It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Push What?!?!

Warm-Up ~ 
2 Laps
10 Pull Ups - 20 Push Ups - 30 Air Squats
2 Laps
10 Pull Ups - 20 Push Ups - 30 Air Squats
2 Laps

Hip Mobility Sequence ~ 6-10 of each
Hip Swings FWD
Hip Swings Side
Split Squats (sampson stretch style)
Lateral Squats
Rotational Squats
Reverse Lunge w/ Twist
Reverse Lunge w/ Crossover

Freeza (CFNE)
AMRAP in 7 Min:
5 Deadlift (275#/185#)
10 Lateral Bar Burpees

AMRAP in 12 Min:
30yd. Plate Push (45#/25#) (BB court width & back = 30ish yds)
40 D/U
30sec REST

JB ~ Tabata work / 8 Rnds + 30yd
Witt ~ 3 Rnds + 5 (95#) / 7 Rnds (40 singles)
Des ~ 4 Rnds + 11 (135#) / 8 Rnds (@ 45#! Going BIG)
Feidt ~ 4 Rnds + 1 (205#) /
Britt ~ 5 Rnds + 7 (225#) / 8 Rnds + 30yd
Oz ~ 5 Rnds + 11 (185#) /
tb ~ 5 Rnds + 5 / 9 Rnds
Val did some work...and reflected (see below)

Rest / Recovery / Healing / Post-Op. / Time-Off / Repair / Coming back from injury...
Call it what you want ~ IT SUCKS!!! There is no easy way to come back from injury, heal, repair once you are injured. What makes things like this even worse is the "family/community" that you miss...(but you do not have to!!!)
If you are truly into ANYthing Once...then the WOD's are only the half of it! Maybe not even half...a third or so! If you are just showing up in the AM and performing WOD's then you are just exercising and could do this anywhere! And that is where the entire thing sinks in! AOWR is about MUCH, MUCH more! AOWR is about the WOD, the "family", not being a jerk to everyone, improving yourself, improving those around you, becoming the best and inspiring the same from those around you.  NOT being able to do the WOD seems like so much more than just the little (1/3) it truly is, because THAT is where we begin. Figuring out "how" you fit is no different than scaling for the newbies... it is not easy nor is it well liked, but it is worth doing... AND you must find a way to do it! Because EVERYONE that wants to be a part of AOWR is welcome...ONE of our ORIGINALS (Val) is finding this out first hand (read below).
Stay Strong...Find a WAY!!! We are here to help... I will be more help!

Val's Thoughts/Comments:
hating life; absolutely sucked watching you guys today.  makes me sad just thinking about it... i just really want to be with the rest of you.. and you guys LOOKED AWESOME!  unfortunately whether you like it or not... i am still going to say lets go when you rest- don't hate me for it because otherwise i feel awkward just watching you all do stuff that i really want to be doing! FRUSTRATED.
on an upside my legs may explode by the end of my 'resting' period.

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