It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mix It Up...

We had a variaty of activities/WOD's going on this AM...

Everyone tries to get in a GREAT warm-up (mini-workout) before the main WOD!

Feidt is running miles & D/U's...Kate is running and doing Jump Rope (maybe working D/U?!?!).
JB & Oz are doing Line Drills, etc.

THEN when everyone is in the room, we are ready for the WOD

Warm-Up ~ On your own...Get Ready! WORK!!!

Death by Power Clean
EMOM increase the Power Clean by 1 Rep
1st Minute = 1, 2nd minute = 2, until you cannot complete he prescribed number of reps

Front Squats (165#/115#)
4 Sets of 15 UNBROKEN F.Sqt
~ No Rack...take wt. from ground

Britt ~ 9+7 (52 reps) / FS @ 135#
Kate ~ 10+6 (61 reps)
Des ~ 9+6 (51 reps) / FS @ 65#
Witt ~ 10+10 (65 reps) (@35#)
Oz ~ 10+10 (65 reps) / FS @ 135# (1 rnd)
tb ~ 12+11 (89 reps) / FS completed @165# (approx 3min rest b/t)

Redd did the 2K row from yesterday ~ 9:15

JB & Feidt did CF Hardcore (4/19):
3 Rnds ~ 800m Run - 15 KB SDLHP(70#)-15 Dips - 15 T2B - 15 Thrusters(75#)

JB ~ 25:00
Feidt ~ 26:45

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