It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, February 22, 2021


Good to be back at school... with the boys...
Working out...

Today felt good...We will see how the day progresses...

30-45s each:
Deadbugs (Unilateral & Contralateral)
Cross Under Lunge w/ Knee Up
Straight-Leg Side Leg Raise
Fire Hydrants
2 Sets:
10 x Russian Babymaker
10 x Reverse Lunge to Cossack Squat (5 each leg)
5m Row Warm-Up
60s easy Row
60s Leg Drive ONLY
30s Leg Drive & Hip Swivel
30s FULL PULL (Leg Drive + Hips + Arms)
30s Arms ONLY
30s Hips + Arms
60s Easy Row, FULL PULL (Focus on Leg Drive)

1000m Row
50 Thrusters (95#)

Pyan ~ 3:51.9 Row / 12:25
Daliege ~ 3:47.0 Row / 7:51
Ladick ~ 3:48.4 Row / 8:30ish @ 75#
Smalls ~ 3:51.5 Row / 9:42 @ 75#
tb ~ 3:54.1 Row / 9:26 (15@5:28 / 27@6:41 / 36@8:04 / 50@9:26)
15 in 1:34 / 12 in 1:13 / 9 in 1:23 / 14 in 1:22

HERE are some Rowing Stats to consider/look at/evaluate:
3:54.1 (1:57.1)223:52.0 (1:56.0)243:51.5 (1:55.7)233:47.1 (1:53.5)363:48.5 (1:54.2)25

LAST # in s/m column is my estimated # of total strokes you took... 
I just took the Ave s/m from the top row and went with 4 times that amount (minus some) as we were all under 4m for row...some lost a few more strokes for being in the 3:40's...

BUT... remember...EACH stroke is WORK done... so the fewer strokes you can take the better as long as your time does not go down...
Remember your damper setting then look at those Ave/500m times... where do you think you were most efficient...that is the # you want to hit...


  1. Great job everyone. I like your breakdown tb. It made me go look at mine.
    3:46 (1:53) 26
    1:55.2 27
    154 26
    151.7 27
    152.2. 27
    151.7. 27
    *damper #3, usually have it @ 3.5 or 4, tried something different today
    Time = 7:43 w/65# 13-12-13-12
    * worked at a training pace and weight to focus on form, knowing speed is there when I need it.

  2. Outstanding!!! You are spot-on headed into this Open Season!!!
    Great work!
