It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Gonna be Sore...

Already feel it in the claves and low back... so did some work on those today!

Warm Up
Hanging Decompression (60s)
4 Quadrant Ab Presure w/ Med Ball (60s ea)
Inversion Table (60s)
2m ~ Banded Fig. 4 w/ Rig (ea leg)
2m ~ Banded Fig. 4 w/ Rig & Rotation (ea leg)
2m ~ Hamstring High Rig (ea leg)
2m ~ Couch Stretch on Wall (ea leg)
3 x 10 ~ Wall Facing Leg Raise (Mod Couch Position)
1m ~ Exaggerated Front Rack Hollow Hold w/ BB
4 Rnds ~
30s ~ Strict Ring Dips
30s ~ REST
30s ~ Strict HSPU
30s ~ REST
For Time:
Abmat Sit Ups

Sengbush ~ 10-5-5-6 (26 Dips) / 5-2-1-3 (11 HSPU) / 9:37
ZW ~ 10-8-7-6 (31 Ring) / 5-5-4-3 (17 HSPU) / 9:17
tb ~ 11-10-11-11 (43 Ring) / 2-3-1-2 (8 HSPU) / 6:54

As you may HSPU were pathetic... I will attribute this to the lack of shoulder warm-up...
We just jumped into the Gymnastics Cond. after the Low Back SmashweRx progression...
Holy Innocents, Pray for us

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