It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reverse it!!!

5 Stair Laps & Warm-Up some Clean and Squat form...

Find a wt that you want to use for the EMOM (take a good guess)

7 x 1 Squat Clean (90% 1RM - If you know it)

5 RM Back Squat

EMOM x 15min (Or 5 Rnds OTM):
Min #1 = 7 Back Squats (@70% 5RM from above)
Min #2 = 20 GHD Sit Ups (alt = Abmat or 15 GHD)
Min #3 = 2 x (10m & back, 20m & back) Shuttle Run
* We started with the Grinder...If you cannot get 20 in sit ups reduce to 15's

Witt ~ 75# BS / 20 Abmat / 2 shuttles everytime
Daliege ~ 135# BS / 20 GHD / 2 shuttles everytime
tb ~ 225# BS / 20 GHD / 2 shuttles everytime / 225# Sqt Clean (1st Hr) / 315# 5RM (2nd Hr)

We all finished each one in under a minute...sometimes there was not much time left, but everyone made the rounds complete before the minute was up...
THIS was a grinder of a was great having each other there to suffer together and push one another...this WOD forced you not to take too much rest time...was great!!!

Sqt Clean & Back Squat will get done later today...maybe with PE II classes!!!

BTW ~ We used a BLACK stopwatch to time ourselves today...
Could not find the RED ones  ;-)


  1. E = 7x1 squat cleat @ #185, 5 rep max @ #255, Grinder @ #170 & abmat

  2. Sunday Funday = E - 3RM FS #225, 1 Rep @ #245, 15-10 Burpee PUs & #65 Push Press 3:02
