It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, March 27, 2017


Patience and humility...
Lessons to be learned all your life!
We can ask "why do these things happen?" or we can KNOW that everything happens for the greater good... We may  not know what that is at the time... BUT...Rest assured that there will be a greater good that comes from it...

I was going to try to Re-Do 17.5 with a belt...
If you are wondering...the back sucks... hurting just as always...
Could push thru, if I HAD TO... or if it makes a difference in qualifying or not...

After 2 rnds of 17.5 and starting round #3 of Thrusters... I could NOT breath well at all...
Which is a weakness of mine anyway...
Oh, well... I will stay with 14:14...

HOWEVER...I have a great breathing technique for Thrusters...learned from Barrett Danz (owner of CF Big Dane). This is an area I MUST get better in:

HIGH VOLUME Thrusters w/ breathing
Burpees w/ Breathing...
HECK...just about anything with breathing and weights I should improve...

I am pleased with my results for the 2017 OPEN...

I knew after 17.1 (finished 2600+) that the top 200 was OUT! So, rather than cry about it or whine about it...My goal was to get as high as I could possiblly finish... With the hopes of breaking into top 500... We will see....

FINAL RESULTS will not matter until after Thursday...

Time to reflect and move on for 2018...

Zach Wendt did 17.5 today... Did well for a ONE & Done!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Working it out...

Day after 17.5 and a later Clinic night...

Needed to get a sweat going... Back to Big Dane...

Was suppose to get in a little WOD

3 Rnds, every 2min complete:
0-2 ~ 30 Cal Row
2-4 ~ 20 T2B
4-6 ~ 10 Power Cleans (135)

I was dinking around during the Row and on 2nd rnd right at 27 calories I tweaked my back!!! SOB!!!
Same dang thing that I feel during the DL when it happens, only 2 vertebrae higher...
Thought I was going to make it thru an OPEN season w/o a tweaked back!!!

More later...

Friday, March 24, 2017


At the WFCA State Coaches Clinic...
Got back at 11pm from the Oshkosh Track Meet and stayed up to talk with FB coaches...

Still got up and down to CF Big Dane in Madison, WI...

This is the place Tyler Wendt coaches at and calls "home" when he is away from home!

NO Friday Night Lights for me... just wanted to go in AM in hopes for recovery and knowing I have the Clinic and meetings later today...

10 Rnds for Time:
9 Thrusters (95#)
35 D/U

tb ~ 14:14

I went with the inital strategy of pacing and hoping for under 15min!
Was going to go on the 1:30 mark...
Finished first round in 45s... rested and then decided to go on the 1:20 marks...
Started Rnd #2 @ 1:20...Started Rnd 3 @ 2:40... Started Rnd 4 at 4:00... Rnd 5 @ 5:20...
FINISHED Rnd 5 @ 6:30...and should have been starting Rnd 6 at 6:40...but took a bit longer...
Broke Rnd 5, 8 & 9 in Thrusters...6-3's...
D/U were UB ... but Rnds 5, 7, 8 & 9 did 20-15's...

NEED to get my breathing down...
Rnd 5 finished in 6:30

Rnd 8 finished in 11:08
Rnd 9 finished in 12:58
Rnd 10 was 14:14!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Warm Up is longer than the workout!

3 min. Slow Row
2 Rnds:
5 Scap Retractions (Straight-Arm Pull Ups)
6 Spidey & Reach
7 Russian Babymakers

2 min. Moderate Row
2 Rnds:
5 Strict Pull Ups
6 Push Ups
7 Slow Air Squats

1 min. Mod/Fast Row
2 Rnds:
5 Kipping Pull Ups
6 Slow Burpees
7 Cal Bike

3 RFT ~
21 / 18 Cal Bike (Kaiser M3 TBT) (sub 21cal Row)
15 Pull Ups
9 Burpees

~ This is designed to be not slow down or pace too much. Sprint this thing as much as possible... get that 21 Cals in as quick a time as possible and no breaks on the 15/9 of more than 10s to breath...

Wendt ~ 5:47 (PU=15/8-7/8-7 / Cals=45s/60s/67s)
Rnds ~ 1 = 1:35 / 2 = 3:40 (2:05) / 3 = 5:47 (2:07)
tb ~ 6:49 (PU=UB / Cals=66s/78s/79s)
Rnds ~ 1 = 2:09 / 2 = 4:37 (2:28) / 3 = 6:49 (2:12)


Tuesday, March 21, 2017


That is right SQUAD...not in
Although we DID squats today...
SQUAD is all we have...this is our team... we DO have lots of TEAM within ANYthing Once!!!
VERY supportive of one another and great dynamics...sometimes going weeks w/o seeing each other...but always close or there for each other when needed...

Oz was awesome yesterday...came in JUST to re-test me in 17.4!!! That was awesome... Guaranteed he had better things to do (be with kids in AM...get to school earlier...etc) BUT he knew I was re-testing and came to judge! Made me do better than my first go at it as well...and pushed me all the way! Could not have done it w/o him!!!

Today we had a little crew of 4 going at it together...and really pushed it!

Warm Up
500m Slow Row
Walkouts & Spideys
250 Row
10 Air Squats + 10 Wall Squats + 10 Air Squats

Front Squat
OTM x 9min:
Front Squats (Ascending)
1st = 3 x 60%
2nd = 2 x 70%
3rd = 1 x 80% & Climb this set
repeat for 3 times...only move wt up on the 1's

5 Rnds for Time:
10 Front Squats (95#/65#)
50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit Ups
100-80-60-40-20 D/U

Wendt ~ 215# / 10:47
Stan ~ XX / 12:15
Daliege ~ 165# / 13:33
tb ~ 215# / 11:27

Lord, let the light of Your face shine upon us.

Monday, March 20, 2017


We are better in this workout, because we DID the workout...
Stronger, fitter, etc

Get Ready...

17.4 (55's)

Stan ~ Scaled 135# / 9' WB / HR Push Ups ~ 1 Rnd + 24 DL
tb ~ 190 Total Reps (10:24 tiebreak) 25 HSPU

O God, you are my God, for You I long

Friday, March 17, 2017

55's... Oh, Yea!!!

3m Slow Row

3 Rnds~
5 Walkouts
6 Spidey and Reach
7 Good AMs

7 Cal Slow Row
7 Cal Med. Row
7 Cal Fast Row

BB Warm Up

5 DL (135#)
5 WB Squats
5 Cal Row
5 HR Push Ups

5 DL (185#)
5 Wall Ball
5 Cal Row
5 HR Push Ups

2 Rnds (90-120s b/t)
5 DL (225#)
5 Wall Ball
5 Cal Row

AMRAP in 13min:
55 DL (225/155)
55 Wall Ball (20/14)
55 Cal Row

tb ~ 186 (+2 from last year, all tie-break times were slower, and yet +2 reps on HSPU)
I have to go back to last years strategy...I got ambitious and tried to gain to much too soon.

God will humble us! Praise Him regardless...Praise Him for it...He knows what he is doing!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hang around and you get Cindy

3min Light Bike

30s Singles
5 Push Ups
6 Alt Spidey & Reach
7 SLOW Air Squats
30s Singles (faster)
5 Push Ups
6 Alt Spidey & Reach
7 SLOW Air Squats
30s D/U
5 Push Ups
6 Alt Spidey & Reach
7 SLOW Air Squats

BB Warm-Up

Every 90s Complete:
7 Bar-Facing Burpees
3 Hang Power Cleans (start at 50% & climb)

C2 HS Cindy
In 5 minutes complete the following:
2 Rnds ~ 5 Strict Pull Ups + 10 HSPU + 15 Abmat Sit Ups
100 D/U
Max Cal Row w/ time remaining

5 Min REST...Repeat (score is TOTAL calories for both rounds)

Stan ~ 29/31 (60 total)
tb ~ 135-35-45-55-70-90-205 / 29/27 (56 total)

Save me, O Lord, in Your kindness.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Well... not the Store so much as the Kohl Fellowship!!!

Exciting News...
Billy Oswald & Nic Sydorowicz BOTH recieved the Kohl Award for WRPS!!!

Great job by two great people!!!

500m Slow Row
Spidy & Reach

250m Med Row

10min to work to Heavy (not Max) DL

5 RFT ~
21/15 Cal Row
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
9 Deadlift (225/155)

Bulletproof Shoulders

Stan ~ 13:00
Daliege ~ 300# / 14:00
tb ~ 385# / 15:23

Praise be to God!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Good Stuff...

After a GREAT weekend of State Powerlifting... The Re-Test is on...

STATE PL... Took Coombs, Wendt, Parker & Drake to RAW (no suits) State PL...
Great for them all... Good lifts Coombs = 5th Place, Wendt = 5th Place, Drake = 4th Place and Parker = 9th Place... workout for me all weekend... But a great RPR experience... got a kid to get his last DL after failing at #1 & #2 attempt with a posterior-chain reset!!! Good Stuff...

Know what else is good stuff... The support for the CF Open... This is NOT just about me... This is family!!! Today I came in to re-test and OZ came in to judge... came in special for it! I really feel honored that he is a part of this and knows he can push me... Jones was here with her lifting and also pushed me, and Val & Desi came in for a lift, but stayed to encourage and push me as well... NONE of them needed to do that! BUT that is what we DO for each other... IT IS A GREAT FEELING!!!

Anyway... Same type of warm-up and then...well...same WOD...


Wendt ~ #1 and only test after STATE 5th Place! 59 reps
tb ~ 102 (+7 reps)...slower tiebreak, but better score! GOOD STUFF!

Friday, March 10, 2017


First Attempt...

3 Rnds
3 Scap Retractions + 3 Strict PU
6 Russian Babymakers
12 Abmat SU

2 Rnds:
4 C2B + 3 Sqt Snatch (95)
~ 60 S Rest
2  Rnds:
3 C2B + 2 Sqt Snatch (135)
~ 60s REST
2 Rnds:
2 C2B + 1 Heavy Sqt Snatch

REST & Go...


tb ~ 95 Reps (6:10 Tiebreak)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


On your own...

OHS ~ Work to Heavy Single
Snatch Balance ~ Work to Heavy Single

2-3 Complex ~ Snatch DL + 2 High Hang Pull + 1 Hang Sqt Snatch

3-Pos. Snatch x 6 (every 90s)

OTM x 16:
1 = 15 SDLHP (75/55)
2 = 15 Wall Ball (20/14)
3 = Max Cal Row
4 = REST

Stan ~ Row = 21-21-21-22 (85 total)
tb ~ 205 / 155 / 100-115-135-145-155-165 / 28-27-23-26 (104 total) (15's WB UB / 8-7 SDLHP)
Did with 2nd hour w/ 30# WB (WB UB), 55# KB, Rows ~ 21-21-21-22 (85)

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Over What?!?!

3 Rnds:
250m Row
25 D/U
8 Slow Squats
6 Slow Push Ups

3 Rnds for Time:
80 D/U (160 singles)
40 Cal Row
20 Kipping HSPU

EMOM x 10min:
odd ~ 10-12 Cal Bike
even ~ 10 Barbell Facing Burpees

STAN ~ 15:44
Daliege ~ 18:45 / EMOM complete
Oz ~ 14:15 (20 HR Push Ups) / EMOM complete
tb ~ 18:58 (row = 1:46-1:48-1:50 / HSPU= 6-6-8/6-5-5-4/10-5-5) / EMOM Complete

The loyal heart must praise the Lord!

Monday, March 6, 2017

14.2 ReDo

Get Ready!!!

17.2 Re-Do
AMRAP in 12min:
2 Rnds:
50' DB Lungewalk (50/35)
16 TTB (K2E is scaled)
8 DB Power Cleans
2 Rnds:
50' DB Lungewalk (50/35)
16 Muscle Ups (Pull Ups is scaled)
8 DB Power Cleans

STAN ~ +6 ~ 156 REPS
Wendt ~ 84 Reps
tb ~ +7 ~ 122 Reps ~ Tiebreak went from 10:00 to 8:15! (went with 2's on MU for first round...gained LOTS of time...)

Friday, March 3, 2017


300m Slow Row
5 Walkouts
7 Scap Retractions
9 Abmat

8 Spidy & Reach
8 Slow Air Squats
25' Walking Lunges

25' DB Walking Lunge
4 Pwr Cleans
12' DB Walking Lunge
2 Pwr Cleans

2 Min Rest

1-3 Sets of Bar Muscle Ups (3-5 total in set)

2 Min REST

12' DB WL
4 Pwr Cleans
12' DB WL
2 Pwr Cleans

2 Min REST

12' DB WL
4 DB Pwr Cleans
13' DBWL
2 DB Pwr Cleans


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars
8 power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle-ups
8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

STAN ~ 4 Rnds + 4 K2E (150 Total Reps) did 35# DB + K2E + Pull Ups
tb ~ 3 Rnds + 3 BMU (115 Total Reps)

God is Good!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Roll & Activate
3 Rnds
15 Cal Row
5 TTB + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats
30 D/U

Part #1
AMRAP in 6 min:
42 D/U (60 singles)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
18 TTB

5 Min REST

Part #2
AMRAP in 6 min:
21 D/U (30 singles)
15 Wall Balls

10 min Bike

STAN ~ 1 Rnd + 16 K2E / 4 Rnds
Oz ~ 2 Rnds / 3 Rnds + 1 WB
tb ~ 1 Rnd + 4 TTB / 3 Rnds + 3 WB

Teach me to do Your will
for You, O Lord, are my God.