This is a NASTY little WOD (test)...
Ben Bergeron (owner of
CFNE) is a mad-scientist of crossfit and all things physical (not to mention mental)!
He tests, retests and experiments on ALL types of bodies and abilities!!!
From their mainsite
CompTrain sites...he trains average Jills/Joes to Elite Games Qualifiers!
Last year CompTrain programming had a TON of open athletes working thru the daily WOD's. And there were a bunch from all over the world that MADE it to Regionals...some to the games!!!
His programming and work embodies what I believe Crossfit is truly! Anyone and everyone can be doing the same (scaled or otherwise) WOD. This makes the "sharing of the pain" more bearable...
Speaking of that, is there anything more motivating that someone who is working out with you...WHILE they are doing their set...HOLLERING (well, encouraging and speaking loudly) at you to keep moving and going?!?!?
This is what happens in a WOD like the BEEP TEST... All I wanted to do was give up (weak on my part)...And all I could hear was Val saying, "Let's GO!!! Keep moving"
Warm-Up on your own...JB & Oz did Suicides (I believe)...
Then...when you are ready ~
EMOM for as long as possible...
7 Thrusters (75#/55#)
7 Pull Ups
7 Burpees
(Scale to 6's or 5's if you need to...)
Otherwise, If you need a workout, and you do not feel you have pushed yourself enough (not made enough rounds) ~ Rest a Minute or Two and goto REPs of 5's or 4's and try to continue...
Suggestion is that Open Athletes make it to 9 Rounds (Yea, right...Holy Cow!!)
Our First time ever doing Beep Test is
Feidt ~ 3 Rnds + 17 Reps / Then did 5's for quite a while!!!
JB ~ 2 Rnds +?? / Went to 5's and seemed like he could go forever!!!
Oz ~ 2 Rnds + 19 Reps / Got mad at himself so started SNATCH...and just got more frustrated...Wait till the breakthru happens...He will be unstoppable once he breaks the 145# Snatch mark!!!
Witt ~ 2Rnds + 14 (5's) / Then 50-40-30-20-10 Jump Rope, Sit Ups, Push Ups
Val ~ 2 Rnds / 1min rest / 3rnds of 5s / 1min rest / 5rnds of 3s
tb ~ 5 Rnds + 13 Reps / Rested 4 Minutes and could only muster up 2 Rnds of 5's...rested another MINUTE and did 2 more rounds of 5's...Mental Toughness needs work!!! I was talking to myself like a skitzo during this workout!