It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

1st Day back at it...

Been moving around since Saturday Competition... Not terribly sore, but just enough.

Today we did this:
For Time:
1000m Row
30 Deadlifts (225#)
50 Bar-Facing Burpees

Ladick ~ 11:27 (3:51.1 Row / 185#)
Daliege ~ 12:?? (3:52.9 Row)
tb ~ 13:07 (3:43.4 Row)

Saturday...B.I.G. was awesome!!! 
Great day of competition, disappointed in the 5th out of 5 finish...

Murder Hornets (2nd Overall) and Old Sweaty Wallballs (4th Overall) had combined ages of 80 exactly.
38 & 42 and 39 & 42 respectively.
Not that it is an excuse, but I do not believe that ANY of our competitors were over the age of 45 for sure, and am quite positive that the other teams all had combined ages of 80 exactly as well, or close to it!!! 
AOWR was combined age of up 17 years is a big deal!

Scaled Division...where our age was most likely the average...we would have walked-away with the #1 spot. But would not have been the challenge that the Rx division was...
Ave Bros = 8 Pts / Murder Hornets = 22 Pts / Sweaty Sr. Medballs = 25 Pts / Old Sweaty Wall Balls = 32 Pts / AOWR = 33 Pts
So close and yet, so far!!!
Plus a messed up judging at exactly the wrong time... BUT I signed the sheet! So nothing we could do about it...

Here were our finishes in the WODS
1A = 5th (Judge messed up this counting!)
1B = 5th (not a chance vs. young bucks)
1C = 5th (I think the #'s were off agian...faster reps seemed to hurt this judge)
2A = 4th (not bad for never using the Ski Erg)
2B = 3rd (those TTB were our strength!!!)
3A = 3rd (great strategy on Rower!!!)
3B = 4th
4 = 4th (and BREHM took this one by himself... 30-20-10 of Box Overs + Burpees, then ALL 20 Burpee Box Get-Overs...all I had to do was 60-40-20 of D/U... HE was a STUD & I was trying to breath!)

Again...Great Day with a Great Partner... We will have to do that again!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Last WOD...

This is it... Last WOD before the BIG Impact Games (Saturday)...
4 workouts in a day!!!

2 Days of Active Recovery and Rest...


Warm-Up ~ 600m Run
Gymnastics Stamina
On the 2m x 5:
6 Bar-Facing Burpees
20 D/U
Max Kipping HSPU in remaining time
AMRAP in 5m:
200' Lungewalk
200m Medball Run (30/20)
Max Cal Row in remaining time
~ 5m REST ~ 
AMRAP in 5m:
100' Single DB Front Rack Lungewalk (50/35)
200m Medball Run (30/20)
Max Cal Row in remaining time
~ 5m REST ~ 
AMRAP in 5m:
50' DBL DB Front Rack Lungewalk (50/35)
200m Medball Run (30/20)
Max Cal Row in remaining time

Daliege ~ HR PU = 25-15-15-17-19 / 147 (41-47-59)
Stan ~ HR PU = 15-15-15-20-20 / 139 (34-55-50)
Ladick ~ HR PU = ?? / 148 (50-43-55)
tb ~ 13-7-12-11-11 / 135 (43-41-51)
Time (breaks) = 40s(10-3) - 44s(7) - 29s(7-5) - 32s(4-4-3) - 50s(6-5)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Good day to "test" some exercises for Saturday...

Warm-Up ~ 
Bar MU Stamina
5 Rnds of:
60 Bar MU Work (I did 3 Bar MU + 3 C2B Pull Ups)
3 Power Cleans
For time:
Power Clean (75#)
HR Push Ups
directly into...
Push Press (75#)
On the 6 minutes x 3 Rnds:
27 Cal Bike
27 Cal Row
(Rest w/ Remaining Time)

tb ~ 135-155-185-185-205-225(miss) / 8:45 / 3:06 - 3:00 - 3:03
21's @ 1:35 (21UB & 7-7-7) / 15's @ 3:12 (UB) / 9's @ 3:59
21's @ 6:24 / 15's @ 8:00 / 9's @ 8:45
Bike/Row = 1:41+1:07.8 (3:06) / 1:31+1:08.2 (3:00) / 1:45+1:15.7 (3:03)

My Sqt Clean will not be where I anticipated... I was thinking it was Power Clean as well...not squat clean... But lets hope for over 200#... I think I can get 205 or 210, judging from this AM!

Monday, September 21, 2020

BIG Week

1st week of Football for HS this week!
ALSO... Big Impact Games is this Saturday!
Time to compete...

3 Rnds:
5 Pausing Scap HSPU (1s Pause at top)
30' Reverse Bearcrawl (Bearcrawling backwards)
5 Box Pistols (ea leg)
6 Sets of 2 reps (every 2m on 2m):
1 Pausing Front Squat (2s pause @ Bottom)
1 Front Squat
10 Rnds for Time:
10 Wall Balls (20/14)
200m Run

Stan ~ XX / 14:53
Daliege ~ 145# / 14:29
tb ~ 155-160-175-185-195 / 17:06 (1:30/3:10/4:51/6:37/8:16/10:05/11:51/13:45/15:35/17:06)
splits = 1:30-1:40-1:41-1:46-1:39-1:49-1:46-1:54-1:50-1:31

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Till B.I.G. (Big Impact Games)!!!
Brehm and I are in the Masters Division! Gonna be a blast!

Today's WOD
Warm-Up ~ 
Jogged 4 Stair Laps (400m approx) w/ Mask
Repeated 4 Stair Laps w/ Mask
For Time:
60 Cal Bike
50 Single-Arm DB Clean & Jerks (50#/35#)
400m Rucksack Run (50#/35#)
30 C2B Pull Ups
400m Ruck Run
50 S-A DB C&J
60 Cal Bike

tb ~ 34:46
Splits/breakups and thoughts:
60 Cal Bike ~ 4:57 (jumped on it...20cals in 1:30, then 40 @ 3:15[1:45], last 20 in 1:42)
50 S-A DB C&J (50#) ~ 9:43 (5L-5R / 10L-10R / 5L-5R-5L-5R)
400 approx (4 Stair Laps w/ 50# D-Ball) ~ 15:19
30 C2B ~ 18:28 (4-6-6-6-4-4)
4 Stair Laps w/ D-Ball ~ 23:00
50 S-A DB C&J ~ 29:00 (5L-5R / 6L-6R-6L-6R / 4L-4R-4L-4R)
60 Cal Bike ~ 5:27 (just easy pedal till 2:30, then 10s Hard & 20s Easy till 5m mark...9cals to go...Hammer down!)
During the DB C&J's...all I could think about was... "At least those DB Snatches that Brehm & I have to do at B.I.G. will be easier than this!!!"  (There is a WOD next week = 4 Minute AMRAP of Alt. DB Snatches)

Friday, September 18, 2020

Good time...

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize

EMOM x 10 (5 sets)
Odd = 45s Easy Row
Even = HS Walk Work (60s HS Balance on wall or band in rack)
For Time:
3 Rnds:
3 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Double DB Front Rack Squat (50/35)
9 Deadlift (135/95)
....into 50 Cal Row
3 Rnds:
3 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Double DB Front Rack Squat (50/35)
9 Deadlift (135/95)
....into 50 Cal Row
3 Rnds:
3 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Double DB Front Rack Squat (50/35)
9 Deadlift (135/95)
8 Rounds for Time:
25% of Max STRICT HSPU Unbroken

Ladick ~ 3 Rnds + Row of Litter Box
Daliege ~ 3 Rdns + Row + 3 Rnds of Litter Box
tb ~ 19:36 / 3 Strict HSPU x 8 rnds in 6:36
3 @ 1:49 / 4 @ 2:54 / 5 @ 4:03 / 6 @ 4:56 / 7 @ 5:52 / 8 @ 6:36
Rows were 2:36.4 & 2:41.7

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I could REALLY feel it today... Really the first time in a while where I felt it.

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize

On the 2m x 3:
10 Cal Bike
Max Reps Ring Dips in remaining time
....2m REST
On the 2m x 3:
10 Cal Bike
Max Reps Ring Dips in remaining time
All 12 Reps should be completed w/o dropping the bar, rest can be taken, but you must hang on to the bar in overhead, front rack or hang position...
6 Sets:
High-Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High-Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High-Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk

Ladick ~ XX / ??
Stan ~ XX / ??
Dalige ~ XX / 145#
tb ~ 
32s Bike + 18 (11-7)
39s Bike + 21 (7-7-7)
33s Bike + 18 (5-5-5-3)
16s Bike + 19 (5-6-4-4)
24s Bike + 16 (6-5-5)
39s Bike + 18 (4-4-4-4-2) GASSED after this...
BCC = 95-125-145-165-145-145

That 165 was heavier than anticipated, and my legs were jello from Monday & Bike!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Do More, with LESS

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize & RPR
800m Run (school lap) w/ Mask...
Walked twice due to just starting and was still in the low 5m mark... still much better than I have been...

For Time:
3K Bike (Echo Bike)
2K Row
100 D/U
40 TTB

3 Giant Sets:
50m DBL DB Farmers Carry
25m Left-Arm DB OH Carry
25m Right-Arm DB OH Carry

Good little WOD...

Stan ~ 20:58 (200 Singles / 40 K2E )
Bike was 4:30 ~ 300+ Watts ave / 68-73 RPM's
Row was 7:56.4 - 2:02.4 / 2:00.2 / 1:56.0 / 1:57.8
tb ~ 18:25 (Rx) / Midline w/ 50# DB's
Bike = 5:00 ~ 230-270 Watts ave / 58-63 RPM's ave
Row = 7:37.8 ~ 1:51.0 (27s/m) / 1:55.2 (21s/m) / 1:57.9 (30s/m) / 1:53.6 (31s/m)

Monday, September 14, 2020

Good Stuff...

Strict GYM
A) 7m of work:
2 Wall Walks
20s Wall Facing HS Hold
5 Box Pistols each leg (10 total)
B) 7m of work:
Ascending Ladder of:
1-2-3...etc STRICT HSPU
+ 3 Strict Pull Ups 
Build to a HEAVY 2-Rep OHS 
AMRAP in 3m (3m Rest b/t):
200m Run + 15 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max OHS (45#)
200m Run + 15 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max OHS (65#)
200m Run + 15 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max OHS (75#)
200m Run + 15 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max OHS (95#)

Daliege ~ 45 x 27 / 65# x 29 / 75# x 15 / 95# x 25 (12-13)
Ladick ~ 45 x 25 / 65# x 24 / 75# x 25 / XX
tb ~ A) 4 Rnds / B) 6 Rnds + 1 HSPU / just built to 135 (from Floor) / ALL OHS UB
45# x 27 (2:15) / 65# x 21 (2:05) / 75# x 31 / 95# x 29 (1:38)

Did not do a true build to HEAVY 2-Rep... Maybe later in day...
Same with Snatch Balance...

Friday, September 11, 2020



(teams of two):
2001m Row
4 Rnds (4 Attacks)
9 Rope Climbes (1 Rope Climb = 7 Pull Ups)
11 Bear Complexes (PC+FS+PP+BS+PP = 1 / 115#)
Cash-Out w/
2977m Row (2977 Deaths)

Daliege & I 
Stan & Ladick for 2001m Row & 2 Rnds...

Then Stan & I Finished off the last 2 rnds and Row to finish...


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Great WOD...

Did not want to do this one... Knew it would be tough...

Warm Up ~ 
Plan was 1 Walking Lap for time, 1 Jogging Lap for Time, 2-2-3-3...
Mask On ~ 
1 Walking Lap @1:02 / 1 Jogging Lap @ 49s
2 Walking Laps @ 2:02 / Started 2 jogging laps then just stayed the course for 6 Laps...taking splits every lap.
6 Jogging Laps w/ Mask On @ 4:48
46.2 - 46.5 - 46.7 - 49.1 - 51.7 - 48.3
so just after the 400m mark I really could not breath and obviously slowed down...

Alternating on the 2m x 5 Rnds
#1) 30% Max Kipping HSPU + 30% Max Ring Muscle Ups
#2) Work to a heavy Complex of: 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Press
For Time:
20 Power Cleans
20 Thrusters
20 Push Press
20 Hang Power Snatches
20 OHS
20 Front Squats
*Every Minute on the Minute beginning at 0:00, perform 4 Burpees!!!
75# / 55#
4 Sets of:
50' Front Rack Lunge Walk

Stan ~ XX / 65# & Back Sqt subbed for OHS = 9:55
Ladick ~ XX / 65# = 10:54
Daliege ~ XX / 11:54
tb ~ 3 & 3 for HSPU & MU / 165 final Complex / 10:38 / 45-45-95-95 (Lungewalk)
Breakdown of 20 Q's (to the best of my recollection):
Obviously 4 Burpees preceeded the reps... burpees completed between 28-34s each rnd exept #1, that was quicker, then went to step-downs, step-ups
0 = 19 PC
1 = 1PC + 11 Thrusters
2 = 9 Thrusters
3 = 12 PP
4 = 8 PP
5 = 8 Hang Snatch
6 = 11 Hang Snatch
7 = 1 HS + 8 OHS
8 = 12 OHS + 2 FS
9 = 12 FS
10 = 6 FS ... went quicker for Burpees then got on bar!!!

Lungs were burning! Coughing with dry throat for 30 minutes after... Felt good!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Another Row Test...perfect!

This was dang near another test of our rowing...

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize (Run 400m)
Every 4m x 8 (for individual time):
18 Cal Row
200m Run

2:06 / 1:55 / 1:47 / 1:53 / 1:53 / 1:49 / 1:53 / 1:50

Labor Day...Work

Time to work for Labor Day...
For all the real hard workers out there!

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize
A) 0:00-4:00 minutes:
30 D/U
15s HS Hold (Freestanding if possible, I did with a band on the rack)
B) 4:00-12:00:
AMRAP in 8m:
10' HS Walk + 1 Strict Pull Up
10' HS Walk + 2 Strict Pull Ups
+1 Strict Pull Up each Rnd
(I did 5' HS Walk, took 3 attempts each time, just could not get balanced)
C) On the 12:00:
3 x 12 Deficit Push Ups
Following for Technique, rest as needed b/t sets:
5 Tall Snatches + 5 Snatch Drops
4 Tall Snatches + 4 Snatch Drops
3 Tall Snatches + 3 Snatch Drops
2 Tall Snatches + 2 Snatch Drops
1 Tall Snatches + 1 Snatch Drops
A) 0-4 min:
Work to Moderate High-Hang Squat Snatch
B) 4-8 min:
Work to Moderate Hang Squat Snatch
C) 8-12 min:
Work to Moderate Low-Hang Squat Snatch
AMRAP in 18 Min:
50 Wall Balls
40 Cal Bike
30 Deadlift (185#)
20 DBL DB Push Press (50)
20 C2B Pull Ups

tb ~ 4 Rnds / 7 Rnds (7 Strict PU) / Tall & Drops = 45-65-75-85-95
A) 125 B) 155 C) 175
Big Baller = 1 Rnd + 51 Reps
#1 = 8-7-6--8-6-7--4--4 @ 2:30 / Bike
#2 = 6-6-6-6-6-6--8-6 @ 2:15
Bike = 4:05 / DL = 6-1-1-1-6-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 / PP = 12-8 / C2B = 8-8-4

Friday, September 4, 2020

Training Day...

Getting ready...

Warm-Up is built into the WOD...
Mobilized, but moved right into this thing...

AMRAP in 7m:
3 Inchworms
6 4-Ct. Flutterkicks (L-Sit Posiiton)
9 Strict (Ring) Dips
~ 2 M Rest ~ 
15-20 Wall Walks
2 RFT ~ 
70/50 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 KBS (50/35)
15 Burpees Box Overs (24/20)
OTM x 4
1 Muscle Clean (forgot it was clean pull & did MC)
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
60s REST
OTM x 8
1 High Hang Squat Clean
60s REST
On the 2m x 4
3 Front Squats (from Rack)

Daliege ~ 20:53
Stan ~ 19:30
Ladick ~ 18:30
tb ~ 24:10 (1st Rnd = 11:40 / finished 30 KBS on rnd 2 @ 2:05 for 15 BBJO)
Used a 30" box but did all step-ups, not jumps...
Rows are below:
#1 = 3:30.5 / 935m / 1144 Cal/hr / 27s/m
15 cal splits & s/m
29.2 - 39
37.7 - 30
54.3 - 23
54.2 - 24
35.0 - 22 (5)
#2 = 3:51.4 / 998m / 1073 Cal/hr / 30s/m
15 cal splits & s/m
44.9 - 35
52.0 - 29
52.9 - 32
47.3 - 27
34.2 - 28 (5)

95-95-105-115 / 125-135-135-145-145-155-155-155 / 185 (across) ~ NO BELT for any of this...
Felt the core and back workin'

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Did it!!!

Ran the ENTIRE 800m with a mask and did not stop...
Although the run was VERY slow at times. Had to set a pace where I could breath and recover...
Thought I was going down TWICE. 1st was mental at the 1/2 way mark, second was moving just a bit to fast around 500 mark...

So... 0.51 miles in 5:04!!! I will keep on working this!

Mobilize after the run a bit.

AMRAP in 8m:
5' HS Walk + 30 D/U
10' HS Walk + 30 D/U
+ 5' every Round until time runs out!
Every 5' counts for a rep
3 Rnds for Time:
25 TTB
20 Push Press (95/65)
15 Cal Bike
3 SuperSets:
10 Supinated Ring Rows
20 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (10 ea leg)
90s Rest b/t sets

Stan ~ Done w/ bearcrawl / 2 Rnds of TC
Daliege ~ Done w/ backward HS /  2 Rnds of TC
Ladick ~ Done w/ bearcrawl / 2 Rnds of TC
tb ~ 4 Rnds + 25' HS Walks / TC = 12:42 / BA = Completed
Treasure Chest
25 UB / 12-8  / 1:14 Bike @ 3:48
8-7-6-4 / 16-4 / 1:24 Bike @ 7:54 (4:06)
10-5-5-3-2 / 6-6-6-2 / 46s Bike @ 12:42 (4:48)

Not great on the rounds for dropping time like that...

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Warm-Up and Mobilize
10 minute Max Capacity Bike (suppose to be erg bike, all I got is the Echo)
3m Rest
10 Min Max Capacity Bike
4 Sets:
2 Muscle Cleans
2 Pausing Hang Cleans (1s Pause at Hang & Catch)
2 Power Cleans
rest as needed
40% - 45% - 50% +
For Time:
400m Run + 21 Burpees
400m Run + 15 Burpees
400m Run + 9 Burpees
200m Run + 9 Power Cleans (95/63)
200m Run + 15 Power Cleans (95#)
200m Run + 21 Power Cleans (95#)

Stan ~ 120 Cals (6.07 Miles) / 134 Cals (6.29 miles / 62/71 rpms / 259/382 Watts)
tb ~ 92 Cals (3.41 miles / 55/62 rpms / 188/260 Watts)
102 Cals (3.54 miles / 57/66 rpms / 206/314 Watts)
95-105-115-125-135 POWER CLEAN TECH.
B2R = 17:09 (95# for Power Cleans)
1:58 / 3:32 (21 Burpees @ 1:34)
5:40 (2:08) / 7:02 (15 Burpees @ 1:22)
9:15 (2:13) / 10:13 (9 Burpees @ 58s)
11:30 (1:17) / 12:02 (9 PC @ 32s)
13:22 (1:20) / 14:30 (15 PC @ 1:08)
15:49 (1:19) / 17:09 (21 PC @ 1:20)
Slower on the 200's so I could speed up on the Cleans... That was my thought process there