It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Different Type of Intervals...

800m Run
Bar Warm-Up (prep for Cleans)

7 x 1 2-Position Clean + 1 Jerk, climbing (work to heavy set)
#1 Pos. = Clean from Floor
#2 Pos. = Low Hang (2" from floor / bar below knees)

6 Rnds for Individual Times:
20 Swings (55#/35#)
15 Burpees

REST = 1:1 for rnds 1,2,3
REST = 2:1 for rnds 4,5,6
Meaning take your work time and rest that amount for the first 3 rnds, then double the rest for the last 3 rnds.

It got tricky figuring out some may have been quicker...a few seconds difference in this WOD do not make a difference... 30-60 seconds DO!

Oz ~ tech work / 1:30 approximate average per rnd / 18:22 finish
Des ~ 1:30/1:32/1:34/1:36/1:38//1:40 (w/ sprawl subbed for burpees)
Val ~ 125# / 1:30/1:34/1:37/1:50//1:48//1:50
Kate ~ ?? / 1:41/1:25/1:35/1:35//1:40//1:40
Feidt ~ 185# / 1:27/1:31/1:36//1:32//1:36//1:27
SimO~ xx / 1:26/1:47/1:32/1:37//1:48//1:19
tb~ 185# / 1:14/1:17///1:21/1:18/1:19//1:16

This WOD was designed to be an ALL-OUT effort during your 35 Reps...REST was built in specifically for this... amazingly, the first time I had a longer (2:1) rest my time was the worst (had to run out to get 40's set for speed training so I took almost a 3:1 rest after the 2nd rnd, then 1:1 for 3,4,5 and 2:1 from 5-6 (which seemed to go as fast as the 1:1)

This is "interval training"...this type of training builds the engine better than any long-slow effort can...
Endurance can be sustained by most is just a matter of how fast they will go...
Just doing more endurance does not get your 5K, 10K, Tri, or even mile time faster!
You will stay the same...even though you can now run a marathon!
If you want faster times, you must train intervals...
NOW your body understands what that "faster" sustained work feels like & it will adjust to it...try to maintain THAT effort!

TWO WODers doing this WOD for 6 Rounds:
Person A:
10 swings, 15-20sec rest, 10 swings, 15-20sec rest, 10 burpees, 15-20 sec rest, 5 burpees, 15-20 sec rest...
Person B:
20 swings, 15 burpees (rest = work)

Both types of WOD's are good...they serve two different purposes...
From the above:
WHICH is more intense for the WOD? and Why?

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