It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Curtis P's

Pro Volley (Ashley & Whitney) were in with us to get a WOD...

400m Run
30 Lungesteps
20 Inverted Pull Ups (supine or modified pull ups)
10 T2B
400m Run

WOD ~ For Time:
60 Curtis P's (75#/55#)
40 Pull Ups
30 Dips (Ring Dips if you have them)
20 Toes 2 Bar
1 Mile Run

Whitney ~ 37:45
Val ~ 34:24
Ashley ~ 34:05
SimO ~ 31:48
tb ~ 32:07

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today seems like summer... Finally!
Not the sun or nice day outside...just really not much else to do but head to the weight room, get kids lifting and being around great people...
School got out and it just all seemed crammed into the next two days, golf outing, youth camp, other camps, clinics, fundraisers...going...going...going...from one thing to the next and most overlapping...

Not complaining...just letting you know why there has not been much on the blog but the WOD...sorry.

Thursday ACTIVE REST is:
Warm-Up ~ 3 x 10 Burpees
Active Rest ~ (100 Burpees total...including the warm-up)...
TEST Today:
How many consecutive Burpees can you get?

How many burpees I could get in a rest or recovery breaths...constant movement...
My best a week or so ago was 30 in a row...(bouncedown/dropdown style)...
later that day...
Syd did 40 with walkdown style...impressive...took him about 2 minutes

Well today I thought I might make it past 30...but at about 20 there was the voice...
"this is getting tough"
"you do not have to do this"
"WHY would you do this"
You know that voice? Negative, tired-out, crappy little voice...


by 25 reps I was sure I could make it to 30 and maybe even 33-35...
by 35, I HAD to make it to to get what SYD did (thanks for the motivation SYD)!
Soooo..with Val doing SEALGRINDER PT on the side...I huffed & puffed and sounded like Bertagnolski (or just me when I run ;-) and got..........................40 (dropdown style)...1:35 (I think)...
took one minute rest and got 10 more with wobbly legs!

Two more sets of 10 and I was done... to watch VAL do yesterdays WOD and KILL IT!!!!

Val ~ 7 Rnds + 4 Burpees...AWESOME!!! Beats us all again!!! She is a firebreather!
Once Val gets a Muscle Up there will be no stopping her...and she is closer than she thinks!!!

Pro Volley Friends coming in for Friday WOD!!!
Sooooo Excited!!!
They worked out with us last year and it was awesome...
See you at 6:15am!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Warm-Up (Brought to you by Sealgrinder PT):
Wrist Stretch - 30 sec each
Wrist Rotations - 10 each way
Arm Circles -10 each way
Press, Press, Fling - 10
Up, Back & Over - 10
Shoulder Pass Thru - 10
Hip Swivel Kicks Fwd - 10-15
Hip Swivel Kicks Side - 10-15
Jumping Jax - 25
Hip Mobility - 2-3 rnds
(6 Lungesteps, 6 Groiners (3sec. hold), 6 Steps Duckwalk)
2-Cnt Moutain Climbers - 25
Push Ups - 20
Swimmers Chest Stretch - 20sec Hold
Alt. Hand Forward Push Ups - 15
Airborne Heismans - 20
Squat Bottom - 30sec
Standing Hip Flexor Stretch - 5 each leg
Dive Bomber Push Ups - 10
Standing Lunge - 20
Air Squat - 50 
Push Ups (wide) - 10
Frog Jump Lateral Jumps - 10
8-Cnt Bodybuilders - 10
Split Lunge Jumps - 15
Pike Sit Ups - 25
Burpee w/ Frog Broad Jump - 10
Plie Squat Stretch - 30sec Hold
Wt. Sit Ups - 25
Flutterkicks (4-cnt) - 50
Crunchers - 25
Reverse Crunch (lying Knees 2 Chin) - 20

AMRAP in 15 Min:
5 Burpees
10 Snatches (95#/65#)
15 HR Push Ups

Feidt ~ 6 Rnds + 5 Snatches (190 Total Reps)
tb ~ 7 Rnds (210 Total Reps)

*** BTW ~ 8-Count Bodybuilders DO NOT count for Burpees
*** Burpees w/ Frog Broad Jump DO count for Burpees

Val crushed yesterdays WOD - 19:18!! Holy Cow!...Stay up to day w/ burpee challenge and other things at search #AOWR on twitter and post as well!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Here Comes the Sun...

300m Row
30 Push Press (45#)
300m Row

3 Rounds for Time:
30 Thrusters (75#/45#)
20 Swings (55#/35#)
10 Pull Ups
400m Run

Feidt ~ 20:50
Britt ~ 20:56
tb ~ 20:58 (caught on last round run...could not sprint)

Monday, June 24, 2013



GREAT WEEKEND!!! Saturday was our own version of a TRI (ANYthing Once Style)
Sunday...Jacob hit the river with a paddleboard!

3 Rnds:
5 Front Squats (45#)
5 Push Press (45#)
5 Thrusters (45#)
5 Pull Ups

3 Rnds for Max Reps/Cal
2 min. Work...take 30 seconds REST b/t exerciser 
Row For Calories
Overhead Squats (95#/65#)
Turkish Get-Ups (45#/30#)
Abmat Sit Ups

Simon ~ 91 / 39 / 12 / 125
Britt ~ 27-29-33 (89) / 16-18-19 (43) / 8-8-8 (24) / 37-37-46 (120)
Bertag ~ 25-27-29 (61) / 33-30-27 (90) / 10-10-10 (30) / 35-37-35 (107)
Hepp ~ 33-30-31 (94) / 18-17-15 (50) / 8-6-8 (22) / 31-33-35 (99)
tb ~ 35-35-33 (103) / 26-30-25 (81) / 10-8-9 (27) / 36-38-50 (124)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday Excursions

Lets set the stage:
Earlier this week...
1.I don't know about the triathlon.  2.Well, what is everyone else doing?  1.I don't know.  What do you want to do?  2.We could do something else but base it on the tri.  We could bike, run, and swim but different lengths and other activities.  1.That would be cool.  I will send a text out and see if anyone is interested.
1.Everyone wants to know what time we are going at.  I am not sure who is going to come but, you know, whatever.  2.Lets go at 9.  Go to mapmyrun, we can figure it out.  1.Ok.  I will text everyone.
This Morning...
Ethan, Jacob, Biolo, me and some light rain are starting with 25 burpees in the weight room and we were off.
Start at LHS, hit bike path on expressway into town- stop at hill by Riverview and the river.
-25 burpees
-5 hill sprints / 5 bear crawls
Bike over bridge, take path to the zoo
-50 burpees
Bike path through Port Edwards and to Nekoosa Riverside park.
-100 overhead lunge walk -bike is overhead
-lil under 1mi run
Bike over Nekoosa bridge, Church Rd, Z into town, Griffith to Nepco.
(this was the point where I was beating Jacob for a while)
-Nepco Lake swim to boundary of swim area and back
-Wave to Brittnacher in his one-man fishing floaty
Cool down - bike back to LHS

19.2miles / 2hr round trip

This was fun.  Only a few minor issues- some mosquitos, a bike seat issue, really dirty, cold water, lots of geese.
Adventure runs had nothing on this excursion. 

Some other things going on this weekend- Maloney is up in Bayfield and hanging with the Apostle Islands... this may be an adventure to repeat- can't wait to hear about it!

Friday, June 21, 2013


400m Run
20 Burpees
400m Run
20 SDLHP (75/45)

For Time (in teams of 4)
300 Pull Ups
400 HR Push Ups
500 Sit Ups
600 Air Squats
Two people can work at a time...others must be resting
Must complete the exercise before moving on to the next...

Val, Feidt, Oz, Hepp ~ 31:04

Twosomes (due to time difference in starts...)
Britt & SimO ~ 31:05
Bertag & tb ~ 31:54

Thursday, June 20, 2013

No REST for the WEAK!!!

As stated earlier this week...Summers are all over the place! Thursday's are REST days...which is actually ACTIVE RECOVERY...which is individualized (by YOU!!!) Know yourself...Know your body...Know your strengths...Know your weaknesses

TEST DAY for 100 Burpees...
100 Burpees for time

Val ~ 9:54
tb ~ 7:07

Jacob, Syd & Feidt did Monday's Work Capacity
Bertag ~ 18:20
Syd ~ 18:47
Feidt ~ 19:39

Val also did yesterdays WOD of D/U & Swings: somewhere around 12min or so.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


For any postings you do to social media (ie. twitter, instagram, etc) use the hashtag (#) AOWR
Which would stand for AnythingOnceWR (WR=wisconsin rapids)...rather than waste all those letters we can get by with 5 spaces...#AOWR

I know everyone is not from WR (wisconsin rapids), nor does everyone do an event IN WR, but WR is "HOME" to ANYthingOnce...maybe ORIGIN of ANYthingOnce is a better way of defining it! Whatever...

Summer is a time when we tend to get separated a bit more...We have chances of DOING more...Events, WOD's, Cookouts, etc... But the day-to-day routine is out the window in the summertime! Classes, Kids Events, Camping, Vacation (WHAT?!)...All these things keep us occupied at various times throughout the summer...AS WELL THEY SHOULD!

Oz commented yesterday that he misses the group and the facility! Agreed... It is just not the same w/o the crew...BUT, it is summer...We make due...This is our connection, well...this and texting and social media... is a read on community!

THUS...#AOWR...get on twitter and check it your burpees...what you tried, time you did it in, etc...

Leg Blaster
20 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
20 Push Press (45/35)
20 Upright Row (45/35)
Leg Blaster

For Time:
100 D/U
10 KB Swings (55/35)
75 D/U
20 KBS
50 D/U
30 KBS
25 D/U
40 KBS

Then...2 Mile Run...or Sealgrinder PT

Feidt ~ 15:25
Syd ~ 20:36
Hepp ~ 22:00
tb ~ 11:31

These guys did Yesterday's WOD:
Kate ~ 20:00 (@25#)
Britt ~ 20:13 (30/35 alternating sets)
SimO ~ 20:13 (30/35 alternating sets)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Whoever says "Burpees Suck" has never done MANMAKERS!!!

They SUCK...Burpees are easy!

Warm-Up ~
Arm/Shoulder Mobility Work (arm circles, etc)
10 Burpees
20 Pull Ups
40 Lungewalk Steps (rt=1, lft=2, rt=3, etc)
60 4-Cnt Flutterkicks

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Manmakers (35#/25#)
100m Shuttle SPRINT (50m & Back)

*Sprint is faster than a recovery Run

Feidt ~ 19:40
JB ~ 19:32
Syd ~ 18:33
tb ~ 18:50

Saturday will be a BIG WOD day for the Anything Once Crew...
Bring your bikes!!! Tri-Type WOD...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Work Capacity...

How long can you go?
Simon S. apparently has the slow-twitch gene...and is getting better at the fast-twitch muscle as well...

Warm-Up ~
Mini Leg Blaster (10-10-10-5)
20 Pull Ups
20 HR Push Ups

Work Capacity
For Time:
1 Mile Run
30 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
1 Mile Run

Simon ~ 18:49 (flying on the mile times...under 7 min on #1)
Val ~ 20:12
Britt ~ 20:14
Des ~ 20:25 (65#)
tb ~ 20:13 (side note:7:40 / 8:24 were the mile time)

SYD did CFHQ 6.17.13
3 RFT ~
1000m Row
20 Pull Us
30 Box Jumps (20')

Syd ~ 22:30
Don't Forget...100 Burpees
BTW ~ Yesterday was a very nice...
2 Paddleboards wrecked (but still usable)
NOTE to anyone: Do not take paddleboards over whitewater (rocks)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

First Week out & BURPEE commentary for our SUMMER 2013 Challenge

Where does it go...
We finished up school on Monday with kids...Tuesday with staff...
Then "contact" FB Days...BB Contact Days...Wt. Room...Golf outing...Grad Class...
This week was just PACKED...It never seemed to slow down!!!

As you can tell...Hardly blogged about it...

Friday WOD:
DL (225# / 155#)
GHD Sit Ups
Wall Ball

Early Crew
Feidt ~ 11:40
Val ~ 9:49
Britt ~ ?
Simo ~ 13:34
Des ~ 11:25 @135#
Late Crew
Syd ~ 7:30
Hepp ~ 10:00
tb ~ 9:08

Don't forget about your 100 Burpees...

We need to start using the comments section 
to post about burpees!!
How you did them (10x10, 11burpees EMOM until complete, breathing burpees for time, etc), if you did anything interesting (ie ~ one-arm burpees, inverted burpees, burpees with wall ball, etc), did you involve others, etc...You know, general stuff...AND the only person you really have to answer to is YOU!!!

Can you commit to getting 100 burpees done EVERYDAY this summer?! If you do miss a day, will you penalize yourself, or just count it as a miss...either way it is still a missed day...

More on Burpee Thoughts:
Thursdays (REST DAY from a WOD) will be a day that I "test-out"... 100 burpees for time in some way shape or form...but I will not just break them up thru the course of the day

If you are doing burpees this summer, it is not going to be good enough to "just" get 100 burpees in a day... a couple of days each week you should try for 100 for time, or as quickly as you can...

Other "test" thoughts:
How many can you get in 60sec?
How many can you get in 4 Minutes?
How many can you get in a row (w/o taking a break)?
How far can you get w/ Burpee Broad Jumps?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Partner Pulls...

Today was a doozie...

Warm-Up ~
2 Rnds ~ 10 Burpees, 5 Pull Ups, 10 Air Squats, 5 HSPU

Burgener Warm-Up w/ Bar

3-4 x 3 Hi-Hang Snatch
3 x 2 Hang Snatch
3 x 1 Snatch

8 x 50m Partner Pulls (Pull, Hold, Walk recovery w/ Partner = 1 Rep)
(if you are on your own...200m Run EMOM for 8 Minutes...goal is to run under 40sec each time.)

Britt did well on Snatch
Feidt did Snatch & PP w/ tb
tb did Snatch & PP w/ Feidt
(After PP we could not walk well... & Had FB camp from 9-2:30!)

THEN... We did the "Daliege Tri" @ 5:30pm @ Daliege's House...
Feidt = group bike and full 2+ mile run...finished burpees for the day as well
Val = group bike and full 2+ mile run (had burpees done already!)
Britt = group bike and full 2+ mile run
Daliege = swim to middle of the lake, group bike and full 2+ mile run & 100 burpees
Mrs. Daliege = Joined in on the 2+ mile run!
tb = Duck and back swim, group bike and jog 1 mile while finishing my Burpees for the day!

Tomorrow is a REST DAY...with the exception of your 100 Burpees...
Sooooooooooooo ... Do your Burpees with a Hand Release at the bottom (CFJAX Style!!)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer is HERE!

Know how you can tell?!
Because we did 100 Burpees (Summer of Buprpees!!!)

Warm-Up ~ 
50 Burpees (break-up as you prefer)

3 Rnds for Time:
15 2-fer-1 Wall Balls
15 Clean & Jerk (135#/95#)
400m Run (tennis court 200 and back)

CA$H-Out = 50 Burpees (of course!!!)

Between your warm-up and your cash-out, you  have now entered the summer of 100 Burpees...NOW, how long can you make it...

Val & E did 100 Burpees yesterday...Good for them! But they do not count toward their "Summer of Burpees"!!!

TODAY is the OFFICIAL Start day!!!
Here are some quick rules:
You MUST perform 100 Burpees EVERYDAY!!!
If you do more than 100 Burpees...good for you...there is NO banking burpees!!!
WHAT?! Even on Saturday & Sunday???  
YUP!!! Get your spouse, significant other, kids & friends involved and make them do some burpees with you!!!  That is what the weekend is for!
Try new techniques...
Try new ways to get them in...
10 x 10
Breathing Burpees
XX ammount of burpees EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
AMRAP in XX (then finish what you do not get later)
20 sets of 5 Burpees
Max Burpees w/o a break...(finish the rest later)

If the WOD calls for burpees...those DO count toward your 100 for the day!!! YIPPIE!!!

Break them up throughout the day... get 25 done early...25 done @ lunch, 25 done mid afternoon & 25 in the evening...nothing difficult!

I will be doing burpees on the Paddleboard (on the water) at some point this summer...

WOD this AM:
Feidt ~ 20:50 (STUD!!!)
Oz ~ 22:15 (@115#...getting stronger!!!)
Daliege ~ After a Wazeecha Run with Siler...he did the WOD & Cash-Out!!!
tb ~ 21:58

Monday, June 10, 2013


Sometimes you just look at a WOD and say WTF?!

This is one of them...

Everyone knows CINDY, right?
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats

Well...My best Cindy (I believe is 16+, maybe 17+)...That is in 20 Minutes!
I am no firebreather, but I have found that pacing (Like Rich F. did to break records this past weekend) DOES help in some WOD's...
CrossFit & WODing truly does have some strategery to it...
Every Sunday, when we RE-TESTED with some strategy...WE GOT BETTER!!!

That being said...Here comes

EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute) for 30 Min:
5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats
If you fail to complete a round of 30 Reps (5-10-15) in one minute...mark it down and Rest the remainder of that minute...then continue at a pace that is acceptable...continue to count your rounds for the remaining time.

OZ ~ 7 Rnds then had to leave
Britt ~ Did some 10-12 I think then started some HSPU and something else (I was not seeing straight)
Simon ~ 7 Rounds then continued...UNKNOWN TOTAL
Dalaige ~ 6 Rounds and continued...UNKNOWN TOTAL
Val ~ 5 Rounds and continued...19 Total Rounds (95 Pull Ups+190 Push Ups+285 Air Squats)
Feidt ~ 15 Rounds & 26 Total Rounds (130 Pull Ups+260 Push Ups+390 Air Squats)
tb ~ 17 Rounds & 26 Total Rounds

I went 60s Rest then did 1 rounds every 90sec until the last 3 minutes then was back on EMOM for 3 Rnds
Feidt rested 60s then did EMOM for 4 more rounds...picked up with me for 90s rnds then finished our last 3 together... AND got the exact same # of Rounds...AWESOME & IMPRESSIVE!!!

This was a WOD I would have loved to have videoed... I did not get to see everyone working hard... I heard everyone, but could not even look up to see...Just got focused and dialed in...good for WOD, bad for coaching and encouraging teammates!  It seemed like everyone just busted their @$$ this AM...

Summer of 100 BURPEES begins tomorrow!!!
100 Burpees per Day...EVERY DAY...ALL SUMMER
If burpees are in a WOD...those can count toward your 100 for that day!!!
No "Banking" BURPEES...You must do 100 EACH & EVERY DAY...
If you are alive...DO BURPEES!
If you want to be BETTER...DO BURPEES!
If you want to SUCK LESS...DO BURPEES!

Saturday, June 8, 2013


.. I'm sure you have missed my great writings.. tonight's should be one for the book I am sure.

I thought I wanted a break-  from the AMrun, the rush to get to the room, rush to school, rush to the next building, figuring out what I forgot prior for myself or better yet, what I had forgotten for someone else.  Classes just kicking my brain's butt and then you start wondering about what you should really be doing... so I just took a break, you know, thinking that would help me figure some things out, which is stupid because you shouldn't take a break from the things you love doing- you should dive into them head first.
Alright, lesson learned: Dive in next time to what you know you will always have because that will help keep you in the mindset you need.

I have been around a lot (more) smart people lately- Yes, I have been trying to soak up as much as possible to make up for my lack of, or better yet- loss of intelligence from certain events in my life.
They make me think and question myself, the settings we allow ourselves to be in, and how we react to the situations that come about.
These people are inspiring.  Motivating. I connect them with those I am already around and the wheels just start spinning.
Truly, communication has such a power and not just in the transferring of information and experiences, but also in the way you can truly manipulate and transform situations based on the way you convey not only yourself, but your words.
Those I am around everyday do this.  They see the picture and before they start in on it, they gather their perspective.  Time.  Time is important.. it can be the difference between changing the tone of the situation to having you be taken seriously in a conversation.
I have watched individuals wait until it was the 'right' time to have a conversation with another.  I have seen them interact with athletes/people by being direct, but I have also seen them open up.  It is all determined on not only how they communicated to those people but in the demeanor they used.

'Say what you mean and mean what you say' is HUGE.
It is a waste of a conversation with another when what you are saying is empty.  Not just a waste of a conversation, but time- 10min you will never get back.
(10min can mean the matter of accomplishing 3 things on your list, going through the pile next to your desk, watering your plants, running over a mile!, performing 100 burpees)
I talked at the farmers market to a man I did not know, but walked away knowing the largest wood pecker species was a Pileated Woodpecker and it was in our yard!  - NOT empty at all, I will give those 5minutes up to be enlightened from a bird house entrepreneur.
I listened to another say the other day, "Why do they say that?  I hate that.  The 'it would be nice' comment.  If they would like us to help, ask us.  Otherwise, why say it at all?"
Completely agree.  If they meant for us to help, they would say it but instead their implication is an empty comment, easily taken out of context and led to annoy people.  A lot of things are nice, but really most of these things you need to ask for.
Save time, be concise and direct in a tone that conveys your disposition.  People appreciate those that can ask for exactly what they need without flowering it up... just give them a high five or hug in the end and all is well!

I didn't hit honesty in communication.  Simply because I hold that in my Karma category.
If you choose to use words that don't highlight the truth, it is only time before that comes back to you.  And when that happens- those dishonest words will not be alone; feelings, relationships, opportunities, and trust will be accompanying them.
Again: Karma.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Year Ago...


Just about a year ago, we did this "little" WOD called BURPEE HELL

Guess What?! We did it again!!!

'cept this time we did it sandwiched between a couple of mile runs!!! 

Warm-Up ~ 1 Mile Run

Burpee Hell
20 Rounds of 30 sec. Work & 30 sec. Rest
Burpees (as many as you can get in 30 sec.)

Cash-Out ~ 1 Mile Run

Britt ~ 168
Maloney ~ 181
Oz ~ 187
Feidt ~ 196
Bertag ~ 214
tb ~ 214

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Glutes Again?!?!?...Day #3

This week we have seemed to focus on the Gluteus Maximus:
Lunge Jumps, Thrusters, Box Jumps & Pistols...NOW Step-Ups!
Not to mention last friday's WOD of Running on Empty (200 Thrusters(
 & still feeling that when we started on Monday.

Warm-Up ~
15-10-5 ~ Air Squats, HR Push Ups, GHD Sit Ups

Clean Tech

5 x 2 Clean & Jerk, 60s Rest ... work to heavy

For Time:
2 Rnds: 400m Run & 8 STRICT Pull Ups
40 Step Ups (115#/75#) (20" Box or 3 Blue +1 Green)
2 Rnds: 400m Run & 8 STRICT Pull Ups

Britt ~ 175# / 17:32
Feidt ~ 185# / 15:05
Kate ~ 105# / 14:32
Oz ~ 125# / 14:19 (100#)
Des ~ 115# / 15:15

St & Fit Class (No C&J)
Crowley ~ 15:20
Schroer ~ 14:20
Dickey ~ 13:59 (8 Jumping Pull Ups)
Orschied ~ 12:25
Wendt ~ 12:13
Nieman ~ 11:53 (straight thru on 40 step ups...switched every 10 reps!)
tb ~ 12:32

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Twenty What?!

Yesterdays WOD was a fantastic one!
Feidt dominated...
Bertagnolski needed one more round to "catch" the superhero Chris Feidt

This is a WOD that needs to be re-visited this fall!!!
Interval training is a great way of testing how hard you can keep a pace...
Short bursts of greater intensity with a bit of rest b/t...
I need to do a better job of keeping things closer in timing of these...
~ 43 second difference b/t fastest and slowest round
Feidt...great example of consistency yesterday... 15 sec from fastest to slowest round!!! Awesome!!!
Bertag...descending rounds each time with a 19 sec differential b/t fastest to slowest!!! Unreal...

Nice work by Val & Oz later in the day! this one could not be easy on your own...

Warm-Up ~
400m Run
Static Hip Stretch ~ Lunge, Prisoner, Grointer, Pidgeon (hold for a 4-6 cnt each)
Mobile Hip ~ 8 Lungesteps, 8 Groiners, 8 Duckwalks x 2

For Time:
20 KB Snatch (55#/35#) [10 Lft Arm / 10 Rt Arm]
20 Alternate Pistols (L=1, R=2, L=3, etc)
20 KBS
20 Alt. Pistols
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 KBS
20 Box Jumps
20 KBS

Snatch needs ALL 10 reps w/ ONE Arm before going to the other...
Pistols need to be alternating...use boxes if needed
Box Jumps = Games Standard

Bertag ~ 10:25 (2 box pistols)
Daliege ~ 9:45 (35# / 3 box pistols)
Oz ~ 8:33 (35# / 3 box pistols)
tb ~ 9:36 / 5 x 2 TEMPO High-Bar Back Squat @ 225# (3cnt @ bottom)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Does this ever End?

Warm-Up ~ 
Leg Blaster (feeling the quads from ROE on friday...still)
Burgener Warm-Up & Snatch Technique

5 x 2 Hi-Hang Snatch (get-under-the-bar!!!) 60s Rest
as heavy as possible


4 Rnds for Times (Individual Timed Rounds ~ 1:1 Work:Rest)
24 Split Lunge Jumps (Rt = 1, Lft = 2, Rt = 3, etc)
24 KB Swings (55#/35#)
24 Thrusters (45#/35#)

Back knee must touch the ground on split lunge jumps

4 indy times ~ TOTAL WORK TIME
Britt ~ 2:22 / 2:24 / 3:00 / 4:05 ~ 11:51
Kate ~ 2:22 / 2:17 / 2:23 / 2:25 ~ 9:27
Feidt ~ 2:16 / 2:10 / 2:17 / 2:25 ~ 9:08
Des ~ 2:45 / 3:00 / 3:45 / 3:46 ~ 15:16
Bertag ~ 2:29 / 2:14 / 2:12 / 2:10 ~ 9:05
tb ~ 2:05 / 2:23 / 2:34 / 2:48 ~ 9:50

evening ~
Val ~ 2:52 / 3:30 / 3:50 / 3:28 ~ 13:40
split squats would be done in 20sec / swings in @1min / then...
thrusters killed me... counted my breaths during the break up and cut my time down