It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Twenty What?!

Yesterdays WOD was a fantastic one!
Feidt dominated...
Bertagnolski needed one more round to "catch" the superhero Chris Feidt

This is a WOD that needs to be re-visited this fall!!!
Interval training is a great way of testing how hard you can keep a pace...
Short bursts of greater intensity with a bit of rest b/t...
I need to do a better job of keeping things closer in timing of these...
~ 43 second difference b/t fastest and slowest round
Feidt...great example of consistency yesterday... 15 sec from fastest to slowest round!!! Awesome!!!
Bertag...descending rounds each time with a 19 sec differential b/t fastest to slowest!!! Unreal...

Nice work by Val & Oz later in the day! this one could not be easy on your own...

Warm-Up ~
400m Run
Static Hip Stretch ~ Lunge, Prisoner, Grointer, Pidgeon (hold for a 4-6 cnt each)
Mobile Hip ~ 8 Lungesteps, 8 Groiners, 8 Duckwalks x 2

For Time:
20 KB Snatch (55#/35#) [10 Lft Arm / 10 Rt Arm]
20 Alternate Pistols (L=1, R=2, L=3, etc)
20 KBS
20 Alt. Pistols
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 KBS
20 Box Jumps
20 KBS

Snatch needs ALL 10 reps w/ ONE Arm before going to the other...
Pistols need to be alternating...use boxes if needed
Box Jumps = Games Standard

Bertag ~ 10:25 (2 box pistols)
Daliege ~ 9:45 (35# / 3 box pistols)
Oz ~ 8:33 (35# / 3 box pistols)
tb ~ 9:36 / 5 x 2 TEMPO High-Bar Back Squat @ 225# (3cnt @ bottom)

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