Warm-Up is built into the WOD...
Mobilized, but moved right into this thing...
AMRAP in 7m:
3 Inchworms
6 4-Ct. Flutterkicks (L-Sit Posiiton)
9 Strict (Ring) Dips
~ 2 M Rest ~
15-20 Wall Walks
2 RFT ~
70/50 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 KBS (50/35)
15 Burpees Box Overs (24/20)
OTM x 4
1 Muscle Clean (forgot it was clean pull & did MC)
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
60s REST
OTM x 8
1 High Hang Squat Clean
60s REST
On the 2m x 4
3 Front Squats (from Rack)
Daliege ~ 20:53
Stan ~ 19:30
Ladick ~ 18:30
tb ~ 24:10 (1st Rnd = 11:40 / finished 30 KBS on rnd 2 @ 22:05...so 2:05 for 15 BBJO)
Used a 30" box but did all step-ups, not jumps...
Rows are below:
#1 = 3:30.5 / 935m / 1144 Cal/hr / 27s/m
15 cal splits & s/m
29.2 - 39
37.7 - 30
54.3 - 23
54.2 - 24
35.0 - 22 (5)
#2 = 3:51.4 / 998m / 1073 Cal/hr / 30s/m
15 cal splits & s/m
44.9 - 35
52.0 - 29
52.9 - 32
47.3 - 27
34.2 - 28 (5)
95-95-105-115 / 125-135-135-145-145-155-155-155 / 185 (across) ~ NO BELT for any of this...
Felt the core and back workin'
20:36 RX
ReplyDelete(1st rnd 9:42)
Rows = 3:34(D@3.5) / 3:56(D@3)
WB = 15-20-15 / 20-15-15
KB = 15-15 / 15-15
HHSC = 135
FS = 145-155-165-175