It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Weights Wednesday

Codi Halbur was back visiting from LIFE in Milwaukee!!!
Good to have him back... A couple of Halbur's in the Wt. Room at the same time!

OTM x 12:
HSPU (or push ups)
1st = 40% max UB reps
2nd = 35% max UB reps
3rd = 35% max UB reps
4th = REST
Repeat 3 times

AMRAP in 5min:
21 @ 135/95
15 @ 185/135
9 @ 225 / 155
Max Reps in Remaining time @ 275/185
REST 5 Minutes

AMRAP in 5min:
21 @ 115 / 80
15 @ 135 / 95
9 @ 155 / 105
Max Reps in Remaining time @ 185 / 125
REST 5 Minutes

AMRAP in 5min:
21 @ 115 / 80
15 @ 135 / 95
9 @ 155 / 105
Max Reps in Remaining time @ 185 / 125

Jones ~ 45 (95-135-155) / 42 (45-65-95) / 55 (45-55-65-75)
Witt ~ 45 (45-55-60) / 49 (10DB-35-45-55) / 45 (45-55-65)
Codi H. ~ 45 (135-155-185) / 39 (95-115-135) / 45 (95-115-135)
Cort H ~ 50 ( ) / 45 (95-115-135) / 57 (95-115-135-155)
tb ~ HSPU 4's on each min / 49 / 45 / 50

Keep on loving those who know You, doing justice for upright hearts.

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