Sorry this is late...
Britt & Company did CF Seven this AM...
Squat for a 1RM...Rest..then
7 RFT ~
1 Power Snatch (135#)
3 Overhead Squats (135#)
10 Ring Dips
I will get times up tomorrow
The rest of the group did their strength portion...then we did
Death by 10m
but it was across the basketball court (which is 12-15 meters)...So Death by 12-15 meters...
This means that we did 1 time the first minute 2 the second 3 the third, etc...Everyone made it to 10 then they started to drop off...
Coach Syd made it the furthest...thru 13, but missed 14 by 4 steps...
Big WOD tomorrow...Pre Triathlon!!!
Hope all is well for the Hepp Family in Vegas/Cali!!!!
Guess what it was like in WR today?????? ..........RAIN!
Tabata Thursday! two newbies today.. woohoo ~v