Warm-Up ~ Roll the Back
2 Sets:
30s Mtn Climbers
30s Death March (slow/controled)
30s REST
2 Sets:
30s Ground 2 Sky
30s Burpee Jump Backs (Sprawl)
30s REST
2 Sets:
30s Rt Arm DB OH Hold
30s Lft Arm DB OH Hold
30s Rest
EMOM x 16m (4 Rnds Total):
1 = 10 x Rt Leg Step-Back Lunge to Cossack Sqt
2 = 10 x Lft Leg Step-Back Lunge to Cossack Sqt
3 = 20 Alt. DB Push Press (Shoulder Press / 35#)
4 = 40s Plank Hold (Push Up Position)
AMRAP in 5min:
5 Burpees
60' Lateral Shuffle (6 x 10' Lat Shuffle)
Felt good...could feel tight back today
Those Step-Back to Cossacks were something else...good for single-let work!!!
8 Rnds + 4 Burpees on the AMRAP...
Rounds were: 27s - 37s - 46s - 40s - 35s - 36s - 41s - 27s + 4 Burpees
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