It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

We did it!

HERE is where it is explained in more detail.
HERE is the initial Dave Castro post on instagram.

Basically it is a HERO workout that Dave Castro just made up for his deceased friend and military buddy... it is 1000 Box Step-Ups... AND yes, that is ONE THOUSAND!!!

50m Suitcase Carry Right Arm
50m Suitcase Carry Left Arm
50m Front Rack Carry Right Arm
50m Front Rack Carry Left Arm
50m OH Carry Right Arm
50m OH Carry Left Arm

Loosen up the shoulders...
3-5 of Each:
Scap Retractions
Kip Swings
Kipping Pull Ups
Strict Pull Ups
Kipping C2B
Strict C2B
Muscle Up Work
1 Rnd Max STRICT Muscle Ups
REST 5 min
30%-40%-50% Unbroken Muscle Ups
200 D/U
50%-40%-30% UB Muscle Ups
1000 Step-Ups for Time
(20" & 45# Backpack on)

Val ~ 200 D/U and some HS work / 400 Step Ups in 30min (then she had to go)
ZW ~ 0 / some work...200 D/U & more attempts / 82:09
tb ~ 0 / 2-3-4 / 60-40-30-30-20-20 / 4-3-2 (12-14 min total...forgot to start a timer) / 84:40
Chad breakdown (every 100 reps) ~ 5-11:30-19:30*-32:34-39:30-48:51-59:30-68:40-76:35-84:40
*took a break to help Drake get set for Sprint workout...started 301 at 23ish
5m / 6:30 / 8m / 13:04(9:34w) / 6:56 / 9:21 / 10:39 / 9:10 / 7:55 / 8:05

Let me tell you...this one was a mental beat down...It was physically challenging as well, but a real mental beat down! After 300...realizing we were only about 1/3 of the way done, was a challenge...
At 500, knowing we were half-way done...seemed like an eternity to go...
This was fun!?!? Yea, give it a try...The challenge is NOT TO QUIT!!!

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