It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Sept. 1st (Labor Day)...

Day before the first day of school...Nice 3-day weekend topped off with a great Labor Day HERO WOD...

HOTSHOTS 19 (done exactly a year ago HERE)
6 Rnds for Time:
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans
7 Strict Pull Ups
400m Run

Witt ~ 43:04 (45#/Mod. PU)
Brooke ~ 41:07 (35#/Mod. PU)
Joni ~ 37:15 (45#/Green Band)
Feidt ~ 36:04
E ~ 36:36
Val ~ 38:58
Marcie ~ 26:44 (150m Run/Med Ball Cleans/Mod. Pull Ups)
Sophie ~ 27:34 (150m Run/Med Ball Cleans/Mod. Pull Ups)
tb ~ 39:00

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL...(Tue Sept. 2nd)

EMOM x 12:
3 Position Pause Snatch-Pulls (Pause for 3 sec at Position then Shrug-Pull the Bar)
Low Hang, Hang, High-Hang for 3 positions
Use 1RM wt

7 Rnds:
Within 2 Minutes Complete:
200m Run
7 Deadlifts (225/155)
REST 1 Minute
SCORE IS D/U Completed

E ~ 24-30-39-41-28-49-70 (singles)
Witt ~ 33-40-36-28-26-23-39 (90#/Singles)
Dalaige ~ 0-38-58-42-56-40-54 (185/singles)
STAN ~ 56-51-80-DNF (back hurt on jump rope)
tb ~ 39-34-47-39-29-42-34


  1. bEast-side skunkin` - HELEN

    Posting for the masses to SMOKED or in cribbage terms, SKUNKED this morn. The blonde bandit is "feidting" shape, nabbed me by a whopping 2 minutes! Yikes!!! Time to get back in the saddle!!!

    Feidt - 23:10
    Malo - 25:20

    2014-15 WOD Win Count - Feidt: 1 Malo: -1 (skunking worth 2)
