It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, May 30, 2014

NO Seniors

First day with no seniors at school...

What does that change about our AM crew... Not much. Just not as crowded this AM...

AND we had an extra addition back... John Egge was back in the house... He is now an Advocare sales dude.
If you want/need any product...get a hold of him. This stuff is good & it works!

Warm Up ~ Push Ups & Leg Blaster
~ Why do the last 10 Jumping Air Squats ALWAYS would think the body (legs) would begin to get use to this crap...Oh, well...keep it going!

AMRAP in 15min:
10 TTB
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")
20 Wall Ball (20#/14#)

C2B Progression
7 Sets of 9 UB C2B (or appropriate scale)
40sec REST b/t sets

Auxiliary Work
2 Rnds NOT for Time
5 GHD Back Raises
10 Hip & Back Extension
20 Hip Extension

Des ~ 5 Rnds + 35 (260 Reps)
Oz ~ 5 Rnds + 38 (263 Reps)
Kate ~ 4 Rnds (subbed OH WB Step Up for BJ)
Egge ~ 4 Rnds + 8 (188 Reps)
Witt ~ 3 Rnds + 15 ( 150 Reps)
JB ~ 4 Rnds + 25 (205 Reps) (30" BJ / 30# WB)
tb ~ 4 Rnds + 17 (197 Reps) / C2B Done / Aux Complete

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Congrats to Mike and Naomi!!!

Titus Levi Feuerstahler
6lbs. - 14oz. - 21" long

For those that could day is now on Wednesday.

We did a WOD today...

Warm-Up ~ 50 Push Ups Accumulated / Leg Blaster once thru

Surfer on Acid (last one HERE)
3 RFT ~
400m Run
21 Burpees

Clean Work
EMOM x 7:
2 Hang Squat Cleans (drop the bar so there are 2 single attempts)

Front Squat
4 x 4

Close Grip Bench Press
4 x 8

Val ~ (subbed 500m Row) 13:01 / 90-100-110-120-130x3
Desi ~ 11:08
Witt ~ 15:50
Britt ~ 10:35
Simo ~ 8:09 / 135#
Oz ~ 10:26
Ethan ~ 8:30 / 140# / 140# (?) / 115#
tb ~ 10:16 / 185# / 225# / 185#

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Feeling "DEAD"

Most of you should feel sore today... MURPH is a butt-kicker.

What do you do if you are feeling sore...
Well, if you are Wendt, Lysne and do 1/2 Murph!
That is what they did this AM in the wt. room...

tb ~ Day #1 ~ Leg Blaster during the Warm-Up!

For Time:
100 D/U to begin
3 Rnds
15 Deadlift (225#/155#)
21 GHD Sit Ups (or 35 Abmat Sit Ups)
100 D/U to finish

Clean Complex
Work quickly to heavy set of:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean
5 x 1 Squat Clean  (@ the wt. you made it to)

Overhead Strength
3 x 8 Strict Press, across
3 x 5 Push Press, across
3 x 3 Push Jerk, across

Oz ~ 13:03 (185# / abmat)
Des ~ 15:01 (135# / 25# wt. sit ups)
El Tigre ~ 13:30
tb ~ 12:35 / 205# / no overhead today

Monday, May 26, 2014

Murph Challenge

Formerly known as Memorial Day Murph!
This thing has taken off. Check out Murph Challenge

Memorial Day is not a "happy" holiday...
This is a day for the men and women that have TRULY sacrificed to give us our freedom.
This is a day to remember the fallen...OUR our respect & show some gratitude!

Some find this concept is those same individuals that these people fought for to allow them to have that opinion! Try having a differing opinion in Saudi, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan or any middle east country and see where it gets you! There is a reason they warn Americans about travel...
BTW ~ Have you ever heard of a country WARNING their citizens to "be ware" of traveling to the USA for fear of being kidnapped, killed or beaten?!?!?!

Murph: The Protector

Workout ~ MURPH
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
* if you have a 20# vest/pack wear it!

Alternates/Subbing/Scaling ~ 
#1 ~ No Extra Wt.
#2 ~ 800m subbed for Mile
#3 ~ 50 Pull Ups/100 Push Ups / 150 Air Squats
#4 ~ 1/2 Murph = No Vest / 800m Runs / 50-100-150
Sub/Scale anything else as needed!!!

HONOR Lt. Michael Murphy and the rest of the HEROES that gave the ultimate sacrifice by working a little harder than you are use to!!!

1/2 Murph's
S. Hepp ~ 26:00  (1/2 Murph)
Juan V ~ 23:25(did FULL MURPH in 38:32 yesterday!) #sconiecrossfit #LHSalum
A bunch of little kids also did 1/2 Murph...Feidts & Derringers...
Wendt ~ 35:24 #besttimeoftheday #engineneverquits
Ethan ~ 40:46 #greattime
Nate Hepp ~ 41:30 #8thgrader
Steph D. ~ 48:25 (greenband Pull Ups) #greatjob #mighty-might
Joni F. ~ 48:25 (greenband Pull Ups) #therealfeidt
Lysne ~ 47:09 #cannotbestopped
Rachel S. ~ 51:42 (300 Squats/100 Push/50 Pull) #betterthanjacob
Drake B ~ 50:18 (50 Pull Ups) #8thgrader #thebetterbiolo
Rickaby ~ 53:22 #marine #countryisinsafehands
Diego ~ 52:38 #8thgradelineman
Dux ~ 55:41 #firstWODwithnewknee
OZ ~ 43:02 #backfeltgood
D. Witt ~ 64:09 (60 Pull/100 Push/150 Air Sqt) #gettingbettereveryday
Val ~ 68:15 (5K Bike subbed for Run) #AOWR #persistance
Simo ~ 54:11 #thatwasabadidea
Kromie ~ 57:24 #riblakewarrior
Feidt ~ 48:10 #STUD #machine
Maloney ~ 45:30 (vested runs) #cananyonecatchheronruns
El Tigre ~ 58:12 #underanhour
tb ~ 54:20 #needtobebetter #notbestperformance (#coach #organizer #leader #makesusbetter)

Memorial Day 2014 ~ Tampa Bay



POST WOD Murph Challenge Shirts!
Oz, tb & Drake B.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Partner Up...Partner!

Warm-Up ~ on your own. Feidt, JB, & Kate got a head start on MURPH (they ran 800m (I think) with wt. vests...maybe it was a mile, who knows with these clowns!

Pinky & the Brain (CFNE)
Team of 2
AMRAP in 15 Min:
Wall Balls (20#/14#)
60m Farmers Carry (70#/55#)
*Parner is doing WB while other is Farmer Carrying...
**SCORE is Total WB completed!

C2B Work
7 Sets of 9 UB C2B (60s Rest b/t)

Feidt & SimO ~ 298 Total (158/140)
Kate & Des ~ 292 Total (182/110)
JB & tb ~ 234 Total (133/101)

tb was the big CHUMP of the day...just barely getting over the 100 mark.
Need to do Leg Blaster DAILY...This begins the Day After Murph!!!
Wall Ball, Thrusters, Lungesteps, Squatting High Reps are just a weakness...time to get the legs going!!!
ALSO ~ Lets start thinking of the Summer Challenge ~ 2013 was 100 Burpees a Day! The tweets, texts, comments, competition & comaraderie were outstanding...

Something new this year or is this our summer?!?!?!

Post thoughts to comments...LET's BEGIN the conversation!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


In a surprise move the programming we follow moved to Wed/Sun rest days...
This is what it use to be, but then with the OPEN, it switched to Thur/Sun rest days.

NOW we are back to Wed/Sun...

BUT, AOWR truly does not rest...there is always activity...
Jb was swimming...
Feidt, Maloney, Oz & Witt were in and did a WOD

5 RFT ~
10 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls
400m Run

Feidt ~
Oz ~
Kate ~
Witt ~ 28:40

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


"What are we doing today?" ~ JB
"Every minute on the minute, odd is15 Calorie Row & evens are 15 Burpees!." ~ tb
"NO WAY!!!!" ~ JB
"Fortitude." ~ tb
"Don't give me that fortitude crap!" ~ JB
"That's the name of the workout." ~ OZ
"Oh..." ~ JB

May have been the funniest way to begin a day for a while...

FORTITUDE (the Rapids Way)
EMOM x 30min:
odd = 10-15 Cal Row
even = 10-15 Burpees

Oz ~ Row & Box Jumps, Push Ups & Pull Ups
Simon ~ 12 Cal Row & 10 Burpees
JB ~ 12 Cal Row & 12 Burpees
tb ~ 10 Cal Row & 10 Burpees x 1-10min / 15 Cal Row & 12 Burpees x 11-30min

Val& Daliege
30 BJ
15 HPC (95/65)
10 Pull Ups

Val ~ 12:08 / (7pullups)

Monday, May 19, 2014


Here we go... One week from MURPH and we see some running and squats...
Suprise - Suprise

ALSO ~ It was nice to have OZ back in the fold! Being away from the group stinks...Getting back feels good & gets you sore!
Having Oz back was great!

5 RFT ~
400m Run
15 OHS (95#/65#)

Snatch Tech
7 x 1 High-Hang Squat Snatch

EMOM x 14
odd = Back Squat
even = Strict Press

Feidt ~ 14:05 (the engine never just keeps running & running!!! This guy is a machine!)
Oz ~ 17:05 (@75#)
Simo ~ 14:34
Des ~ 17:05 (65# - Front Squat)
tb ~ 15:20 / 135-135-135-140-140-145-145 / 225#BS & 115#SP

Saturday, May 17, 2014

It's coming...

Murph Challenge
(formerly known as Memorial Day Murph)

ON MONDAY (May 26) we (AOWR) will be performing MURPH or some variant with whomever shows up...

Tentative schedule will be:
8am ~ MUPH: The Protector (before the WOD)
9am ~ Prep for WOD
9:30 ~ GO TIME
Done by 11am...
Cookout/Hangout somewhere in the afternoon

Friday's WOD ~ 

Warm-Up ~ 
2 Rnds:
15 Wall Ball
30 D/U
25 Push Ups
30 D/U

Mighty Mouse (CFNE)
For Time:
1000m Row
15 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
100 Air Squats

C2B Progression
7 sets of 8 UB C2B (or scaled as needed)
1min Rest b/t

Simo ~ 8:26
Des ~ 12:40 Rx!
Witt ~ 12:59 (@55#)
Kate ~ 8:47
Feidt ~ 9:56
JB ~ 9:16
tb ~ 9:27


Warm-Up ~ 10 Min Burpee Practice & One-Legged Burpees

TEAM of 2:
One partner works at a time:
70 Pull Ups
70 Burpees
70 Box Jumps (24/20)
70 KBS (70/55)
70 Box Jumps
70 Burpees
70 Pull Ups

Val & tb ~ 19:10

Conversation...what do you get out of it? 
HINT: You get out of it what you put into it
I do not like having conversations that go nowhere. The people that need to ask how your day is, or what is going on in your life only to move to the next topic quickly; those people that have to make some formal greeting, as if that is making stronger bonds... Those are conversations and people I have very little time for.

Sometimes it (conversations) may seem to go nowhere. Griping, complaining, naming what is wrong with out any way to fix things...these are USELESS conversations! However, those same conversations can be useful, IF there is some "fix-it" mentality involved.

When you communicate with others (esp. if you are complaining), do you offer a thread of hope? Are you complaining to complain or to find a way to fix things...Everything cannot be fixed, but our actions and thoughts can begin a change in us, which will begin a change in our behavior, which will begin a change in the things that happen around us.
THIS is why it is important to have conversations, especially the tough ones. In everything you do, are you making a positive difference in the world around you?!?!? IF NOT, WHY NOT?!?!

Make sure the people that are important to you know they make a difference in your life! Make sure they know that you take their words to heart, that you HEAR them...That they make a difference in your actions!

AOWR ~ You make a difference when we communicate! Everything we do makes us all better, and our group better, and our community better!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Be Strict...Get Strong

Not what everyone wants, but a good workout in the end!

We got better (stronger) today!

Warm-Up ~ On your own

5 sets of 1 Rep (across ~ same wt for all 5 sets)

Weighted Chest 2 Bar (mod as needed...strict C2B, kipping, etc)
5 sets of 3 Reps (across)

Strict Shoulder Press (95#/65#)
Strict C2B Pull Ups

For Quality (not time):
10 Hip & Back Extensions
20 GHD Sit Ups
30 Hip Extensions
40 Abmat Sit Ups

Confused about Extensions...See below:

Witt ~ 65# / Banded Pull Up Work / 13:48 (@50# & Mod. Pull Ups)
Kate ~ 16:54 (Purple Band PU)
Feidt ~ 13:07 (strict PU...C2Bish)
JB ~ 14:00 (strict PU)
E ~ 10:43 (strict PU)
tb ~ 145# / +25#DB / 12:02 / 3 Rnds Done

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Seemed like a nice WOD when we started. Then it took a bite out of us (val)...
For time:
800m Run
30 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)
800m Run
7 sets of 7 UB reps (40sec rest b/t)
JB ~ 11:36 / done...7 sets
Val ~ gashed on 26th box jump
Now w/ 16 stitches
tb ~ 12:30 / done...10 sets
For your viewing pleasure... freaked me out in the beginning but by the time I got to the Walk-In I was over it..  yeah.. don't judge my legs.. smooth and soft has never been in my description.  But I am sad that it looks like chicken skin... :(

Monday, May 12, 2014


CFNE owner and programming genius has a boy named BODE

It is his Birthday...So here is his B-Day WOD

12 RFT
11 Power Snatches (95#/65#)

Clean & Jerk
A) Quickly work to a HEAVY Double (drop from the top...not TnG)
B) 3x3 w/ TnG

HBBS (High-Bar Back Squat)
A) 6x2 w/ 3sec Oly Pause at the bottom
B) 4x4, across

Maloney ~ 26:26 (5 HSPU, 5 Snatch, 5 Pull Ups)
Des ~ 26:21 (@45#)
Witt ~ 25:13 (@45# / Regular Push Ups)
Feidt ~ 23:48 (9Rnd...then had to go)
Britt ~ 30:47
tb ~ 24:48 / 185# / 3x3 @ 165 (then went for another Heavy Double @ 205# & GOT IT!) / 
225-235-245-255-265-275 (Oly Pause Squats) / 4 x 4 (@255)

Catchin' UP

Friday 5/9

For Time:
21 Pwr Snatches (115#/80#)
21 Bar Burpees
15 OHS (115#/80#)
15 Bar Burpees
9 Squat Snatches  (115#/80#)
9 Bar Burpees

We did this wrong...we did lateral burpees... Google Bar Burpee... Would have been tougher...
Oh, well...

Witt ~ 12:42 (@45#)
Kate ~ 10:25 (@65#)
Feidt ~ 10:33
JB ~ 9:08
tb ~ 8:15

These two did REEDER (In memory of Alex Reeder)

STAN ~ 35:05
Frank V ~ 35:35

SATURDAY ~ Britt & Desi Moving Day!!!

Warm-Up Run...Partner Carry some bags to Britts House ~ Run Back

Work thru 2-3 Rnds:
7 Hang to L-Hang (Reverse Grip on bar)
7 L-Hang to Toes to Bar (Reverse Grip on bar)
7 Toes To Bar (Reverse Grip on bar)

10 Minutes of Cindy (5 Pull Ups-10 Push Ups-15 Air Squats)

Des ~ 6 Rnds
E ~ 10 + 6 Push Ups
Feidt ~ 10 + 10 Push Ups
Britt ~  10 + 6 Push Ups
tb ~ 10 + 6 Push Ups

THEN we moved some heavy stuff to Britt & Desi's HOUSE

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Extra Stuff..

You know.. all the ideas, the side notes, the lists, lots of lists.
We have them.  Some of us have more than others, but they are there.. waiting for us to begin.

We all keep them in different places.  Stacks, piles.. pushed in purses, backpacks... on the fridge, the computer.. and some of us lose them, yet we continue to add on the extra stuff.

Some of us have unbelievable ideas as our 'extra stuff'.
These ideas start as a thought, evolve into a conversation, and depending on the outcome- stay a conversation or manifest.
There was a post:
It's not about the ideas.
It's about making ideas happen.

Things can become intense... what you thought would be enough time, turns out being no time at all, with days being beyond full, sectioning off parts of the day to accomplish the needs and setting aside the wants, the ideas, for the time being.  We imagine the time will eventually be there, but after some weeks, we just make it through barely noticing the ideas we had because the job has to get done and you signed up to do it.... but what about your idea.
You know, the one that you felt something for....
Ideas you make happen don't take up all your time, they make time feel as if it is endless.
Love, passion, enthusiasm, motivation, spirit, joy... it all exists when you start making your ideas happen.

Think about what you have to do, what you want to be a part of and what you feel you can make happen.  Take the time.  Reflect.  Go through the things, the piles, lists.. clean some things up and throw some things out.  It's time to start making our ideas happen... not just wait for there to be time.  Make the time & make it count.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day Late and Short...

yesterdays WOD

Sugar Daddy (CFNE)
Deadlift (225#/155#)
400m Run

Muscle Snatch ~ Get to heavy set

STAN ~ 7:50 (185#)
Val ~ 9:48
E ~ 8:17 (185#)
tb ~ 9:57 / 145#

Today's WOD

JB had some monstrous wod planned and Kate and Feidt did that with him...

Des & Witt may have done this:

200m Run
40 D/U
10 KB Swings (70#/55#)

I had to get FB stuff & sub stuff ready to I bailed on the WOD!
WEAK EFFORT...and I do not feel good about it!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Filthy 50
50 Reps for time:
Box Jumps (24/20)
Jumping Pull Ups
KBS (35#/25#)
Walking Lunges
Push Press (45#/35#)
Back Extension
Wall Ball (20#/14#)

EMOM for 6min:
7 Unbroken C2B Pull Ups (scale # or type as needed)

Kate ~ 26:14
Feidt ~ 26:00
Witt ~ 26:50 (Dirty 30! / 60singles)
JB ~ 27:30
Des ~ 27:50
Ethan ~ 26:45 / 7-7-7-7-7-7 (Reg. Pull Ups)
tb ~ 26:50 / 7-9-7-9-7-9 (kipping)

Being gone this weekend for the Jigsaw SUCKED!
Missed the TEAM!!!
You guys are Great!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Jigsaw 2014

The first ANYthing Once tradition began in 2009 and 6 years later we still have what it takes to make a great day for our crew... That is right, Pirates invaded the grounds of Red Sand Beach on Lake Wazeecha and had even the little lady with gray hair yelling: You guys are awesome, this is so fun!

Traditions are hard to get going... enthusiasm gets the ship moving but really it is the dedication of each crew member to make this event we support worth it each year.
This was Kate's first time to participate... her and Rachel were the new members in Jigsaw this year.  Kate was excited, this open spring season has given her some time to really do some things she enjoys, which is extremely important and I am pretty sure she won't be taking on a spring season for a looong time to come just so she can get in and run Jigsaw!  Rachel gave JB a run for his money- kept him on his toes.. JB & Feidt led the way in the obstacle stops.  

Our celebrating after is just a good way to spend some quality time together & relax... with awesome conversations, lots of laughs, a few challenges, a surprise stop in from the Nelson's... (had to run to a neighbor and get some sugar, pretty much gave Denny a heart attack when I yelled HEY as he was fixing the light on his bike.... but they headed over before their date!) and the Pirates theme went out the door completely when we got the ukelele and guitar out and started our rendition of the lion sleeps tonight!- ALL Pirates have a Ukelele- NOT!

Here are some photos & videos from the day!

 Gathering after...

Challenge: Push prius from parked spot to end of the driveway.... Jacob breaking was totally not a part of the challenge, just an added bonus.

Challenge: Leg wrestle the person on your left.  (her hip did not 'pop' out)

Serenade?!?!  Yes!  (Wood loves this!)... Pretty sure our neighbors would have a few things to say if this happened often!!

The '30' activity: thx DD

My favorite one that applies to ALL OF US:  'Every morning when I first wake up, I HATE how I feel- my age that's for sure!)  Then I meet up with you and the crazy folks we associate with and I feel younger and better than ever!  AGE is truly only a NUMBER!  Young at Heart Forever!' - K.Maloney

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Birthday VAL

Bad day for a Late Blog...


Guess how old she is...
Warm-Up ~ 
30 Air Squats
30 Lungesteps
30s of stretches (you choose)
30 Reps of any other exercise you want!

3 Rnds for Time:
400m Run
10 Front Squats (185#/135#)
50 D/U

EMOM x 10min:
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

EMOM x 7min:
Unbroken C2B Pull Ups

Redd ~ 18:15 (115#/100singles)
Witt ~ 18:03 (55#/100s)
Des ~ 14:45 (85#)
Val ~ 15:29 /
E ~ 13:45 (135#/100s) / 6 strict PU (UB)
Oz ~ 17:47 (165#)
JB ~ 12:00
Britt ~ 12:30 (2 Rnds @ 165#)
tb ~ 14:30 / 135-145-155-165-165-165-185-185-185-185 / 7 min Complete w/ UB C2B

Jigsaw tomorrow with an amazing CREW!!! Literally...
Look for Pirate Pics later this weekend!
Wish I could be there!