It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Quads feelin' it...

Quads are feeling it today... just sore and slow to start...
Plus Football is a go today... Tonight we start... exciting and burdensome all at same time...
Paperwork and the drudgery of getting started... two more days and we will be back to good!

Mobilize & SmashweRx Warm-Up

3 x Tempo Romainian DL (4s down + 1s Hang)

Strict Pull Ups
Strict HSPU*
*modify/scale as not waste 10m on a set!
For Time:
21 DL + 400m Run
15 DL + 400m Run
9 DL + 400m Run

ZW ~ 12:34 / XX
21's ~ 8-4-3-6s / 8-7-6
15's ~ 4-3-3-5s / 9-6
9's ~ 5-4s / 4-4-1 (failed on 5th attempt on both sets of 4 during 9...)

tb ~ 16-18+ish(under 20min) / 13:07 (sucked)
21 Guns...Drake shut off his timer on me! Modified HSPU to 15-9-6
21's ~ 11-4-3-3 / 3-3-3-5(kipping)-1
15's ~ 12-3 / 2-1-2-2-2
9's ~ 9 / 2-2-1-1
SD ~ 15 Jefferson DL, then 3-3 traditional / 5-10s / 3-6s

Drake did Yesterday Fish out of H2O ~ 17:03 (135#)
Row = 8:20.2 (24) / Splits~2:00.3(27)/2:05.4(24)/2:07.3(24)/2:07.2(24)
Garrett J ~ 19:28 (9:16.9 Row / 115#)
Carson J ~ 16:45 (8:45 Row / 95#)

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