It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, February 28, 2014


It is finally here...

The time we get to see where this past year has brought us...Really we are just testing against ourselves, but we also get to compare scores with about 129,000 others!  
YUP...CF OPEN season is here! 
Why do this???
The chance to put your score up against everyone else around the globe...
The chance to "put it out there"... See what you have gained/lost within the past year
It's Fun!!!

Warm-Up = Set-Up & Prep (we have to video now you know!)

14.1 (11.1 Re-Do)
AMRAP in 10 Min:
30 D/U
15 Power Snatches (75#/55#)

I will apologize in advance...I have no idea what everyone did
STAN ~ 5 Rnds + 10 (60 Singles)
JB ~ 6 Rnds + 30 D/U ~ 300 Reps
Oz ~ 4 Rnds ~ 180 Reps
Britt ~ 4 Rnds + 
Val ~ 5 Rnds + 41 ~ 266 Reps
tb ~ 6 Rnds + 37 ~ 307 Reps

BTW ~ We did this on Oct. 11th, 2013...check your score HERE
Val w/ a HUGE PR from last time (4 Rnds + 13D/U = 193 Reps) = 73 Rep PR ONLY moving up!
tb = 37 rep PR for now...
Oz = Did singles last time! Now EASY D/U!!!

RE-TEST coming on Sunday!!!

Video to come...Stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where it Began

2014 JIGSAW sign-up can begin (Check out the picture on the front page!)
Can we out-do what we did last year????
Who has some theme ideas? I will have some workout ideas ;-)
Partners, teams of 3 or 4, where will 2014 take us (buddy carry the entire way?!?!?!)

If you like reminiscing...Look to the right --->>> Try ANYthing! Page
Folks, this is the event that BEGAN it all!!! This event was the birth of ANYthing Once...From there this little group of comrades have done tri's, mud-runs, bike races, stair climbs, you-name-it-we'll-try-it!!!

Join the JIGSAW this year and follow this blog to find out what is in store!!!
Guaranteed to be something you will always remember!!!

Warm-Up ~ EMOM x 5 ~ 10 Wall Balls (heavy ball or double squats)

Neon Knights
1000m Row
30 Hang Power Clean (135#/95#)
30 C2B Pull Ups

EMOM x 10
odd = 7 TTB + 7 Burpees
even = 7 Push Press (from rack, you choose wt.) + 7 Box Jumps (24/20)

Oz ~ 11:52
tb ~ 10:29 / 7's all the way thru! 125#PP / Step-Ups not Box Jumps

2014 Crossfit OPEN ~ 14.1 on FRIDAY... 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feeling It!

JB was not to be outdone this AM!!!

He came in on fire and left on fire!

Warm-Up ~ Whatever

For Time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of Thrusters (95#/65#)
30 D/U after each round of Thrusters

Muscle Up Wave for 10 Min:
1st min = 1 MU
2nd min = 2 Unbroken MU's
3rd min = 3 Unbroken MU's
continue adding 1 MU every minute until you cannot get the MU's, then begin again at 1

STAN ~ 14:12 (90 singles)
Redd ~ 11:54 (80# / Singles)
Oz ~ 10:57 & did his first BAR Muscle Up!!!! OUTSTANDING!!!
JB ~ 8:29
tb ~ 12:15 / 1-2-3-4-3-1-2-3-4-3

It was around one year ago that Oz began this gig!
TODAY...after a weekend of being sick...and still feeling the effects...but pushing thru anyway...
Billy Oswald performed his FIRST BAR MUSCLE UP!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Back from Clinic...

Well... With the "new" Thursday Rest, this first week was a bit different.
We (Syd, Hepp, Feidt & I, along with others) went to the Glazer Football Clinic in Minneapolis!
Left Thursday after school...
We did not get up for a workout or do a workout on Friday or Saturday...

Britt & JB (maybe Oz)...did the Rowing WOD on Friday...One we need to try...

15 GHD Sit Ups + 100m Row
15 GHD Sit Ups + 200m Row...etc
15 GHD Sit Ups + 900m Row
15 GHD Sit Ups + 1000m Row

They said it was brutal!!! Awesome!!!

Today...Slow Start on Monday!!!

Shoe change made a difference for JB & pain!

With a 10 Minute Running Clock:
Power Snatch (115#/80#)
*With Remaining time, perform as many Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20") as possible

Two Scores:
1) Time for the 21-15-9
2) # of Burpee Box Jumps

Des ~ Did a rower WOD
Oz ~ 6 Power Snatches in the rnd of 9 (105#)
JB ~ Completed the 21-15-9...
Britt ~ 9:10 (@95#) / 11 Burpee Box Jumps
tb ~ 9 Power Snatches


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Gut Check...

Warm-Up ~ Mile Run or 2K Row

Gut Check
AMRAP in 12min:
70 D/U
50 Bar Over Burpees
30 Squat Clean Thrusters (135#/95#)
10 Muscle Ups (C2B Pull Ups)

Snatch Work
EMOM x 5min:
5 TnG Snatches

Britt ~ 141 Reps (21 Sq. Cl Th.@95#)
Des ~ 140 Reps (20 Sq. Cl. Th @ 65#)
E ~ 145 Reps (25 Sq. Cl. Th. @ 95#)
Feidt ~ 147 Reps (27 Sq. Cl. Th. @ 95#)
Oz ~ 185 Reps (1 Rnd + 25 D/U @ 95#)
Val ~ 142 Reps (22 Sq. Cl. Th. @ 95#) / 95# for 3 Rnds, Rnd 4 & 5 not TnG
tb ~ 145 Reps (25 Sq. Cl. Th. @ 135#) / 155# for all 5 rnds

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Warm-Up: 400m Run + Mobility
2 x Shuttle Run (1 shuttle run = 10 & Back, 10 & back, 20 & Back, 20 & Back)
1 Min Rest b/t

Toes 2 Bar
Box Jumps (24/20)
Row for Calories
Shoulder-to-Overhead (95#/65#)

EMOM for 15 Min:
First 5 Min segment = 4 Power Snatches, no T-n-G (touch & go)
*take ever rep as a great starting form!
Second 5 Min segment = 2 Power Snatches, no TnG + 2 TnG Power Snatches
*continue with good form, then work 2 quick cycles
Third 5 Min segment = 4 TnG Power Snatches
*Make them look good!
~ For ALL of the snatches within this 15 min workout, your goal is to keep your feet on the floor, work technique, cycling time and no "starfish" (wide-base catch).

JB ~ ?? used TRX bands rather than rows (his W.U. was 3 x 1K row w/ 2min Rest b/t)
Oz ~ 221
E ~ 206 (40-59-49-58)
Val ~ 216 (35-75-43-63) / 5x4, 5x2TnG, 5x3 @90#
tb ~ 242 (71-60-44-67) / Completed @ 135#

Monday, February 17, 2014

Air Force WOD...sort of

Warm-Up ~ Run + 1/2 Leg Blaster + 10 Burpees + BB Cmplx

Air Force WOD (*Sort Of) (G-Force by CFNE)
For Time:
20 Thrusters
20 Power Cleans
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead
20 OHS
20 Front Squat
* Perform 5 Burpees EMOM...start WOD w/ Thrusters!

EMOM for 8 Min:
3 Muscle Ups + 30 D/U

For Time:
30 Wall Balls (30#/20#)
~ 1 Min REST
20 Wall Balls (30#/20#)
~ 1 Min REST
10 Wall Balls (30#/20#)

*Air Force WOD has SDLHP rather than Power Cleans + it is only 4 Burpees OTM!

Kate ~ 12:00 ?? / Wall Ball Test Complete
Desi ~ 15:00 /
Oz ~ 12:57 /
Feidt ~ 8:54 /
Bertag ~ 9:54 /
tb ~ 7:56 / 3+30-3+30-3+30-X-3+30-3+0-3+0-2+30=20MU+150D/U / (2nd Hr.~ 3:56)
Val~ 7:55 / WB 6:36

Bertag had about 3 or 4 Tabata Sets of Exercises in before the WOD! He is an animal that does not know half speed or maintained is always ALL-OUT with this beast!!! Impressive!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Feidts WOD

The only crew available on Sat were the Fiedts...

Team of 2:

ROW 6K for time:
Switch Partners every 250m
Perform 7 Burpee Box Jumps before you can get back on Rower!

Joni & Chris ~ 28:15 Total
*2:45 waste time

Friday, February 14, 2014

VALentines Day

Ethan would like to wish VAL a happy VALentines Day!!!

E's first week of the AM crew and it is going well...he is driven!
Welcome to OPEN prep...things just got heavy this week! E & Oz are both holding up!!!
Time to enter the OPEN boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time will tell if we can get our MAN Feidt back on track by the open!!!
Monday WOD (Rushmore) took its toll and strained his back! Blew it right up...luckily he shut it down immediately rather than trying to "push thru it" (see Rip's Rules)!
He was moving at lightning speed as well...The East Beast's have taken a toll in the past month!
BUT...Never fear...THEY will be back, with a vengance!!!

Warm-Up ~ 400m Run
25 Thrusters / 25 Burpees
Movement & Warm-Ups

AMRAP in 20 Min:
1, 2, 3, 4...etc (Up Ladder)
Power Clean (205#, 145#)
Muscle Ups (alt. C2B or Pull Up+ Dip)

EMOM x 10min:
Max Strict Pull Ups + 30 D/U

Ethan ~ 10 Rnds + 5 Pull Ups (@135#/PU+Dip) ~ 66PC+60PU+55Dips
~ 181 Reps!!! 8910#'s Cleaned!!
Oz ~ 10 Rnds + 9 PC (@155# / C2B) ~ 64PC+55C2B
~ 119 Reps!! 9920#'s Cleaned!!!
tb ~ 8 Rnds + 2 PC (@205#/MU) ~ 38PC+36MU
~ 74 Reps! 7380#'s Cleaned! EMOM(2nd Hr) = 12-4-5-4-4-4-4-4-3-4 + 30 D/U everytime

JB did Wed. WOD ~ AMRAP in 10 Min: 10 WB & 30 D/U ~ 11 Rnds!!!
He is a beast on Wall Balls & D/U!!! Now if we could just fix his head, he could be a serious competitor!!!

Ripp’s RULES
(1) Don't Be Stupid 
~ Don't go heavy if you're injured to the extent that the heavy weight will aggravate the problem. This will cost you in at least training time, and possibly time off work if you're ultra-stupid.
(2) Don't Be Greedy 
~ Learn to recognize the difference between greed and ambition, and be merely ambitious.
(3) Don't Be Pig-Headed 
~ If your first attempt tells you that you need to lower your second, do so, without a misplaced sense of diminished self-worth. It's a WOD, and it's designed to measure what's there, not create something that's not. That's why you are training!
~ If you begin to feel pain...stop! There is a difference between hurting & pain recognize the difference!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday WOD...

...It has been a while!!!

Hump Day WOD...
Wow...Being use to Resting on a Wed. and now WODing is very different feeling.
Back to the "old days"... we come!!!

Warm-Up ~ 800m Run + Move

AMRAP in 10min:
10 Wall Balls (20#)
30 D/U

Snatch Skills
5 Sets:
Hang Pwr Snatch + Hang Sqt Snatch + OHS

Des ~ 7rnds
E ~ 6 Rnds + 50 singles (90 singles was sub)
Britt ~ 8 Rnds + 2 WB (w/ wt. vest)
Oz ~ 9 Rnds
tb ~ 7 rnds + 7 wall ball (w/ wt. vest) / 155-155-155-165-165
Val- 9 rnds + 5 DU (w/ 15#)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Toes to Bar

3-5 Sets x 1-Basketball Court Shuttle Run
* Half-Court & Back, Full Court and Back
* 60s Rest b/t

50 Alternate Pistols

Space Jam
KBS (70#/55#)
Box Jumps (24"/20") games standards

...5 Min Rest...

Complete 15 Muscle Ups in as few sets as possible!
* Strict C2B Pull Ups or Strict Dead Hang Pull Ups...scale as needed...get some strength!

Daliege ~ 15:40 (35# KB)
STAN ~ 14:40 (55# KB)
JB ~ 13:05 (all Box JUMPS!!)
E ~ 12:35 (55# / mod. TTB)
Oz ~ 10:42 (55#)
tb ~ 9:14 / 3-3-3-3-2-1
Val~ 9:40 (all Box JUMPs) & then this happened...
 looks way better with the skin clipped - just awesome

Monday, February 10, 2014


This one was a tough one!

Warm-Up ~

10, 9, 8...3, 2, 1 for time:
Squat Cleans (135# / 95#)
Burpees over the Bar

EMOM x 10min:
10 x Close-Grip OHS
*Double thumb width away from choose the wt. you can handle

STAN ~ 15:50 (@95#)
JB ~ 17:47
Oz ~ 16:32
E ~ 11:50 (@95#)
Val ~ 13:01 / OHS @ 45#
tb ~ 14:09 / OHS @ 75#

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pair up in Teams of 3

Another Saturday WOD!!!

Modified a bit from the format...

The Royal Tenenbaums
Teams of 3:
100 Deadlift
80 Hang Power Cleans
60 Front Squat
40 Jerks
20 Thrusters
One athlete works at a time...
EMOM ~ ALL athletes will complete 5 burpees

We moved it to groups of 2:
Reps were 66-52-40-26-14

val(115#) & tb(155#) ~ 15:00
des(65#) & Britt(135#) ~ 16:00

Val was a BEAST again in todays WOD...Carried this group even more than the last partner WOD.
First she wins the Ball & Chain competition and carries me along, then we beat Bertagnoli on a Saturday AM...with Val leading the reps and the way. Now does WAAAYYY more than half the reps...I had at least 2 minutes of 5 burpees and complete rest (maybe 3 or 4)!!!

Can't wait to see the improvement this year in the OPEN with her!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

OPEN Test...New Addition!!!

A new ANYthing Once Member is born!!!

Gabriella Lynn

Me...Late??? Sleeping in?!?! Yea, right...
Still in by 6:15am...that extra 30min of sleep won't help ANYthing!
Not sleeping in, just testing the way I feel after school for a WOD!
...was hoping for more sleep, but that was unrealistic...body clock!

CF OPEN 2014 WOD's get released on Thursday Nights (still 20 days away!)
BUT that means there is still time to sign up...Ethan, Feidt, Syd, Kate, Oz, Des, Britt!!!
Do we want to perform the OPEN WOD on:
Friday AM ???
Friday PM ???
Saturday AM ???
THEN, the suggested Re-Test of Open WOD is Monday AM...?!?!
I am not so sure that is the BEST option...after a weekend (most of which would be rest/recovery) Whick means sitting around and not really great eating habits...That would have to change!
RE-TEST is VERY important...REMEMBER, we all improved on the re-takes!!!
I think we could Re-Test on Sunday Afternoon especially with a Friday WOD...Would be a bit tougher from a Sat. AM WOD.

OK...with that said...NEXT WEEK:
We are moving to Thursdays being the REST DAY!
So...WOD on Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday & Friday; REST on Thursday!!!
This is a 3-week PREP for The Open!  Getting the bodies use to the schedule that we will need to be performing on for the 5 Weeks of the OPEN!!!
AND that means there is still time to sign up...Ethan, Feidt, Syd, Kate, Oz, Des, Britt!!!

OK...Onto the WOD ~ THE REAL WOD from CFNE
Snake Bite
Squat Snatch (95#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups

EMOM x 10min:
odd = 3-6 Muscle Ups
even = 30-60 D/U

Oz ~ 10:16
Val ~ (after school) ~ 8:10
tb ~ (after school) ~ 7:44

THE ALTERNATE WOD from Crossfithardcore (JB's preference)
For Time:
Squat Snatches (95#/65#)
Front Rack Lunges (95#/65#)
Push Ups

In TRUE "hardcore" mentality...these punks never record times!
It is about completion, not monitoring your progress (I guess) / Participants below:
Feidt ~ beat bertag by about 2 minutes!
Bertag ~ finished! "Feidt beat me by 2 minutes...that sucks!" I have no idea for time & cannot remember where Kate finished
Maloney ~ ???

STAN did Yesterdays WOD ~ 15:27 (@185# DL)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Rowin' & Jerkin'

Warm-Up ~ Movement + 50 Thrusters (however you like)

3RFT ~
500m Row
12 DL (225#/155#)
21 Box Jumps (24"/20") games standards

Clean & Jerk Work
5 Sets:
1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Des ~ 16:31 (@135#)
Britt ~ 18:20 (@225# w/ deficit)
Daliege ~ ?? but did it!!! (@135#)
Egge ~ 17:58 (@155#)
Oz ~ 10:32 (@155#) / 105-115-125-135-140
tb ~ 13:15 (@225#) / 135-155-175-190-205
Val ~ 11:48 Rx

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tell me, who is behind ANYthing Once...

That was pretty much the question I was asked...
This was how I summarized us:

ANYthing Once.
-What would life be if we had no courage to attempt ANYthing. -van gogh

Who are we- teachers, coaches, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, students, kids, friends….
We are individuals, a team, a family.  We compete with ourselves, each other, and those we don’t know.  We inspire, persevere, problem solve and make each others lives, classrooms and communities better.  We exist throughout Wisconsin and can consist of anywhere from 2 to 20 people depending on the day and the activity.  

We engage those that need the extra support and we cherish the traditions that we have created that bring together old and new friends.

We share a common interest: to be better.  Better is defined as ‘to a greater degree, more complete’.  
We selfishly want to better ourselves physically and mentally but are benevolent in the support and care of those around us.  We want each other to succeed in the challenges we face physically, because we know the value it brings to our happiness and our longevity in life.  We make each other’s lives better, more complete and that has contributed to the exceptional growth of ANYthing Once.  Also, it has effected the way we have been able to connect with others in regards to physical activity, commitment, and challenges.
At heart, we are competitors.  Anything Once has been able to provide the spirit and support we need to challenge ourselves in workouts, but also in events.  

Our events consist of traditions that we come together for- our area 5k Jigsaw run for Autism, Memorial Day Murph, 12 Day of Christmas Wod, but have also led to trying Garage Games events held in Wisconsin, the Crossfit Open, Half-Marathons and Mud Runs (many of these are “first time” events for all of us, some become tradition).  Our daily 6am gathering is where we push each other and work on being better, the events allow us to unleash the competitive spirit and possibly try something we haven’t done before.

It is hard to write a summary of what we are because of how much each of us contributes to our group.  It is very surreal when we are missing a regular, yet exciting to have a newbie join and begin to learn the ropes as we go. 

Our blog tells our story from the start of it in December of 2010, but it began even before that.  

The power of persuasion works in very simple ways and ANYthing Once has the ability to persuade those to try and commit to AM workouts or events because of the way we value teamwork, character, and the ability to make each other better, feel welcomed, and a part of a team.

When you take the time and look back on the blog... It is pretty crazy to see where we were and where we are now. The pictures hold some awesome memories and the words throughout the years that have captured the 'time' really take you back to what was going on during that day, week, month...
It is never just about working out... it is all about life and what we make of it, together.
Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life that want you in theirs; the ones who accept you the way you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.... that is how I feel about AOWR.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blast Off!

Warm-Up ~ 500m Row + mobility

Bottle Rocket (CFNE)
For Time:
25 Burpees
25 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
25 Burpees
* EMOM perform 7 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
~ Begin with Burpees, then on first minute perform 7 Wall Balls, continue on burpees (if you did not get all 25) until you get to 25, then move on to the Power Cleans...performing 7 Wall Balls every time the clock hits the minute marker.

EMOM x 15 min:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch

Dalage ~ ??
STAN ~ 8:57 (@95#)
Egge ~ 9:42
Oz ~ 8:47
JB ~ 8:45 / Tabata Row = 886m
Val ~ 7:37 / Skills Done
tb ~ 7:41 / 3@135# - 3@145# - 3@155# - 3@165# - 3@170#

Monday, February 3, 2014

OPEN 12.3

Should not assume...

Warm-Up ~ Movement Prep + 50 Thrusters (45#/35#)

OPEN 12.3
AMRAP in 18 min:
15 Box Jumps (24"/20") (games standard)
12 Shoulder to Overhead (115#/75#)
9 Toes To Bar

EMOM x 12:
Even ~ 3-6 Squat Therapy
Odd ~ 3-6 Muscle Ups

Britt ~ 8 Rnds + 25 reps (313 Reps)
Oz ~ 7 Rnds + 15 reps (267 Reps)
JB ~ 7 Rnds (252 Reps)
Kate ~ 7 Rnds (231 Reps*) *subbed 6 GHD Sit Ups for 9 TTB
tb ~ 8 Rnds + 19 reps (307 Reps) / 6's for Sqt Th. & 5-5-5-(3+1)-(3+1)-(3+1) for M.U. Sets
Syd ~ 7 Rnds + 16 reps (266 Reps)
Val ~ 8 Rnds + 18 reps (306 Reps)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Throwdown...

The gauntlet was dropped...

Maybe it was the euphoria of Mac's 300th Victory...
maybe it was knowing what CFNE had in store for Saturday...
maybe it was Team AOWR (val & I) winning our first competition...
maybe it was just me (tb) not thinking before I speak (as usual)
maybe it is knowing that Val can carry any team she is on!
Whatever the case...Thursday Night...
after Mac's 300th Win...
after the Saturday WOD was announced by CFNE (Partner WOD)...
I announced that Val & I would BEAT Bertagnoli (El Tigre) and anybody he could get for his partner!
Then walking into the Wt. Room on Friday AM...I stated that to JB!!!
The challenge was ON!!!
The Saturday Throwdown was going to happen...

Lots of talk all day on Friday!

Warm Up ~ With your Team...and get ready

75 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
50 KB Swings (Russian) (70#/53#)
25 Burpee Box Jumps (24")

Val & tb ~ 16:08
JB & E ~ 17:05
Britt & Desi ~ 18:21