It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PR = Personal Record!

Today was a good day!!!

Ethan was STRONG!
Oz lifted more than he has in his entire LIFE!
Danielle Witt is STRONGER than she thinks!!!

Val cheered and took care of her shoulder while stretching her legs (hip flexors)


Find a 1 RM

EMOM x 12min:
odd = 5 Deadlift (you choose the wt.)
even = 5 Strict or Weighted Pull Ups

10 x 250m Row w/ 30sec between rows

JB ~ Row only(after miles of running):54.4/56.5/56.6/56.6/56.0/54.5/53.3/58.2/59.2/52.3
Witt ~ 155# (3RM) (and could have gone up) / 5@135# & Mod Pull Ups
Red ~ 230# /
Oz ~ 315# (Big PR!) / 50.0/50.4/50.3/51.0/51.9/51.1/51.2/51.1/50.9/48.0
Ethan ~ 385# (Bam!) / 3@295# & 5 Strict / 53.2/52.8/52.4/51.9/52.3/52.2/52.0/51.6/51.8/49.1
tb ~ 385# (PR) / 5@295# & 5 (@35#) / 53.8/51.7/53.7/54.7/54.0/51.9/50.0/51.4/52.3/49.2

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