Sorry Gang...
No posts for a few days...
...busy with football
...busy with school
...BUT more bummed about being injured (low back got crushed during pistols in THIS wod)
BTW ~ I will DO that WOD again!!! And kill it!!!
BUT my Bodyweight Exercises (i.e. HR Push Ups, Pull Ups, Air Squats, Pistols, HSPU, etc will be phenomenal by then)
Watched Bertag, Feidt, Oz (Kate & others) do some WOD...who knows what they did or the times... they do not write anything on whiteboard or paper... I guess they keep track in their heads
I did not write anything up either but did
10 Rnds of Cindy w/ Strict C2B Pull Ups
1-5 were E2MO2M
Then did 5 Rnds for Time (6:42)
Finished with 4 Min of Air Squats (30sW/30sR)
Ryan ~ 15-15-22-18 (Did 6 rnds of push Ups while I was doing Cindy 15-15-10-10-10-10)
tb ~ 24-25-27-26
Jacob, Oz, Feidt did
5 Rnds:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
OZ was done early?!?!
Feidt & JB finished!!!
Dalaige ~ Done
Britt ~ Done
Val ~ 3 Rnds (30-30 / 30-20 / 30-10)
Bodyweight Basics for TB again
4 Rnds
400m Run (back circle)
25 Pull Ups
25 Push Ups
25 Leg Levers
25 Air Squats
tb ~ 32:20
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