~ 1:40 / 1:42 ... 1:45 / 1:41

There was no way I was going to hold a faster pace than that... WOW, was Lad's flying!!!
On the 2nd round I needed a Run-walk as I do not think there is such a thing as recovery run for me!

Squat/CNS Prep work...
Air Squats
Power Clean Warm-Up
Squat Clean ~ AMRAP in 3m @85% 1RM
Thrusters (95/65) ~ 5 Sets of 10 Reps AFAP, rest about 60s b/t each set
DB Step Overs (50/35) 5 sets of 10 AFAP, Rest 2m b/t sets
Pistols 3 sets of 20 Alternating Reps (20 Total), 2m Rest b/t sets

tb ~ 215# = 11 Reps / Thrusters ~ 16.79/17.84 /17.12/16/76/15.84 (last set I felt like I was pulling the bar down from the top) / DB Step Overs ~ 1:10/46/53/50/45 / Pistols were with a band for balance 1:36/1:15/1:20

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