It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, February 14, 2014

VALentines Day

Ethan would like to wish VAL a happy VALentines Day!!!

E's first week of the AM crew and it is going well...he is driven!
Welcome to OPEN prep...things just got heavy this week! E & Oz are both holding up!!!
Time to enter the OPEN boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time will tell if we can get our MAN Feidt back on track by the open!!!
Monday WOD (Rushmore) took its toll and strained his back! Blew it right up...luckily he shut it down immediately rather than trying to "push thru it" (see Rip's Rules)!
He was moving at lightning speed as well...The East Beast's have taken a toll in the past month!
BUT...Never fear...THEY will be back, with a vengance!!!

Warm-Up ~ 400m Run
25 Thrusters / 25 Burpees
Movement & Warm-Ups

AMRAP in 20 Min:
1, 2, 3, 4...etc (Up Ladder)
Power Clean (205#, 145#)
Muscle Ups (alt. C2B or Pull Up+ Dip)

EMOM x 10min:
Max Strict Pull Ups + 30 D/U

Ethan ~ 10 Rnds + 5 Pull Ups (@135#/PU+Dip) ~ 66PC+60PU+55Dips
~ 181 Reps!!! 8910#'s Cleaned!!
Oz ~ 10 Rnds + 9 PC (@155# / C2B) ~ 64PC+55C2B
~ 119 Reps!! 9920#'s Cleaned!!!
tb ~ 8 Rnds + 2 PC (@205#/MU) ~ 38PC+36MU
~ 74 Reps! 7380#'s Cleaned! EMOM(2nd Hr) = 12-4-5-4-4-4-4-4-3-4 + 30 D/U everytime

JB did Wed. WOD ~ AMRAP in 10 Min: 10 WB & 30 D/U ~ 11 Rnds!!!
He is a beast on Wall Balls & D/U!!! Now if we could just fix his head, he could be a serious competitor!!!

Ripp’s RULES
(1) Don't Be Stupid 
~ Don't go heavy if you're injured to the extent that the heavy weight will aggravate the problem. This will cost you in at least training time, and possibly time off work if you're ultra-stupid.
(2) Don't Be Greedy 
~ Learn to recognize the difference between greed and ambition, and be merely ambitious.
(3) Don't Be Pig-Headed 
~ If your first attempt tells you that you need to lower your second, do so, without a misplaced sense of diminished self-worth. It's a WOD, and it's designed to measure what's there, not create something that's not. That's why you are training!
~ If you begin to feel pain...stop! There is a difference between hurting & pain recognize the difference!

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