It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dead / Double

Good warm-up with Roll-Out and Stretch...

30s Single Jumps (rope)
3 Rnds: 12 Slow Air Squats + 9 Sit Ups + 6 Slow Push Ups
30s Double Unders

Bar Complex (5 of each)
Good Mornings+Back Squat+Elbow+Strict Press+Stiff-Leg DL+Front Squat

On the Minute x 12:
odd ~ 10-8-6-4-2-1 Deadlift (climbing...start w/ 50-55% of Max DL & work to Heavy)
even ~ 40 D/U (if you do not have great D/U get what you can in 30s)

Row Conditioning
5 Rnds:
200m Row @ 2K pace +7sec (slower)
200m Row @ 2K pace -3 sec (faster)
200m Row @ 2K pace
~ 2 Min Rest b/t Rnds

Midline Cond
OTM x 12
1st ~ Max Strict TTB in 30s
2nd ~ Max Superman Rocks in 30s
3rd ~ Max Hollow Rocks in 30s
4th ~ Max Band Pull-Aparts in 30s
* QUALITY not score!!! Doing these well is more beneficial than pushing thru w/ less than ideal form.

Cort ~ got to 275#DL & 30s of singles / Row completed
Val ~ got to 165#DL
tb ~ 185-225-275-315-365-395 & All 40's UB / Rows completed (data to follow below)
5 Rnd Row time (ave 500m then breakdowns of 500m splits w/o the 1:)
1- 1:48.8 / 52.7-44-49.7
2- 1:49.1 / 54.4-45-48
3- 1:48.2 / 52.7-43.2-49
4- 1:48.1 / 55-42-51.5
5- 1:47.7 / 51.5-43.2-48.5

Praise the Eternal King in all your deeds.

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