It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Where there's smoke...

WU ~
Mobility / Mashing / Movement

500m Row or 400m Run
10 Spidy & Reach
10 Slow Air Squats
10 Walkouts
10 Fast Air Squats

BB Warm-Up

PAUSE Front Squat (2sec @ Bottom)
OTM x 10:
1 = 2 @ 50%
2 = 2 @ 55%
3 = 2 @ 60%
4 = 1 @ 65%
5 = 1 @ 70%
6-10 ~ Build to Heavy Single (w/ 2s Pause)

Fire Alarm
For Time:
3 Rnds of Bergeron Beep Test*
50/35 Cal Row (Cal Bike or 400m Run)
3 Rnds of BBT
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rnds of BBT

*1 Rnd of BBT is:
7 Thrusters (75/55)
7 Pull Ups
7 Burpees
Scale as needed to complete these as UB reps...4's, 5's or 6's
GOAL is to move thru this constantly & long breaks just to string together the exercises...

200 D/U for least amount of sets (rest as needed b/t)
NOT for time...
If you do not have 20-30 D/U consistently... Work on them and get to 100

Jones ~ 135# / 20:48 (45# & 5's)
Witt ~ 85# / 20:35 (45#/400m Run & 5's)
Halbur ~ 225# /
tb ~ 250# / 19:18 (3:02/4:10/4:16 for the sets of BBT) / 3 Sets (80-80-60)

Praise be to God!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Clean the world

WU ~
Mobility / Foam Roll / Primer

30s Single Unders
3 Rnds ~
12 Slow Air Squats
9 Abmat Sit Ups
6 Slow Push Ups

30s D/U

7 Wall Squats (Squat Therapy)

BB Warm-Up for Clean

OTM ~ Power Cleans:
1 = 3 @ 50%
2 = 3 @ 55%
3 = 2 @ 60%
4 = 2 @ 65%
5 = 1 @ 70%
6 = REST
7 = 1 @ 75%
8 = 1 @ 80%
9, 10, 11 ~ Work to Heavy

CHAINSAW (Masters/Rx Men/Rx Women)
AMRAP in 3min:
15 Cal Bike/Row (150m Run)
15 Power Cleans (115/95/65)
AMRAP in 3min:
12 Cal Bike/Row (100m Run)
12 Power Cleans (135/115/80)
AMRAP in 3min:
9 Cal Bike/Row (50m Run)
9 Power Cleans (155/135/95)

EMOM x 14min:
odd = 15/12 Cal Row
even = Max Kipping HSPU in 30s
GOAL is as many HSPU as this wod... work for consistency!!!

Daliege ~ 200# / 1rnd + 15 Cal (45reps) / 2rnds (48reps) / 2rnds + 8cal (44reps)
Stan ~ 155# / 1rnd + 15 Cal (45reps) / 2rnds (48reps) / 2rnds + 3cal (39reps - 125#)
tb ~ 240# / 1rnd + 8 PC (53reps) / 2rnds + 2cal (50reps) / 2rnds + 9cal (45reps) /
15 cal in 4:32 on erg / 6-6-8-8-7-7-9 Kipping HSPU

Monday, November 28, 2016

Soar or Sore...

Back is feeling it from Front Squats on Sat.
And I think from stretching on Sunday...
Watch the straight bending at the waist stretch for hams and groin...

Foam Mobility / Active
500m Slow Row
3 Rnds:
5 Push Ups
7 Sit Ups
9 Hip Ext

10 Warrior Squats

Bergeron WU x 3-4 Reps (45#)

Pause OHS (2 Sec) + 2 Snatch Balance
Every 90s for 5 Rnds (climbing):
Work for Depth (OHS) and Speed (SB)

2 @ 60%
2 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
4 x 1 @ 85%

4 RFT:
5 Muscle Ups (5 Burpee C2B or 5 Burpee PU or 5 Burpees + 5 Pull Ups based on skill)
10 Squat Snatch (115/80)
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Wall Ball Endurance
For Time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 UNBROKEN Wall Balls*
Must drop ball b/t sets, but can take as little or much rest as needed...
GOAL is to be as quick as possible!

Jones ~ Worked / Worked / 15:41 (Burp + PU / 95#)
Witt ~ Worked / Worked / 15:54 (Burp + PU / 55#)
Halbs ~ Worked / 140 / 13:10 (Burp PU / 95#)
tb ~ 85-95-110-120-130 / 135-155-160-170-185 / 14:42 / 4:58
WB = 42s / 1:52 / 3:02... started 12 @ 3:30...finished @ 3:57 / 4:35 / 4:50 / 4:58
Took too much rest after 18 & 15...but may have helped in the stretch...Could pick up 10-20 sec there
Lead us, your servants, in the path of your justice, so that all who hope in You may rejoice with the Church & in Christ.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Your a Jerk...

Work on Split Jerks today...Exciting!

I am feeling this stuff daily!

WU ~
Foam Roll / Mobility / Movement
3 Rnds ~ 4 Warrior Squats + 4 Spidy & Reach + 10 Sit Ups + 15 Cal Row

10 Slow Wall Squats (10s per rep)

Jerk Balance (begin in jerk position but front foot not quite out in front...get under by moving front foot out)
3 x 3 w/ Bar (45#)
3 x 3 w/ light wt

Tall Jerk (start w/ bar just overhead & push under into split jerk)
3 x 3 w/ bar (45#)
3 x 3 w/ light wt

Split Jerk
EMOM x 5:
1 = 3 @ 55%
2 = 2 @ 65%
3 = 2 @ 70%
4 = 1 @ 75%
5 = 1 @ 80%
6-10 ~ work to heavy set

Bar MU + Front Squat
EMOM x 10:
even = 30s Max Bar MU
odd = 3 Front Squats, climbing (begin w/ 65%)

EMOM x 15:
1st = Max KB Swings
2nd = Max TTB
3rd = Max Thrusters (95/65)
4th = REST

tb ~ Jerks = 115-135-160-170-180-195-205-215-225 / MU = 6-7-7-7-6 (33 total) & FS=175-85-200-15-225 / KBS = 30-30-30-25 (115) TTB = 20-20-15-16 (71) / Th = 12-12-10-12 (46) 232 TOTAL

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday...

After the WOD...that is what I was seeing...

Hope the Turkey Day was good... We have a lot to be thankful for!!!
Faith, Family & Friends are on the top of the list...
And if they are not, why not?!?!

Foam Roll, Mobility and Movement

AMRAP in 15min:
90 D/U
70 Cal Row
50 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 Power Cleans (135/95)

Strict Gymnastics (rest as needed, but get some sets of these in)
7 Strict Ring Dips
7 Horiz. Ring Rows
10s Hold on Rings
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Bent-Over DB Row (each arm)
15 Hollow Rocks

tb ~ 1rnd + 90 / 4-4-3

The Lord is king, let the earth rejoice.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Every Minute Counts!

WU ~ 
Roll & Mobility

Strict HSPU
EMOM x 12min:
1 =  40%
2 = 35%
3 = 35%
4 = Rest

CTB Pull Ups
One MAX Attempt at C2B (or Pull Ups, or Modified)

RDL + Push Press
odd = 8 RDL (approx 35-45% of DL Max)
even = 8-7-6-5-4-3-2 Push Press (Climbing...begin w/ approx. 50% of Max Jerk wt)

EMOM for 14min:
odd = 15 Wall Ball (20/14)
even = 5 Hang Power Cleans (climbing ~ cannot re-grip!)

Aquire 5:00 in Paleo Chair... lower body relaxed...upper torso straight and upright

Witt ~ PU / 12 mod / 45 RDL & 65x2 /
Jones ~ PU / 15 mod / 90 RDL & 85x2 /
Cort ~ PU / 17  Pull Ups / 135 RDL & 135x2 / 10 WB to deep ball & 135-45-45-55-65-175-185(but had to re-grip)
tb ~ 5-4-4/5-4-4/5-3-2 / 34 C2B / 155 RDL & 115-25-35-45-55-75-195 / 15's ALL UB / 135-45-45-55-65-75-185

I will bless the Lord all my life long.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


30 Singles
3 Rnds ~ 12 Air Squats + 9 Sit Ups + 6 Push Ups
30s D/U

7 Wall Squats (10 Sec / rep)

BB Warm Up

Pausing OHS (3-Sec Pause @ Bottom)
Every 90s perform 2 Reps:
2 @ 60% (max Snatch Wt)
2 @ 70%
2 @ 80%
2 @ 85%
2 @ 90%

With a Running Clock (get as many Calories as possible):
In 3 Minutes perform:
21 OHS (95/65) + 21 Burpees over Rower
Max Cal Row w/ Remaining Time
~ 3 MIN REST (3-6) ~
@ 6 Minute Mark...take 3 Min to perform
18 OHS (115/80) + 18 Burpees over Rower
Max Cal Row w/ Remaining Time
~ 3 MIN REST (9-12) ~
@ 12 Minute Mark...take 3 Min to perform
15 OHS (135/95) + 15 Burpees over Rower
Max Cal Row w/ Remaining Time
~ 3 MIN REST (15-18) ~
@ 18 Minute Mark...take 3 Min to perform
12 OHS (155/115) + 12 Burpees over Rower
Max Cal Row w/ Remaining Time
Score is the TOTAL # of Calories you can acquire!

Finisher ~ 
20 Minutes Capacity Rowing
Every 4 minutes perform 15 GHD Sit Ups + 15 Hip Extensions

Daliege ~ ?? for OHS sets / Bike (20s - 25s - 45s - 60s) ?? Cal...but biked the time
Cort ~ 115 for heavy pause / 65-80-95-115 for FS ~ 6-8-6-13 = 33 TOTAL bad rower! 2950~14:15
tb ~ 135-155-175-195-205 / 9(5)-16(5)-17(6)-18(7) = 60 Cal Total / 3234 ~ 13:12 on rower

Defend me, O God, and plead my cause against a godless nation.

Monday, November 21, 2016


OTM x 5min:
Snatch Pull + Hang Pwr Snatch + Snatch Balance + High Hang Sqt Snatch
(stay light...less than 30% max)
3 @ 60%
3 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
3 x 3 @ 80%
*about 2min Rest b/t sets... ALL Drop from Top... Make each snatch outstanding!

MU Training
Max UB Set of MU (if you have them)
Banded MU work in rack

AMRAP in 15min:
30 D/U (60 Singles)
15 Power Cleans (115#/80#)
30 D/U
15 TTB (knees up to parallel...for sub)

Witt ~ worked Snatch & MU / 2 Rnds + 1 PC
Jones ~ worked Snatch & MU / 3 Rnds + 1 TTB
Cort ~ 4 Rnds + 32singles
tb ~ 4 Rnds + 30-15-18 D/U

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Saturday WOD...

Extra Time...

Every 90sec perform for 6 Rnds of each:
Odd ~ 50 D/U
Even ~ 3 DL + 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (climb to heavy set)

3 Rnds for Time:
800m Row
10 DB Deadlifts (70#/50#)
50' DB Lungewalk
10 DB Deadlifts

tb ~ 50's all UB except the 4th rnd...40-10 / 135-155-165-185-195-205 / 22:13...Ugly
Rows were 3:10-3:23-3:14...1st Rnd = 7:18 / 2nd Rnd = 15:38 (8:20) / 3rd = (6:35)

Friday, November 18, 2016

State Football...

That time of year again... the annual trip down to Madison for WIAA State Football.
Also, a time to get a WOD in at a different gym...

Usually, I will goto Crossfit Farmland...but this year I took advantage of being in the same town as our very own Tyler Wendt! Went to his local box CF Big Dane...

It was great... Got to modify the WOD just enough to get my Masters stuff in as well as get after their WOD and finish some bodywt work of my own!

Foam Roll Warm-Up...
Snatch Tech warm up with Class...

3 x 3 Snatch Grip Sotts Press w/ 45#

Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (work to Heavy Set)

11.1 (14.1)
AMRAP in 10:
30 D/U
15 Pwr Snatch (75#)

Finished w/ 3 Rnds of Barbara (3min Rest b/t Rnds)
(CompTrain had Full Barbara I thought I would get some in)

tb ~ 195# / 6 rnd + 19 D/U (289 Reps) / 22:20 (5:20-5:12-5:48)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Weights Wednesday

Codi Halbur was back visiting from LIFE in Milwaukee!!!
Good to have him back... A couple of Halbur's in the Wt. Room at the same time!

OTM x 12:
HSPU (or push ups)
1st = 40% max UB reps
2nd = 35% max UB reps
3rd = 35% max UB reps
4th = REST
Repeat 3 times

AMRAP in 5min:
21 @ 135/95
15 @ 185/135
9 @ 225 / 155
Max Reps in Remaining time @ 275/185
REST 5 Minutes

AMRAP in 5min:
21 @ 115 / 80
15 @ 135 / 95
9 @ 155 / 105
Max Reps in Remaining time @ 185 / 125
REST 5 Minutes

AMRAP in 5min:
21 @ 115 / 80
15 @ 135 / 95
9 @ 155 / 105
Max Reps in Remaining time @ 185 / 125

Jones ~ 45 (95-135-155) / 42 (45-65-95) / 55 (45-55-65-75)
Witt ~ 45 (45-55-60) / 49 (10DB-35-45-55) / 45 (45-55-65)
Codi H. ~ 45 (135-155-185) / 39 (95-115-135) / 45 (95-115-135)
Cort H ~ 50 ( ) / 45 (95-115-135) / 57 (95-115-135-155)
tb ~ HSPU 4's on each min / 49 / 45 / 50

Keep on loving those who know You, doing justice for upright hearts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dead / Double

Good warm-up with Roll-Out and Stretch...

30s Single Jumps (rope)
3 Rnds: 12 Slow Air Squats + 9 Sit Ups + 6 Slow Push Ups
30s Double Unders

Bar Complex (5 of each)
Good Mornings+Back Squat+Elbow+Strict Press+Stiff-Leg DL+Front Squat

On the Minute x 12:
odd ~ 10-8-6-4-2-1 Deadlift (climbing...start w/ 50-55% of Max DL & work to Heavy)
even ~ 40 D/U (if you do not have great D/U get what you can in 30s)

Row Conditioning
5 Rnds:
200m Row @ 2K pace +7sec (slower)
200m Row @ 2K pace -3 sec (faster)
200m Row @ 2K pace
~ 2 Min Rest b/t Rnds

Midline Cond
OTM x 12
1st ~ Max Strict TTB in 30s
2nd ~ Max Superman Rocks in 30s
3rd ~ Max Hollow Rocks in 30s
4th ~ Max Band Pull-Aparts in 30s
* QUALITY not score!!! Doing these well is more beneficial than pushing thru w/ less than ideal form.

Cort ~ got to 275#DL & 30s of singles / Row completed
Val ~ got to 165#DL
tb ~ 185-225-275-315-365-395 & All 40's UB / Rows completed (data to follow below)
5 Rnd Row time (ave 500m then breakdowns of 500m splits w/o the 1:)
1- 1:48.8 / 52.7-44-49.7
2- 1:49.1 / 54.4-45-48
3- 1:48.2 / 52.7-43.2-49
4- 1:48.1 / 55-42-51.5
5- 1:47.7 / 51.5-43.2-48.5

Praise the Eternal King in all your deeds.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Did the little WOD called Probatio... Done in the past HERE
It is always interesting to see where we are at a few months, or even years later in WOD's.


OTM x 5
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance
3 @ 60%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
4 x 2 @ 80%

OTM x 10:
odd ~ 2 Pausing OHS
even ~ 2-5 Muscle Ups

Probatio (w/ a running clock)
AMRAP in 5min:
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
5 M Rest
AMRAP in 4min:
10m Shuttle (every 10m counts as a rep)
4 M Rest
AMRAP in 3min:
Power Cleans (155#/105#)
3 M Rest
AMRAP in 2min:
Wall Balls (20/14)
2 M Rest
AMRAP in 1min:
Pull Ups

Witter ~ 35-50-24 (75#)-38-12
Jones ~ 41-61-13(95#/2min)-41-20
Halbur ~ 41-72-22-45-23
tb ~ 135-155-165-175 / 155 OHS + 3-3-3-4-2/2/1 / 57-68-33-40-31

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day...11.11

In honor of the Vets and the military that come home with problems...We introduce you to the number "22"...has to do with Mission 22

3-Pos Snatch
High Hang + Low Hang + Floor
1 Set every 90sec:
1 set @  50%
1 set @ 55%
3 sets @ 60%

AMRAP in 22min:
22 Wall Balls
22 Power Snatches (75/55)
22 Box Jumps (24/20)
22 Push Press (75/55)
22 Cal Row

Witt ~ 1rnd + 4Press  ~ 180 Reps
Jones ~ 1rnd + 1Press ~ 177 Reps
Halbs ~ 2rnds + 13press ~ 299 Reps
tb ~ 3rnds (rnd 1&2 = 30#ball / 3rd = 20#) ~ 330 Reps

For Completion & movement with purpose...NOT as fast as you can... Just continue to work with a purpose for the time...get rounds in...but not as fast as possible... Technique and form OVER speed!
0:00 - 5:00 Mark
1 Wall Walk
3 Pausing Strict Pull Ups (3 sec pause with chin over bar)

10sec Ring Hold (lockout position)
5 Horizonal Ring Rows

10sec L-Sit from Hang Position
3 Inchworms

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Halbur, Witt, Jones & tb on Wednesday
Tonn, Daliege & Stan on Thursday

Get a warm-up in...
Wed did this:
10 Spiderman & Reach
10 Slow Squats
10 Walkouts
10 Fast Squats

BB Complex


HSPU (or variation...strict press / push ups / etc)
EMOM x 12
1st = 50% Max UB Reps
2nd = 40% Max UB Reps
3rd = 35% Max UB Reps
4th = Rest

EMOM x 12:
Odd = 4 x Front Squat (60% Front Sqt Max)
Even = 8 x Back Squat (Same Wt.)

EMOM x 12
Odd = 40 D/U (do not work more than 40sec)
Even = Max Reps Bar-Facing Burpees in 40 sec (20s Rest b4 the D/U)
Score is TOTAL # of BFB!!!

Halbur ~ Strict Press / 165# / 11-10-10-10-10-12 (63 TOTAL)
Witt ~ 4-3-3 Push Ups / 45# / XX
Jones ~ ?? / 75# / XX
STAN ~ XX / XX / 8-9-10-10-11-13 (61 TOTAL)
Daliege ~ Mod PU / 95# OHS / 11-11-11-8-11-13 (65 TOTAL)
Val ~ Banded 4-3-3 / 65# / 10-10-9-9-11-11 (60 TOTAL)
tb ~ 4-3-3 / 165# / 10-12-12-12-12-15 (73 TOTAL)

Jesus is King (King of Kings...Lord of Lords)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nasty Women

AMRAP in 4min:
Thrusters (95/65)
Pull Ups

~ 4 Min Rest

AMRAP in 4min:
Deadlift (225/155)

~ 4 Min Rest

AMRAP in 4min:
Clean & Jerk (135/95)

Cort ~ 68 Reps / 53 Reps(185) / 23
Daliege ~ 50 Reps / 55 Reps (185) / 26 (115)
Stan ~ 72 Reps (75) / back got tweeked on Push Ups
Val ~ 57 Reps (45) / 67 (115) / 34(65)
tb ~ 72 Reps / 50 Reps / 29

Monday, November 7, 2016

Nasty Girls


4 @ 50%
4 @ 60%
4 @ 70%
3 x 4 @ 75%

Snatch Grip DL
5 x 2 @ 110%

Nasty Girls
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups (7 Pull Ups + 10 Dips)
10 Hang Power Cleans (135#/95#)

Witt ~ XX / XX / 20:18 (65#)
Halbur ~ ?? / XX / 8:27 (7+10)
STAN ~ XX /XX / 9:41 (95# / 7+10)
tb ~ 110-135-150-160 / 245# / 11:27 (1sec off PR...did not look before the WOD)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

1st Saturday

Warm-Up / Mobility
Thoracic Foam Roll
BB Assist. Thoracic
Front Rack (prone)
Quad/Adductor Foam Roll
Couch Stretch
Dorsi Flex

3 Rnds ~
4 Warrior Squats
4 Spidy & Reach
10 Sit Ups
15 Cal Row

6 Rnds of:
30s Kipping HSPU
30s REST

Hang Squat Clean & Jerk
2 x 60%
2 x 65%
2 x 70%
3 x 2 x 70%
Use 10 Min to get to HEAVY set of 2 Hang Squat Clean & Jerk

Adderall (Rowing)
With a Running Clock
0:00 - 10:00
1600m Row
With Remaining Time ~ Max Reps CLEAN & JERK (135#95)
REST till 13:00
13:00 - 20:00
800m Row
With Remaining Time ~ Max Reps SNATCH (115/80)
REST till 23:00
23:00 - 27:00
400m Row
With Remaining Time ~ Max Reps THRUSTERS (95/65)

tb ~ 42 HSPU(10-7-6-7-6-6) / 135-155-165-180~ 230# / (6:29.9) 23 / (3:13.2) 31 / (1:32.9) 21

Friday, November 4, 2016

Smooth Friday...

Nice Warm Up ~
Roll & Stretch
30s Singles + 400m Run + 30s D/U
10 Slow Air Squats + 15 Abmat Sit Ups + 20s Deadhang Hold on PU Bar

BB Warm Up (5 each):
Good AM + Back Squat + Elbows + Strict Press + Stiff-Leg DL + Front Squat

C2B Test (or pull ups)
1:30 Max # C2B
60s Rest
1:00 Max #  C2B
30s Rest
30s Max # C2B

Bar-Facing Burpees
2 min Max # BFB
30s Rest
1 min Max # BFB
30s Rest
30s Max # BFB

AMRAP in 15min:
60 D/U (120 Singles)
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
15 Deadlift (245/155)

Halbur ~ X / X / 3rnds + 5DL  (410 Reps / Singles + 185# DL)
STAN ~ X / X / 4rnds + 2WB (482 Reps / Singles + 165# DL)
T.Wendt ~ 65 (33-22-10) / 70 (40-19-11) / 3rnds + 1WB (376 Rx)
tb ~ 67 (37-20-10) / 49 (25-15-9) / 2rnd + 6DL (306 Reps)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

BIG Day!

Finding some of the Heaviest Weights we can move around...

Time to get really warmed-up...then get after it!!!

Warm-Up ~
500m Row / 400m Run
BB Complex ~ 5 of each of these (45# bar only):
Good AM's + Back Squats + Elbow Rotations + Strict Press + Stiff-Leg DL + OHS

Big Clean Complex (last HERE)
6 Sets (begin every 5:00min)
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk

We are working for heaviest slowly so it is your last...don't blow your wod by the 4th set!!!

Oz ~ From Tuesday ~ 12 C2B () / 15 TTB () / 1rnd + 3 Burpees
STAN ~ From Monday ~ (75#) ~ 13:04
Halbur ~ 135 or 145 i think
Jones ~ 45-55-65-75-75-65
tb ~ 115-135-155-165-180-195 /

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday Crew!

There was quite a crew in for a Tuesday!
Val, Jones, Halbur, Daliege, Stan (& of course Bertag...doing cardio!)

30s Single Jump Rope
3 Rnd ~ 12 Air Squats + 9 Sit Ups + 6 Push Ups
30s D/U

Lead Foot (3 separate scores)
AMRAP in 4min:
27 Cal Row
27 Burpees
27 C2B
~ 4 Min REST
AMRAP in 4min:
21 Cal Row
21 Burpees
21 TTB
~ 4 Min REST
AMRAP in 4min:
15 Cal Row
15 Burpees
15 Pull Ups

Jones ~ 23 Burpees (50) / 4 TTB (46) / 1 rnd + 8 cal (53) ~ 149 Total Reps
Halbur ~ 5 C2B (59) / 10 TTB (52) / 1 rnd + ?? (45) ~ 156 Total Reps
Val ~ 3 kip (57) / 10 TTB (52) / 1 Rnd (45) ~ 154 Total Reps
Daliege ~ 3 C2B (57) / 1 Rnd (63) / 1 rnd + 15 cal (60) ~ 180 Total Reps
Stan ~ 10 C2B (64) / 19 TTB (61) / 1 rnd + 8 burpees (68) ~ 193 Total Reps
tb ~ 1 rnd (81) / 1rnd + 4 cal (67) / 1 rnd + 4 burpees (64) ~ 212 Total Reps

All Saints Day! 
Blessed be God in His angels and saints!