It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, May 13, 2013


It was a great day today! That workout was just what we needed to feel...
I say WE, as I think we all felt the same way...It was tough (as all WOD's should be), but it was not just a burner, it had some great strength components involved that really taxed the system...
I hope you all feel it a bit more tomorrow!!!

Warm-Up ~
Easy Run & Movement Prep

EMOM for 10:
3 Clean & Jerks, climbing to heavy

Broken Mary
2 ROUNDS for rounds, time & weight (18 Min Cap)

~ AMRAP in 5 Min:
10 Pistols (alt. legs, 5/leg)
15 Pull Ups

~ 15 Back Squat (approx 75% of your 1RM Clean)
*bar must be taken from the floor!

WOD looks like 5 min AMRAP, 15 squats, 5 min AMRAP, 15 Squats

Oz ~ 2rnds / 2rnds / 14:19 @115#
Kate ~ 2rnds + 4 / 1rnd + 20 / 13:39 @ 90#
Feidt ~ 2rnds + 3 / 2rnds / 15:00 @ 165#
Gatlin ~ 2rnds / 1rnd + 25 / 14:00 @ 145#
Biba ~ 2rnds / 2rnds + 3 / 14:10 @ 175#
Val ~ 1rnd + 15 / 1rnd + 15 / 13:55 @ 95#
Simon ~ 2rnds + 8 / 1rnd + 25 / 14:19 @ 155#
tb ~ 2rnds / 2rnds / 14:06 @ 175

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