Yesterdays WOD was a fantastic one!
Feidt dominated...
Bertagnolski needed one more round to "catch" the superhero Chris Feidt
This is a WOD that needs to be re-visited this fall!!!
Interval training is a great way of testing how hard you can keep a pace...
Short bursts of greater intensity with a bit of rest b/t...
I need to do a better job of keeping things closer in timing of these...
~ 43 second difference b/t fastest and slowest round
Feidt...great example of consistency yesterday... 15 sec from fastest to slowest round!!! Awesome!!!
Bertag...descending rounds each time with a 19 sec differential b/t fastest to slowest!!! Unreal...
Nice work by Val & Oz later in the day! this one could not be easy on your own...
Warm-Up ~
400m Run
Static Hip Stretch ~ Lunge, Prisoner, Grointer, Pidgeon (hold for a 4-6 cnt each)
Mobile Hip ~ 8 Lungesteps, 8 Groiners, 8 Duckwalks x 2
For Time:
20 KB Snatch (55#/35#) [10 Lft Arm / 10 Rt Arm]
20 Alternate Pistols (L=1, R=2, L=3, etc)
20 KBS
20 Alt. Pistols
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 KBS
20 Box Jumps
20 KBS
Snatch needs ALL 10 reps w/ ONE Arm before going to the other...
Pistols need to be alternating...use boxes if needed
Box Jumps = Games Standard
Bertag ~ 10:25 (2 box pistols)
Daliege ~ 9:45 (35# / 3 box pistols)
Oz ~ 8:33 (35# / 3 box pistols)
tb ~ 9:36 / 5 x 2 TEMPO High-Bar Back Squat @ 225# (3cnt @ bottom)
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