It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Training Day...

Getting ready...

Warm-Up is built into the WOD...
Mobilized, but moved right into this thing...

AMRAP in 7m:
3 Inchworms
6 4-Ct. Flutterkicks (L-Sit Posiiton)
9 Strict (Ring) Dips
~ 2 M Rest ~ 
15-20 Wall Walks
2 RFT ~ 
70/50 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 KBS (50/35)
15 Burpees Box Overs (24/20)
OTM x 4
1 Muscle Clean (forgot it was clean pull & did MC)
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
60s REST
OTM x 8
1 High Hang Squat Clean
60s REST
On the 2m x 4
3 Front Squats (from Rack)

Daliege ~ 20:53
Stan ~ 19:30
Ladick ~ 18:30
tb ~ 24:10 (1st Rnd = 11:40 / finished 30 KBS on rnd 2 @ 2:05 for 15 BBJO)
Used a 30" box but did all step-ups, not jumps...
Rows are below:
#1 = 3:30.5 / 935m / 1144 Cal/hr / 27s/m
15 cal splits & s/m
29.2 - 39
37.7 - 30
54.3 - 23
54.2 - 24
35.0 - 22 (5)
#2 = 3:51.4 / 998m / 1073 Cal/hr / 30s/m
15 cal splits & s/m
44.9 - 35
52.0 - 29
52.9 - 32
47.3 - 27
34.2 - 28 (5)

95-95-105-115 / 125-135-135-145-145-155-155-155 / 185 (across) ~ NO BELT for any of this...
Felt the core and back workin'

1 comment:

  1. 20:36 RX
    (1st rnd 9:42)
    Rows = 3:34(D@3.5) / 3:56(D@3)
    WB = 15-20-15 / 20-15-15
    KB = 15-15 / 15-15
    BBJO = UB
    HHSC = 135
    FS = 145-155-165-175
